----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue May 13 16:45:42 GMT 1997 Year: 97 Doy: 133 Observer: koon WEATHER COMMENT: Tue May 13 16:45:46 GMT 1997 Thin scattered cirrus, wind=10 mph from the SW, temp=50 F. Tue May 13 16:55:27 GMT 1997 dPMon Start Patrol CHIP COMMENT: Tue May 13 16:53:57 GMT 1997 Kept getting error messages: couldn't open /dev/rmt/0mbn No tape or write protected Also the MKIII tape from yesterday wasn't popped out of the drive as it should have been this morning. Did a Kill, then cleaned the tape drive twice, then loaded the same tape and started up with Run. MKIII COMMENT: Tue May 13 16:59:30 GMT 1997 Getting error message that tape drive #0 is offline or write protected. I wonder if there is a connection with the same problem on the CHIP tape drive? Tue May 13 17:02:08 GMT 1997 dPMon Flat Tue May 13 17:03:04 GMT 1997 dPMon End Flat Tue May 13 17:05:22 GMT 1997 CHIP Startup--Initializing new tape CHIP COMMENT: Tue May 13 17:07:55 GMT 1997 Got a "Media Error" while trying to write a file mark during tape initialization. Will try a different tape. MKIII COMMENT: Tue May 13 17:12:14 GMT 1997 After cleaning the drive it looks like data are going to the same tape that I originally loaded this morning. Tue May 13 17:16:26 GMT 1997 CHIP Startup--Initializing new tape Tue May 13 17:26:20 GMT 1997 CHIP Startup--Initializing new tape CHIP COMMENT: Tue May 13 17:29:10 GMT 1997 Got the same "Media Error" message with a different tape, so I tried a Kill (ejected the tape first), cycled the tape drive power, inserted the same tape and tried a Run. It has worked so far, I guess the tape drive power needed to be cycled. Will keep the first tape I tried also, for future use since it is probably OK. MKIII COMMENT: Tue May 13 17:31:54 GMT 1997 I forgot to mention that I also cycled the tape drive power before trying to load the tape again, that seems to be very helpful with these "Tape not on-line or write protected" problems. Tue May 13 17:33:45 GMT 1997 CHIP CHIP Start Patrol Tue May 13 18:01:03 GMT 1997 CHIP Bias Tue May 13 18:01:49 GMT 1997 CHIP End Bias Tue May 13 18:01:59 GMT 1997 CHIP Water Tue May 13 18:02:08 GMT 1997 dPMon Flat Tue May 13 18:02:31 GMT 1997 CHIP End Water Tue May 13 18:03:04 GMT 1997 dPMon End Flat Tue May 13 19:01:52 GMT 1997 dPMon Flat Tue May 13 19:02:45 GMT 1997 dPMon End Flat Tue May 13 19:03:11 GMT 1997 CHIP Bias Tue May 13 19:04:24 GMT 1997 CHIP End Bias Tue May 13 19:04:33 GMT 1997 CHIP Water Tue May 13 19:05:06 GMT 1997 CHIP End Water Tue May 13 20:03:01 GMT 1997 dPMon Flat Tue May 13 20:03:10 GMT 1997 CHIP Gain Tue May 13 20:03:56 GMT 1997 dPMon End Flat Tue May 13 20:07:22 GMT 1997 CHIP End Gain Tue May 13 20:07:33 GMT 1997 CHIP Bias Tue May 13 20:08:14 GMT 1997 CHIP End Bias Tue May 13 20:08:24 GMT 1997 CHIP Water Tue May 13 20:08:50 GMT 1997 CHIP End Water COMMENT: Tue May 13 20:17:39 GMT 1997 Extended the dome slot. WEATHER COMMENT: Tue May 13 20:17:49 GMT 1997 Orographic clouds starting to creep up from the East. Tue May 13 21:01:03 GMT 1997 CHIP Bias Tue May 13 21:02:07 GMT 1997 CHIP End Bias Tue May 13 21:02:16 GMT 1997 CHIP Water Tue May 13 21:02:49 GMT 1997 CHIP End Water Tue May 13 21:03:02 GMT 1997 dPMon Flat Tue May 13 21:03:56 GMT 1997 dPMon End Flat Tue May 13 21:21:53 GMT 1997 dPMon End Patrol WEATHER COMMENT: Tue May 13 21:23:07 GMT 1997 Wind has picked up to about 20 mph and is starting to blow dust up here from the construction below, closing down. Tue May 13 21:24:33 GMT 1997 CHIP CHIP End Patrol Tue May 13 21:32:23 GMT 1997 CHIP ending tape COMMENT: Tue May 13 21:33:05 GMT 1997 Activity report: QP: 50-65; 115; 128; 247; 264; 310. No coronal activity. TAPES: ****** MKIII: H01553 DPMON: P00881 CHIP: C00299 LOWL: L00454 in drive #0 SCAN-LOG SCAN-LOG 16:57:58. 5/13/97 DOY 133 17:13:38 17:16:54 17:20:10 17:23:27 17:26:42 17:29:59 17:33:15 17:36:32 17:39:46 17:43:07 17:46:22 17:49:37 17:52:51 17:56:07 17:59:21 18:02:36 18:05:50 1823 0 CL 18:54:56 1901 15CL 19:11:06 19:21:23 19:24:38 19:27:55 19:31:08 19:34:21 19:37:34 19:40:48 19:44:01 19:47:15 19:50:28 19:53:42 19:56:57 20:00:12 20:03:25 20:06:39 20:09:52 20:13:06 20:16:18 20:19:32 20:22:47 20:26:08 20:29:21 20:32:36 20:35:49 20:39:03 20:42:16 20:45:29 20:48:42 20:52:00 20:55:13 20:58:27 21:01:40 21:04:54 21:08:06 21:11:21 21:14:34 21:17:48 21:21:01 0 ERRORS OK