----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Apr 24 18:13:50 GMT 1996 Year: 96 Doy: 115 Observer: yasukawa CHIP--Wed Apr 24 18:14:14 GMT 1996 Startup--Initializing new tape CHIP--Wed Apr 24 18:16:45 GMT 1996 CHIP Start Patrol WEATHER COMMENT: Wed Apr 24 18:18:00 GMT 1996 Cool, clear. 20-25 mph southeast wind. Comment--Wed Apr 24 18:19:31 GMT 1996 Late start, installed C1 into DPMON before firing up the systems. CHIP--Wed Apr 24 19:02:25 GMT 1996 CHIP Filemark CHIP--Wed Apr 24 19:03:45 GMT 1996 Flat CHIP--Wed Apr 24 19:08:13 GMT 1996 End Flat CHIP COMMENT: Wed Apr 24 19:09:22 GMT 1996 No tape mounted in CHIP until after 19000. Flat did not go onto tape either. CHIP--Wed Apr 24 19:17:37 GMT 1996 CHIP End Patrol Comment--Wed Apr 24 19:17:53 GMT 1996 Beginning shutdown procedures to allow for work on installation and testing. CHIP--Wed Apr 24 19:20:13 GMT 1996 ending tape Comment--Wed Apr 24 19:21:40 GMT 1996 Wind is buffeting the spar, but the CHIP images still look sharp. Comment--Wed Apr 24 19:28:44 GMT 1996 Activity Log: Testing phase, no PA measurements. Nice prominence at around 130 and 240. No coronal activity Tapes: MKIII: H01275 DPMON: P00593 recycling tape LOWL: L00385 CHIP: C00006 SCAN-LOG SCAN-LOG 18:08:05. 4/24/96 DOY 115 18:14:56 18:18:10 18:21:24 18:24:38 18:27:51 18:31:03 18:34:16 18:37:28 1841 0 CL 18:44:20 1848 15CL 18:55:06 19:00:03 19:03:14 19:06:26 19:09:38 19:12:55 19:16:06 19:19:19 0 ERRORS OK