----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Nov 1 17:07:42 GMT 1996 Year: 96 Doy: 306 Observer: koon WEATHER COMMENT: Fri Nov 1 17:07:53 GMT 1996 Medium cirrus, wind=5 mph from the SW, temp=44 F. COMMENT: Fri Nov 1 17:08:36 GMT 1996 HELCO has a scheduled power shutdown for our area this morning from 7:30 to 7:45 so they can make some upgrades. Since it is partially cloudy around the sun now I will wait until the power comes back on after this shutdown to start up observations. LOW-L COMMENT: Fri Nov 1 17:19:19 GMT 1996 Glad to see it is tracking properly, stopping observations before the power outage, will remove L00423 from drive #0 and send to Steve for analysis of the new Harmonic Drive operation. Will move L00424 into drive #0 and install L00425 in drive #1 for continued observations after the power returns. COMMENT: Fri Nov 1 18:00:54 GMT 1996 Power is back on, it was out from 1737 to 1747, starting observations now. Fri Nov 1 18:07:23 GMT 1996 dPMon Start Patrol Fri Nov 1 18:07:34 GMT 1996 CHIP CHIP Start Patrol COMMENT: Fri Nov 1 18:13:05 GMT 1996 All systems seem to be operational after the power outage. Had to reset the clock, MCC reset button, and the CHIP cooling unit reset button. WEATHER COMMENT: Fri Nov 1 18:40:00 GMT 1996 Thick altocumulus clouds are here now, with orographic clouds starting to come up also. MKIII COMMENT: Fri Nov 1 18:40:46 GMT 1996 Stopping due to clouds. Fri Nov 1 19:02:07 GMT 1996 dPMon Flat Fri Nov 1 19:03:01 GMT 1996 dPMon End Flat Fri Nov 1 19:03:36 GMT 1996 CHIP Bias Fri Nov 1 19:04:40 GMT 1996 CHIP End Bias Fri Nov 1 19:04:49 GMT 1996 CHIP Water Fri Nov 1 19:05:22 GMT 1996 CHIP End Water Fri Nov 1 19:10:00 GMT 1996 dPMon End Patrol DPMON COMMENT: Fri Nov 1 19:10:10 GMT 1996 Pausing due to clouds. CHIP COMMENT: Fri Nov 1 19:10:23 GMT 1996 Pausing due to clouds. Fri Nov 1 19:11:58 GMT 1996 CHIP CHIP End Patrol WEATHER COMMENT: Fri Nov 1 19:57:36 GMT 1996 It looks like it might rain so I closed the dome. WEATHER COMMENT: Fri Nov 1 23:24:42 GMT 1996 Weather didn't clear up, but got some data in morning. Fri Nov 1 23:25:23 GMT 1996 CHIP ending tape COMMENT: Fri Nov 1 23:25:06 GMT 1996 Activity report: QP: I didn't get a chance to see any prominences but there may still be some dPMon data that I didn't see. No coronal activity seen through clouds. TAPES: ****** MKIII: H01427 DPMON: P00752 CHIP: C00169 LOWL: L00423 and L00424 in drive #0 SCAN-LOG SCAN-LOG 18:10:46. 11/1/96 DOY 306 18:15:37 18:18:54 18:22:13 18:25:29 18:28:47 18:32:04 18:35:21 18:38:37 0 ERRORS OK