----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Sep 2 16:55:10 GMT 1997 Year: 97 Doy: 245 Observer: koon WEATHER COMMENT: Tue Sep 2 16:55:15 GMT 1997 Thin to medium cirrostratus, no wind, temp=48 F. Tue Sep 2 16:56:02 GMT 1997 CHIP Startup--Initializing new tape Tue Sep 2 17:00:33 GMT 1997 dPMon Start Patrol Tue Sep 2 17:00:31 GMT 1997 CHIP CHIP Start Patrol COMMENT: Tue Sep 2 17:00:39 GMT 1997 Reset the clock and the CHIP cooler due to a power outage. MKIII COMMENT: Tue Sep 2 17:01:22 GMT 1997 Won't startup this one due to clouds. Tue Sep 2 18:00:58 GMT 1997 dPMon Flat Tue Sep 2 18:01:05 GMT 1997 CHIP Bias Tue Sep 2 18:01:55 GMT 1997 dPMon End Flat Tue Sep 2 18:01:55 GMT 1997 CHIP End Bias Tue Sep 2 18:02:05 GMT 1997 CHIP Water Tue Sep 2 18:02:37 GMT 1997 CHIP End Water COMMENT: Tue Sep 2 18:33:50 GMT 1997 Going down to the GONG shelter to fix some old problems and troubleshoot a new one. Tue Sep 2 19:01:01 GMT 1997 dPMon Flat Tue Sep 2 19:01:55 GMT 1997 dPMon End Flat Tue Sep 2 19:03:07 GMT 1997 CHIP Bias Tue Sep 2 19:03:53 GMT 1997 CHIP End Bias Tue Sep 2 19:03:59 GMT 1997 CHIP Water Tue Sep 2 19:04:30 GMT 1997 CHIP End Water Tue Sep 2 20:01:30 GMT 1997 dPMon End Patrol Tue Sep 2 20:02:11 GMT 1997 CHIP Gain COMMENT: Tue Sep 2 20:01:32 GMT 1997 Back from GONG shelter. Things look preety good there now except for the Weather station readouts. WEATHER COMMENT: Tue Sep 2 20:02:38 GMT 1997 Thick, dark orographic clouds are moving in, it looks like it will rain so I will close the dome. LOW-L COMMENT: Tue Sep 2 20:03:33 GMT 1997 Won't be able to do the camera "light test" since that requires opening the instrument and it looks like it will rain. Maybe tomorrow. Tue Sep 2 20:06:14 GMT 1997 CHIP End Gain Tue Sep 2 20:06:21 GMT 1997 CHIP Bias Tue Sep 2 20:07:01 GMT 1997 CHIP End Bias Tue Sep 2 20:07:07 GMT 1997 CHIP Water Tue Sep 2 20:07:32 GMT 1997 CHIP End Water Tue Sep 2 20:10:53 GMT 1997 CHIP CHIP End Patrol Tue Sep 2 20:16:25 GMT 1997 CHIP ending tape COMMENT: Tue Sep 2 21:52:20 GMT 1997 Dumped the scintillometer data to disk, will mail today. LOW-L COMMENT: Tue Sep 2 21:52:47 GMT 1997 Couldn't test camers due to rain. Gave David some information on the Cohu camera modification that may be part of the problem. Will mail the old bad National timing board to Ron Lull today. WEATHER COMMENT: Tue Sep 2 21:54:12 GMT 1997 Weather didn't clear, closing down. COMMENT: Tue Sep 2 21:56:40 GMT 1997 Activity report: QP: Couldn't see any due to clouds. TAPES: ****** CHIP: C00397 Too cloudy for other instruments to get any data.