----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Jul 27 16:55:50 GMT 1996 Year: 96 Doy: 209 Observer: koon WEATHER COMMENT: Sat Jul 27 16:55:55 GMT 1996 Scattered cirrus, wind=10 mph from the SW, temp=44 F. Sat Jul 27 16:56:52 GMT 1996 CHIP Startup--Initializing new tape Sat Jul 27 17:01:00 GMT 1996 dPMon Start Patrol Sat Jul 27 17:01:16 GMT 1996 CHIP CHIP Start Patrol DPMON COMMENT: Sat Jul 27 17:07:57 GMT 1996 The occulting wheel now rotates in the correct direction for all changes, this directions leaves the least play in the wheel when it stops and so the occulting drift due to wheel imbalance should be at a minimum now. Also the disk image vignetting has been greatly reduced since Eric added some tilt to the Daystar filter. LOW-L COMMENT: Sat Jul 27 17:36:51 GMT 1996 Switched over to drive #1 today as it should have but crashed at 1601 ut with no scans or files written, head was pointed at sun position for 1601. Removed L00405 from drive #0, moved L00406 from drive #1 to #0, loaded L00407 in drive #1 and reset the computer. Also cleaned drive #0. Sat Jul 27 17:41:10 GMT 1996 dPMon End Patrol DPMON COMMENT: Sat Jul 27 17:41:59 GMT 1996 Was getting a kind of double image at the top of the disk image, it wasn't affecting the solar image but was visible just to the North of the limb. Did a Kill/Run sequence to see if that would help, but it didn't make a difference. I'll see if it eventually goes away. Sat Jul 27 17:50:06 GMT 1996 dPMon End Patrol DPMON COMMENT: Sat Jul 27 17:50:58 GMT 1996 The last disk image was a double image and affected the disk itself, so I did Kill/Run again. The next disk image looked like the earlier images from this morning, still not normal but the disk looked OK. DPMON COMMENT: Sat Jul 27 18:01:48 GMT 1996 The last disk image looked normal, best I've seen today. Sat Jul 27 18:02:48 GMT 1996 dPMon End Flat Sat Jul 27 18:03:28 GMT 1996 CHIP Bias Sat Jul 27 18:04:46 GMT 1996 CHIP End Bias Sat Jul 27 18:04:54 GMT 1996 CHIP Water Sat Jul 27 18:05:36 GMT 1996 CHIP End Water Sat Jul 27 19:01:58 GMT 1996 dPMon Flat Sat Jul 27 19:02:54 GMT 1996 dPMon End Flat Sat Jul 27 19:04:18 GMT 1996 CHIP Bias Sat Jul 27 19:05:23 GMT 1996 CHIP End Bias Sat Jul 27 19:05:30 GMT 1996 CHIP Water Sat Jul 27 19:06:13 GMT 1996 CHIP End Water Sat Jul 27 20:01:56 GMT 1996 dPMon Flat Sat Jul 27 20:02:28 GMT 1996 CHIP Gain Sat Jul 27 20:02:55 GMT 1996 dPMon End Flat Sat Jul 27 20:07:09 GMT 1996 CHIP End Gain Sat Jul 27 20:07:17 GMT 1996 CHIP Bias Sat Jul 27 20:07:58 GMT 1996 CHIP End Bias Sat Jul 27 20:08:08 GMT 1996 CHIP Water Sat Jul 27 20:08:35 GMT 1996 CHIP End Water Sat Jul 27 20:40:59 GMT 1996 dPMon End Patrol WEATHER COMMENT: Sat Jul 27 20:41:26 GMT 1996 Orographic clouds with light fog blowing over. Paused instruments and closed the dome. Sat Jul 27 20:42:01 GMT 1996 CHIP CHIP End Patrol MKIII COMMENT: Sat Jul 27 20:43:28 GMT 1996 Stalled while trying to write to tape (I think). Rebooted the computer and loaded a new tape. Sat Jul 27 21:44:54 GMT 1996 CHIP ending tape COMMENT: Sat Jul 27 22:55:26 GMT 1996 Activity report: QP: 50-60; 225; 280; 293. No coronal activity. TAPES: ****** MKIII: H01346 DPMON: P00667 CHIP: C00084 LOWL: L00406 in drive #0 SCAN-LOG SCAN-LOG 17:01:48. 7/27/96 DOY 209 17:12:18 17:15:34 17:18:52 17:22:08 17:25:26 17:28:43 17:32:01 17:35:17 17:38:38 17:41:53 17:45:08 17:48:22 17:51:37 17:54:51 17:58:06 1805 0 CL 18:08:05 1812 15CL 18:18:00 18:22:01 18:25:16 18:28:37 18:31:51 18:35:05 18:38:18 18:41:32 18:44:45 18:47:59 18:51:12 18:54:26 18:57:39 19:00:53 19:04:06 19:07:20 19:10:33 19:13:48 19:17:01 19:20:16 19:23:29 19:26:43 19:29:56 19:33:10 19:36:23 0 ERRORS OK