----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Aug 26 16:54:30 GMT 1996 Year: 96 Doy: 239 Observer: koon WEATHER COMMENT: Mon Aug 26 16:54:33 GMT 1996 Clear sky, wind=10 mpg from the SE, temp=45 F. Mon Aug 26 16:55:06 GMT 1996 CHIP Startup--Initializing new tape Mon Aug 26 16:58:37 GMT 1996 dPMon Start Patrol Mon Aug 26 16:58:49 GMT 1996 CHIP CHIP Start Patrol Mon Aug 26 17:01:57 GMT 1996 dPMon Flat Mon Aug 26 17:02:50 GMT 1996 dPMon End Flat Mon Aug 26 17:03:49 GMT 1996 CHIP Bias Mon Aug 26 17:05:04 GMT 1996 CHIP End Bias Mon Aug 26 17:05:13 GMT 1996 CHIP Water Mon Aug 26 17:05:52 GMT 1996 CHIP End Water LOWL COMMENT: Mon Aug 26 17:07:34 GMT 1996 Program was running but tapes were popped out of both drives. The tape in drive #0 should have popped out yesterday but data should be going to the tape in drive #1. Tape drive #1 has given problems for the last 4 cycles, either it switches to drive #0 after 1 day or it doesn't pop out of the drive after a good switchover, one time the program crashed with data going to drive #1. This may all be coincidental so I will keep trying and try to start up on drive #1 if it gives problems (instead of restarting with drive #0), that way drive #1 will run more often and we can see more easily if there is something wrong with it. The program was running OK and showed drive #1 as the data tape drive even though both tapes were popped out, so I pushed L00411 back into drive #1 and removed L00410 from drive #0 and installed L00412 in drive #0. L00411 got popped back out of drive #1, so I cleaned that drive and tried again. LOWL COMMENT: Mon Aug 26 17:40:02 GMT 1996 I cleaned drive #0 too. I manually rewound L00411 before installing into drive #1 again. So far it is working OK and has about 20 scans on tape, it stalled for a while with message:tape and tape 1: data for 5+ seconds before writing the 7th scan and moving on. Those messages normally appear as data goes to tape but they flash by in less than one second normally. Mon Aug 26 18:01:54 GMT 1996 dPMon Flat Mon Aug 26 18:02:16 GMT 1996 CHIP Bias Mon Aug 26 18:02:46 GMT 1996 dPMon End Flat Mon Aug 26 18:03:37 GMT 1996 CHIP End Bias Mon Aug 26 18:03:48 GMT 1996 CHIP Water Mon Aug 26 18:04:22 GMT 1996 CHIP End Water CHIP COMMENT: Mon Aug 26 18:34:43 GMT 1996 The image is gradually getting offband it appears. Whole image is getting lighter with less contrast, but it looked OK this morning. I talked to David and checked the temperature controller for loose cables-none and got the output voltage (9.96 vdc), voltage should be 0-10 volts. David will probably ask Greg Card for advice then get back to me. Mon Aug 26 19:01:59 GMT 1996 dPMon Flat Mon Aug 26 19:02:52 GMT 1996 dPMon End Flat Mon Aug 26 19:03:17 GMT 1996 CHIP Bias Mon Aug 26 19:04:36 GMT 1996 CHIP End Bias Mon Aug 26 19:04:45 GMT 1996 CHIP Water Mon Aug 26 19:05:19 GMT 1996 CHIP End Water Mon Aug 26 20:01:53 GMT 1996 dPMon Flat Mon Aug 26 20:02:48 GMT 1996 dPMon End Flat Mon Aug 26 20:05:12 GMT 1996 CHIP Gain Mon Aug 26 20:09:48 GMT 1996 CHIP End Gain Mon Aug 26 20:09:57 GMT 1996 CHIP Bias Mon Aug 26 20:10:38 GMT 1996 CHIP End Bias Mon Aug 26 20:10:47 GMT 1996 CHIP Water Mon Aug 26 20:11:17 GMT 1996 CHIP End Water COMMENT: Mon Aug 26 20:28:58 GMT 1996 Extended the dome slot. CHIP COMMENT: Mon Aug 26 20:29:07 GMT 1996 Something caused the temperature control to go unstable this morning. By monitoring the controller output and the setpoint and the sensor outputs on the controller (on the Spar) and the temperature displayed on the MCC monitor downstairs I could see the temperature go up to at least 37.5 then down to about 32.8 then back up to about 35.3 before coming down and stabilizing in the desired range of between 34.3 and 34.5. The whole process took about 2 hours. Final values: controller output 8.16 vdc, setpoint output 0.643 vdc (remained constant throughout), sensor output 0.679, and temperature at 34.41. All is well. CHIP COMMENT: Mon Aug 26 21:25:13 GMT 1996 Stalled with Optics:Busy, restarted with Kill/Run. CHIP COMMENT: Mon Aug 26 21:59:54 GMT 1996 The last restart didn't make it past the Program:init phase, restarting again using Kill/Run. Mon Aug 26 22:01:58 GMT 1996 CHIP CHIP Start Patrol DPMON COMMENT: Mon Aug 26 22:04:29 GMT 1996 Stalled with Optics:Busy, restarted with Kill/Run. Mon Aug 26 22:07:07 GMT 1996 dPMon Start Patrol Mon Aug 26 22:19:57 GMT 1996 dPMon End Patrol Mon Aug 26 22:23:30 GMT 1996 CHIP ending tape COMMENT: Mon Aug 26 22:27:00 GMT 1996 Activity report: QP: 122; 220-240; 310. No coronal activity. TAPES: ****** MKIII: H01372 DPMON: P00693 CHIP: C00110 LOWL: L00411 in drive #1 SCAN-LOG SCAN-LOG 16:59:13. 8/26/96 DOY 239 17:03:50 17:07:04 17:10:18 17:13:34 17:16:51 17:20:09 17:23:24 17:26:39 17:29:52 17:33:06 17:36:18 17:39:32 17:42:45 17:46:03 17:49:17 17:52:31 17:55:44 17:58:57 1805 0 CL 18:10:27 1817 15CL 18:25:39 18:33:49 18:37:02 18:40:19 18:43:29 18:46:46 18:49:57 18:53:09 18:56:20 18:59:35 19:02:46 19:06:00 19:09:11 19:12:24 19:15:36 19:18:49 19:22:02 19:25:18 19:28:29 19:31:42 19:34:53 19:38:06 19:41:17 19:44:30 19:47:42 19:50:56 19:54:07 19:57:19 20:00:30 20:03:42 20:06:53 20:10:07 20:13:18 20:16:32 20:19:42 20:22:54 20:26:05 20:29:17 20:32:28 20:35:40 20:38:50 20:42:08 20:45:21 20:48:33 20:51:44 20:54:56 20:58:08 21:01:20 21:04:31 21:07:44 21:10:56 21:14:08 21:17:19 21:20:31 21:23:42 21:26:55 21:30:06 21:33:18 21:36:29 21:39:41 21:42:53 21:46:05 21:49:18 21:52:37 21:55:48 21:59:00 22:02:12 22:05:24 22:08:36 22:11:54 22:15:08 22:18:20 0 ERRORS OK