----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Jul 26 17:08:07 GMT 1996 Year: 96 Doy: 208 Observer: koon WEATHER COMMENT: Fri Jul 26 17:08:11 GMT 1996 Scattered cirrus, wind=5 mph from the West, temp=45 F. COMMENT: Fri Jul 26 17:08:48 GMT 1996 Came up slow today to let my inner ears gradually adjust to pressure changes, just getting over a bad cold. Also noticed that the GSA car brakes are squeaking, that means they will chew up the rotors within the next few days, so I'll have to leave early to get the brakes fixed. Fri Jul 26 18:00:54 GMT 1996 dPMon Flat Fri Jul 26 18:01:49 GMT 1996 dPMon End Flat Fri Jul 26 18:03:47 GMT 1996 CHIP Bias Fri Jul 26 18:04:52 GMT 1996 CHIP End Bias Fri Jul 26 18:05:01 GMT 1996 CHIP Water Fri Jul 26 18:05:36 GMT 1996 CHIP End Water Fri Jul 26 19:00:50 GMT 1996 dPMon Flat Fri Jul 26 19:01:42 GMT 1996 dPMon End Flat Fri Jul 26 19:04:27 GMT 1996 CHIP Bias Fri Jul 26 19:05:30 GMT 1996 CHIP End Bias Fri Jul 26 19:05:37 GMT 1996 CHIP Water Fri Jul 26 19:06:09 GMT 1996 CHIP End Water CHIP COMMENT: Fri Jul 26 19:10:03 GMT 1996 Ending Patrol and starting Special, sky is clear around the sun, but cirrus clouds are scattered on the horizon. Fri Jul 26 19:12:36 GMT 1996 CHIP CHIP End Patrol Fri Jul 26 19:13:42 GMT 1996 CHIP Start Special WEATHER COMMENT: Fri Jul 26 19:52:07 GMT 1996 Cirrus starting to pass by. Fri Jul 26 20:00:53 GMT 1996 dPMon Flat Fri Jul 26 20:01:48 GMT 1996 dPMon End Flat COMMENT: Fri Jul 26 20:12:12 GMT 1996 Extended the dome slot. WEATHER COMMENT: Fri Jul 26 20:12:26 GMT 1996 Unfortunately a thin to medium cirrostratus layer is moving over us from the West. Fri Jul 26 21:00:54 GMT 1996 dPMon Flat Fri Jul 26 21:01:47 GMT 1996 dPMon End Flat Fri Jul 26 21:14:52 GMT 1996 dPMon End Patrol Fri Jul 26 21:15:08 GMT 1996 CHIP End Special WEATHER COMMENT: Fri Jul 26 21:21:32 GMT 1996 Just got covered by extensive orographic cloud layer, this layer has slowly moved up to us and is very extensive, I don't think we will have Spar tracking for several hours at least. WEATHER COMMENT: Fri Jul 26 21:32:10 GMT 1996 The weather service predicts thundershowers today, which explains the thick lower layer of clouds upon us. The most recent satellite pictures show extensive upper and lower level cloud cover. WEATHER COMMENT: Fri Jul 26 21:45:03 GMT 1996 starting to get some fog. COMMENT: Fri Jul 26 21:51:00 GMT 1996 Due to the increasingly bad weather and the need to get brake work done to the GSA car before the weekend I will close down and head for Hilo. I seriously doubt that the low level thick clouds/fog will clear in the next two hours for more SUMER support data. COMMENT: Fri Jul 26 21:58:36 GMT 1996 Activity report: QP: 115; 132; 225; 235; 240. No coronal activity. TAPES: ****** MKIII: H01345 DPMON: P00666 CHIP: C00083 LOWL: L00405 in drive #0 SCAN-LOG SCAN-LOG 17:15:53. 7/26/96 DOY 208 17:25:56 17:29:13 17:32:31 17:35:45 17:38:59 17:42:13 17:45:27 17:48:40 17:51:54 17:55:07 17:58:20 18:01:33 18:04:47 18:07:59 18:11:13 1828 0 CL 18:31:35 1837 15CL 18:55:05 19:07:01 19:10:12 19:13:26 19:16:38 19:19:51 19:23:01 19:26:14 19:29:25 19:32:37 19:35:48 19:39:01 19:42:13 19:45:25 19:48:36 19:51:48 19:55:00 19:58:12 20:01:24 20:04:36 20:07:48 20:11:01 20:14:13 20:17:26 20:20:38 20:23:51 20:27:03 20:30:21 20:33:33 20:36:47 20:39:59 20:43:12 20:46:25 20:49:38 20:52:50 20:56:04 20:59:16 21:02:29 21:05:41 21:08:54 21:12:06 21:15:20 0 ERRORS OK