----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Mar 28 17:02:54 GMT 1997 Year: 97 Doy: 087 Observer: koon WEATHER COMMENT: Fri Mar 28 17:02:59 GMT 1997 Light fog passing over, thick clouds from below up to just above our elevation, wind=15 mph from the SSE, temp=38 F. COMMENT: Fri Mar 28 17:04:12 GMT 1997 Will wait for fog to clear before opening the dome and starting observations. LOW-L COMMENT: Fri Mar 28 17:10:40 GMT 1997 Found both tapes popped out of their drives. Removed L00446 from drive #0, it should have popped out anyway. Cleaned both tape drives, although the cleaning lights were only blinking for drive #0. Moved L00447 from drive #1 to drive #0, installed L00448 in drive #1, program was still running and started writing to drive #0 without any problems. WEATHER COMMENT: Fri Mar 28 18:03:45 GMT 1997 Fog is higher and thicker now, high clouds are moving in also. Observing is unlikely for today so I am heading down to Hilo to work on some things. COMMENT: Fri Mar 28 18:05:58 GMT 1997 TAPES: ****** LOWL: L00447 in drive #0