----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Mar 5 16:59:03 GMT 1997 Year: 97 Doy: 064 Observer: yasukawa WEATHER COMMENT: Wed Mar 5 16:59:11 GMT 1997 In heavy cirrostratus overcast, not enough sun to guide, observations unlikely. Southeast wind. COMMENT: Wed Mar 5 17:00:21 GMT 1997 Construction of NOAA's new building underway, Heavy equipment operating just below our site. COMMENT: Wed Mar 5 17:14:00 GMT 1997 Installed replacement Etherlink III card into PC. Reconnected ethernet and tested card. Works fine, in fact, all of the sluggishness and problems we've been experiencing on the Internet with the PC seems gone. Those problems may have been caused by a slowly failing card that finally died bless its heart. COMMENT: Wed Mar 5 18:36:35 GMT 1997 Installed CD-ROM drive in PC. Juli forgot to include the host adapter card in the shipment so testing and conversion to Win95 cannot be done yet. Emailed Juli to request the card. COMMENT: Wed Mar 5 18:45:36 GMT 1997 Further testing of the network card reveals that initial tests just occurred while the network was very efficient. The sluggishness and failure to STOP and the need to restart Windows to continue after a stop attempt continues. Problem must still lie with the software. WEATHER COMMENT: Wed Mar 5 18:52:00 GMT 1997 Weather looks like it'll be around for a few days. Shutting down to use this opportunity to complete performance appraisals in Hilo.