----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Sep 17 16:50:19 GMT 1997 Year: 97 Doy: 260 Observer: koon WEATHER COMMENT: Wed Sep 17 16:50:24 GMT 1997 Medium cirrostratus, wind=5 mph from the SE, temp=50 F. Wed Sep 17 16:57:02 GMT 1997 dPMon Start Patrol Wed Sep 17 16:57:04 GMT 1997 CHIP CHIP Start Patrol Wed Sep 17 17:00:45 GMT 1997 MkIII Start Patrol Wed Sep 17 17:01:04 GMT 1997 dPMon Flat Wed Sep 17 17:01:37 GMT 1997 CHIP Bias Wed Sep 17 17:02:00 GMT 1997 dPMon End Flat Wed Sep 17 17:02:26 GMT 1997 CHIP End Bias Wed Sep 17 17:02:36 GMT 1997 CHIP Water Wed Sep 17 17:03:09 GMT 1997 CHIP End Water Wed Sep 17 17:30:59 GMT 1997 MkIII End Patrol Wed Sep 17 18:01:07 GMT 1997 dPMon Flat Wed Sep 17 18:01:07 GMT 1997 CHIP Bias Wed Sep 17 18:01:58 GMT 1997 CHIP End Bias Wed Sep 17 18:02:05 GMT 1997 dPMon End Flat Wed Sep 17 18:02:05 GMT 1997 CHIP Water Wed Sep 17 18:02:37 GMT 1997 CHIP End Water Wed Sep 17 18:11:09 GMT 1997 MkIII Start Patrol Wed Sep 17 18:30:55 GMT 1997 dPMon End Patrol Wed Sep 17 19:01:07 GMT 1997 CHIP Bias Wed Sep 17 19:01:54 GMT 1997 CHIP End Bias Wed Sep 17 19:02:01 GMT 1997 CHIP Water Wed Sep 17 19:02:28 GMT 1997 CHIP End Water DPMON COMMENT: Wed Sep 17 19:34:34 GMT 1997 Stopped earlier to install the new pics FOV limiter on the occulting wheel. It is installed now. Wed Sep 17 19:35:52 GMT 1997 CHIP CHIP End Patrol CHIP COMMENT: Wed Sep 17 19:35:21 GMT 1997 Pausing while working on the Opal drive mechanism, it has been slipping. We need to point off the sun to get to it. Wed Sep 17 19:38:56 GMT 1997 dPMon Start Patrol Wed Sep 17 19:39:48 GMT 1997 dPMon End Patrol COMMENT: Wed Sep 17 23:09:14 GMT 1997 Activity report: QP: None noted due to clouds. No coronal activity seen through clouds. TAPES: ****** MKIII: No data, working on instrument. DPMON: P00989 CHIP: C00410 LOWL: L00743 in drive #0 MKIII COMMENT: Wed Sep 17 23:12:27 GMT 1997 Have been fixing Opal mechanism for most of the day. It appears that the gearbox for the drive motor is bad, we had spares and replaced it. Now will will reinstall mechanism and test it.