----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Jan 7 17:46:39 GMT 1997 Year: 97 Doy: 007 Observer: koon WEATHER COMMENT: Tue Jan 7 17:46:49 GMT 1997 Clear sky, wind=10 mph from the SW, temp=39 F. Tue Jan 7 17:47:34 GMT 1997 CHIP Startup--Initializing new tape Tue Jan 7 17:51:05 GMT 1997 dPMon Start Patrol Tue Jan 7 17:51:17 GMT 1997 CHIP CHIP Start Patrol Tue Jan 7 18:01:03 GMT 1997 dPMon Flat Tue Jan 7 18:01:05 GMT 1997 CHIP Bias Tue Jan 7 18:01:47 GMT 1997 CHIP End Bias Tue Jan 7 18:01:57 GMT 1997 CHIP Water Tue Jan 7 18:02:02 GMT 1997 dPMon End Flat Tue Jan 7 18:02:26 GMT 1997 CHIP End Water Tue Jan 7 19:01:00 GMT 1997 dPMon Flat Tue Jan 7 19:01:51 GMT 1997 dPMon End Flat Tue Jan 7 19:03:10 GMT 1997 CHIP Bias Tue Jan 7 19:04:08 GMT 1997 CHIP End Bias Tue Jan 7 19:04:15 GMT 1997 CHIP Water Tue Jan 7 19:04:44 GMT 1997 CHIP End Water Tue Jan 7 20:01:03 GMT 1997 dPMon Flat Tue Jan 7 20:01:58 GMT 1997 dPMon End Flat Tue Jan 7 20:02:01 GMT 1997 CHIP Gain CHIP COMMENT: Tue Jan 7 20:27:37 GMT 1997 Had to run Fixbusy, program stalled during cal. I noticed that the Mike controller was set to local, I set it to remote and the program continued. Tue Jan 7 20:30:29 GMT 1997 CHIP End Gain Tue Jan 7 20:30:44 GMT 1997 CHIP Bias Tue Jan 7 20:31:26 GMT 1997 CHIP End Bias Tue Jan 7 20:31:33 GMT 1997 CHIP Water Tue Jan 7 20:31:58 GMT 1997 CHIP End Water DPMON COMMENT: Tue Jan 7 20:48:00 GMT 1997 Stalled while in sync mode, Optics:Busy, did a Kill/Run to fix. CHIP COMMENT: Tue Jan 7 20:49:39 GMT 1997 Stalled with Optics:Busy, used Fixbusy but that didn't work, did a Kill/Run. DPMON COMMENT: Tue Jan 7 20:54:18 GMT 1997 An interesting thing happened, I couldn't get Run to work for dPMon until I fixed the CHIP stall with Kill/Run. Before that I kept getting the message to make the MCC ready (whenever I tried Run on the dPMon). Now the dPMon is stalled with Program:Init and Optics: Busy. Tue Jan 7 21:00:47 GMT 1997 dPMon Start Patrol Tue Jan 7 21:09:26 GMT 1997 CHIP CHIP Start Patrol Tue Jan 7 21:11:50 GMT 1997 dPMon Start Patrol CHIP COMMENT: Tue Jan 7 20:57:38 GMT 1997 Stalled with Program:Init and Optics:Pend. Reset MCC, lost monitor display. 10 minutes later still no display, 2 red fail LEDS lit on MCC. Cycled power to MCC, 5 minutes later still no display and LEDs still lit, reset MCC, 5 minutes later have a display and LEDs not lit. Did a Run for CHIP and was able to continue observations. I did a Kill on both CHIP and dPMon before the first MCC reset. DPMON COMMENT: Tue Jan 7 21:15:17 GMT 1997 Run started up program OK now and back to observations. Tue Jan 7 22:01:03 GMT 1997 CHIP Bias Tue Jan 7 22:01:59 GMT 1997 CHIP End Bias Tue Jan 7 22:02:10 GMT 1997 CHIP Water Tue Jan 7 22:02:43 GMT 1997 CHIP End Water Tue Jan 7 22:03:03 GMT 1997 dPMon Flat Tue Jan 7 22:03:58 GMT 1997 dPMon End Flat Tue Jan 7 22:18:54 GMT 1997 dPMon End Patrol Tue Jan 7 22:20:50 GMT 1997 CHIP CHIP End Patrol COMMENT: Tue Jan 7 22:29:33 GMT 1997 Stopping observations to backup MK3 dd#2 and get the GSA car down to the shop so the shock mount can be repaired. Tue Jan 7 22:34:45 GMT 1997 CHIP ending tape COMMENT: Tue Jan 7 22:32:59 GMT 1997 Activity report: QP: 47; 62-78; 118; 132; 245; 304. No coronal activity. TAPES: ****** MKIII: H01464 DPMON: P00792 CHIP: C00209 LOWL: L00433 in drive #0 SCAN-LOG SCAN-LOG 17:51:40. 1/7/97 DOY 7 18:00:03 18:03:13 18:06:27 18:09:39 18:12:53 18:16:06 18:19:21 18:22:35 18:25:50 18:29:04 18:32:19 18:35:33 18:38:49 1845 0 CL 18:52:50 1858 15CL 19:32:33 19:40:11 19:43:28 19:46:48 19:50:05 19:53:26 19:56:41 19:59:56 20:03:09 20:06:24 20:09:38 20:12:52 20:16:06 20:19:20 20:22:33 20:25:48 20:29:01 20:32:21 20:35:37 20:38:51 20:42:04 20:45:24 20:48:37 20:51:52 20:55:06 20:58:22 21:01:36 21:04:52 21:08:06 21:11:21 21:14:36 21:17:51 21:21:05 21:24:22 21:27:36 21:30:51 21:34:08 21:37:30 21:40:45 21:44:02 21:47:18 21:50:35 21:53:51 21:57:08 22:00:24 22:03:41 22:06:57 0 ERRORS OK