----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Oct 29 16:52:09 GMT 1996 Year: 96 Doy: 303 Observer: koon WEATHER COMMENT: Tue Oct 29 16:52:13 GMT 1996 Thick cirrostratus overcast, wind=10 mph from the East, tenp=42 F. LOW-L COMMENT: Tue Oct 29 16:52:49 GMT 1996 I will monitor and assess the cloud situation for a while to make sure there is no chance of rain today before I start on the Harmonic Drive change. WEATHER COMMENT: Tue Oct 29 16:54:49 GMT 1996 Too cloudy to start any instruments yet. WEATHER COMMENT: Tue Oct 29 18:41:23 GMT 1996 Cirrostratus is coming over from the usual Westerly direction, low clouds in Hilo aren't coming upslope, rain is very unlikely up here today. COMMENT: Tue Oct 29 18:42:40 GMT 1996 Network connections beyond Hawaii aren't working, had to use Modem to check e-mail in Boulder. LOW-L COMMENT: Tue Oct 29 18:43:45 GMT 1996 Will stop the program and start the Harmonic Drive switch now. LOW-L COMMENT: Wed Oct 30 00:51:50 GMT 1996 New Harmonic Drive is installed, no major problems but lots of challenges along the way. Program is running and head is pointed toward the sun but it is cloudy so I can't see any images. COMMENT: Wed Oct 30 00:53:36 GMT 1996 No data today due to cloudy weather.