----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Jun 12 16:27:03 GMT 1997 Year: 97 Doy: 163 Observer: yasukawa WEATHER COMMENT: Thu Jun 12 16:27:07 GMT 1997 Cool, clear, brisk southeast wind. CHIP COMMENT: Thu Jun 12 16:29:33 GMT 1997 Kii tape drive had both green and amber leds on, upon start-up (Run) got message to make tape drive ready and enter Run again. Cycled power to drive asnd tried an eject. Drive did not clear. Turned power off, removed cable and terminator, turned on again. Tape won't eject and leds won't turn off. Investigating. Thu Jun 12 16:41:32 GMT 1997 dPMon Start Patrol Thu Jun 12 17:02:58 GMT 1997 dPMon Flat Thu Jun 12 17:03:55 GMT 1997 dPMon End Flat CHIP COMMENT: Thu Jun 12 17:12:29 GMT 1997 With cover removed, I pressed plastic latch from top. There was some to the snap, then tape ejected. Loaded a tape and it went in OK. Tape ejected OK again so I installed it back into kii system. Tried loading another tape and it took it in but did not load. Removed I/O and terminator and tried eject, no success. Removed from system again and removed covers. Drive does not eject tape either with front panel button or by pressing plastic internal release. CHIP COMMENT: Thu Jun 12 17:25:13 GMT 1997 Installed LOWL drive again. I could hear what sounded like a wavering tone--like motor/mechanism hunting for a position, so I did a Kill/Run on kii. That stopped it. Loaded a tape and did Run. Things came up normally, finally. Thu Jun 12 17:27:18 GMT 1997 CHIP Startup--Initializing new tape Thu Jun 12 17:29:21 GMT 1997 CHIP CHIP Start Patrol CHIP COMMENT: Thu Jun 12 17:45:38 GMT 1997 Removed covers again, and removed cover to internal drive unit. When I powered up, the tape went thru the normal motions to load then unload. I tried another load and unload cycle and that seemed to work OK. Thu Jun 12 18:02:54 GMT 1997 dPMon Flat Thu Jun 12 18:03:04 GMT 1997 CHIP Bias Thu Jun 12 18:03:50 GMT 1997 dPMon End Flat Thu Jun 12 18:03:51 GMT 1997 CHIP End Bias Thu Jun 12 18:04:01 GMT 1997 CHIP Water Thu Jun 12 18:04:31 GMT 1997 CHIP End Water Thu Jun 12 19:02:09 GMT 1997 CHIP Bias Thu Jun 12 19:02:58 GMT 1997 CHIP End Bias Thu Jun 12 19:03:05 GMT 1997 dPMon Flat Thu Jun 12 19:03:07 GMT 1997 CHIP Water Thu Jun 12 19:03:41 GMT 1997 CHIP End Water Thu Jun 12 19:04:00 GMT 1997 dPMon End Flat Thu Jun 12 19:33:35 GMT 1997 CHIP CHIP End Patrol Thu Jun 12 19:36:30 GMT 1997 dPMon End Patrol COMMENT: Thu Jun 12 19:36:41 GMT 1997 Reconfiguring dome shutter. Thu Jun 12 19:46:52 GMT 1997 dPMon Start Patrol Thu Jun 12 19:46:54 GMT 1997 CHIP CHIP Start Patrol Thu Jun 12 20:02:02 GMT 1997 dPMon Flat Thu Jun 12 20:02:57 GMT 1997 dPMon End Flat Thu Jun 12 20:03:04 GMT 1997 CHIP Gain Thu Jun 12 20:07:15 GMT 1997 CHIP End Gain Thu Jun 12 20:07:25 GMT 1997 CHIP Bias Thu Jun 12 20:08:06 GMT 1997 CHIP End Bias Thu Jun 12 20:08:14 GMT 1997 CHIP Water Thu Jun 12 20:08:44 GMT 1997 CHIP End Water CHIP COMMENT: Thu Jun 12 20:34:04 GMT 1997 Stopping program to check out Lyot filter. Thu Jun 12 20:35:36 GMT 1997 CHIP CHIP End Patrol Thu Jun 12 20:38:41 GMT 1997 dPMon End Patrol COMMENT: Thu Jun 12 20:38:39 GMT 1997 Stopping MKIII and DPMON, too. Thu Jun 12 22:31:13 GMT 1997 dPMon Start Patrol Thu Jun 12 22:41:02 GMT 1997 dPMon End Patrol CHIP COMMENT: Thu Jun 12 22:41:01 GMT 1997 Removed Lyot filter and inspected. Could not see a 60W light bulb thru it but I could faintly see a flashlight bulb. Used sun as light source and noticed concentric circles of varying color and transmission as I moved the sun's image across the field of view. There was oily residue, like dried puddles about 2mm in diameter near the edges of both the entrance and exit windows. "puddles" were along the edge as one long puddle not actually round as I might have implied. 2mm was the max incursion into surface. I cleaned the surfaces with IPA on a foam-tip swab, then wiped with lens tissue. Oily stuff came off. dusted off with air and reassembled CHIP. Ran dv test. results: x=758 y=520 value = 289 Cleaning didn't improve transmission. CHIP filter tempreature was 28.1 but that should not affect test. Thu Jun 12 22:52:23 GMT 1997 CHIP ending tape COMMENT: Thu Jun 12 22:56:23 GMT 1997 Ending for the day. CHIP will take a while to regain operating temp. CHIP COMMENT: Thu Jun 12 22:57:03 GMT 1997 I will put the last spare exabyte back onto kii with a brand new tape in it. See what happens tomorrow. COMMENT: Thu Jun 12 22:58:03 GMT 1997 Activity report: QP: 45; 117-122; 215; 130; 127-288; No coronal activity Tapes: MKIII: H01577 DPMON: P00908 CHIP: C00329 LOWL: L00459 SCAN-LOG SCAN-LOG 16:41:46. 6/12/97 DOY 163 16:55:25 16:58:38 17:01:53 17:05:06 17:08:21 17:11:34 17:14:49 17:18:03 17:21:19 17:24:33 17:27:49 17:31:04 17:34:22 17:37:37 17:40:53 17:44:08 17:47:25 17:50:42 17:53:58 17:57:14 18:00:30 18:03:46 18:07:03 18:10:19 1816 0 CL 18:20:47 1826 15CL 18:31:31 18:39:49 18:43:04 18:46:22 18:49:37 18:52:52 18:56:06 18:59:20 19:02:35 19:05:51 19:09:05 19:12:19 19:15:33 19:18:47 19:22:01 19:25:16 19:28:29 19:47:32 19:50:48 19:54:02 19:57:16 20:00:29 20:03:44 20:06:58 20:10:12 20:13:26 20:16:40 20:19:53 20:23:10 20:26:25 20:29:40 20:32:52 20:36:06 0 ERRORS OK