----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Apr 22 17:07:40 GMT 1996 Year: 96 Doy: 113 Observer: koon CHIP--Mon Apr 22 17:11:57 GMT 1996 Startup--Initializing new tape CHIP--Mon Apr 22 17:13:49 GMT 1996 CHIP Start Patrol CHIP--Mon Apr 22 17:17:33 GMT 1996 CHIP End Patrol CHIP--Mon Apr 22 17:18:04 GMT 1996 CHIP Start Patrol MKIII COMMENT: Mon Apr 22 18:02:35 GMT 1996 Difficulty starting due to spar balance. Patching it up to track for the morning. Flat CHIP COMMENT: Mon Apr 22 18:03:19 GMT 1996 Due to the spar tracking, raw images have been moving around wildly. Software has done its best to center if images are not partially out of the field of view. A few of them are OK. Nice prominence at about 220. CHIP COMMENT: Mon Apr 22 18:07:19 GMT 1996 Flat field at 1800 is no good...guiding messed it up. End Flat MKIII COMMENT: Mon Apr 22 18:50:15 GMT 1996 Guider problem solved! It helps to remove the lens cover. WEATHER COMMENT: Mon Apr 22 19:04:20 GMT 1996 Clear sky, wind=10 mph from the SE, temp=45 F. Comment--Mon Apr 22 19:04:51 GMT 1996 Had a problem getting the Spar to track this morning, therefore the start of observations was delayed. Turned out to be that the guider telescope O1 cover was still in place, oops. CHIP--Mon Apr 22 19:06:43 GMT 1996 Flat CHIP--Mon Apr 22 19:11:41 GMT 1996 End Flat LOW-L COMMENT: Mon Apr 22 19:31:40 GMT 1996 Removed L00384 from drive #0 after stopping manually, moved L00385 to drive #0 and installed L00386 in drive #1. As a test to find out how to get the CTS10 signal to be read by the PC (and therefore record the correct time with the data) we set the signal loss period to 2 hours (from none) and the update interval to 1 hour, then set the time one second slow to see if it would update correctly later. To prevent the clock from being corrected when the computer is rebooted to start the Program, run autoexec. CHIP--Mon Apr 22 20:04:17 GMT 1996 CHIP Filemark CHIP--Mon Apr 22 20:04:40 GMT 1996 Flat MKIII COMMENT: Mon Apr 22 20:07:31 GMT 1996 End of MkIII observations just after 2000hrs. CHIP--Mon Apr 22 20:09:33 GMT 1996 End Flat CHIP--Mon Apr 22 20:12:54 GMT 1996 CHIP End Patrol CHIP--Mon Apr 22 20:13:52 GMT 1996 ending tape Comment--Mon Apr 22 20:24:34 GMT 1996 Activity report: QP: 120; 223. No coronal activity. TAPES: ****** MkIII: H01273 CHIP: C00004 LOW-L: L00385 in drive #0 SCAN-LOG SCAN-LOG 17:11:28. 4/22/96 DOY 113 18:54:06 18:57:18 19:00:33 19:03:44 19:06:56 19:10:08 19:13:20 19:16:31 19:19:43 19:22:54 1931 0 CL 19:35:06 1939 15CL 19:44:02 19:47:49 19:51:02 19:54:19 19:57:30 0 ERRORS OK