----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Sep 20 16:53:39 GMT 1997 Year: 97 Doy: 263 Observer: koon WEATHER COMMENT: Sat Sep 20 16:54:12 GMT 1997 Clear sky, wind=10 mph from the SSW, temp=44 F. Sat Sep 20 16:55:00 GMT 1997 CHIP Startup--Initializing new tape Sat Sep 20 16:58:09 GMT 1997 CHIP Start Patrol Sat Sep 20 16:58:12 GMT 1997 CHIP CHIP Start Patrol Sat Sep 20 17:01:56 GMT 1997 CHIP Flat Sat Sep 20 17:02:44 GMT 1997 CHIP Bias Sat Sep 20 17:02:54 GMT 1997 CHIP End Flat Sat Sep 20 17:03:21 GMT 1997 MKIII Start Patrol Sat Sep 20 17:03:28 GMT 1997 CHIP End Bias Sat Sep 20 17:03:35 GMT 1997 CHIP Water Sat Sep 20 17:04:03 GMT 1997 CHIP End Water MKIII COMMENT: Sat Sep 20 17:10:06 GMT 1997 Can't get barrel to start scanning, not sure what is wrong. Sat Sep 20 17:30:36 GMT 1997 Sat Sep 20 18:01:55 GMT 1997 CHIP Flat Sat Sep 20 18:02:03 GMT 1997 CHIP Bias Sat Sep 20 18:02:49 GMT 1997 CHIP End Bias Sat Sep 20 18:02:56 GMT 1997 CHIP Water Sat Sep 20 18:02:56 GMT 1997 CHIP Water Sat Sep 20 18:03:28 GMT 1997 CHIP End Water Sat Sep 20 18:18:09 GMT 1997 MKIII Start Patrol Sat Sep 20 19:01:12 GMT 1997 CHIP Bias Sat Sep 20 19:01:52 GMT 1997 CHIP Flat Sat Sep 20 19:02:04 GMT 1997 CHIP End Bias Sat Sep 20 19:02:16 GMT 1997 CHIP Water Sat Sep 20 19:02:49 GMT 1997 CHIP End Water Sat Sep 20 19:02:52 GMT 1997 CHIP End Flat MKIII COMMENT: Sat Sep 20 19:40:27 GMT 1997 Calibration... the dark shutter failed to go into the beam on c19_37. Sat Sep 20 19:50:32 GMT 1997 MKIII Start Patrol Sat Sep 20 20:01:06 GMT 1997 CHIP Gain Sat Sep 20 20:02:00 GMT 1997 CHIP Flat Sat Sep 20 20:03:05 GMT 1997 CHIP End Flat Sat Sep 20 20:05:12 GMT 1997 CHIP End Gain Sat Sep 20 20:05:21 GMT 1997 CHIP Bias Sat Sep 20 20:06:02 GMT 1997 CHIP End Bias Sat Sep 20 20:06:12 GMT 1997 CHIP Water Sat Sep 20 20:06:40 GMT 1997 CHIP End Water Sat Sep 20 20:14:55 GMT 1997 MKIII End Patrol MKIII COMMENT: Sat Sep 20 20:16:11 GMT 1997 Having mechanism control problems. You will have to use a dark from another day. Opal measurements are OK. Sat Sep 20 20:35:00 GMT 1997 CHIP End Patrol COMMENT: Sat Sep 20 20:35:44 GMT 1997 Pausing observations due to clouds and to work on the MK3 Opal, it is slipping again. Sat Sep 20 20:36:51 GMT 1997 CHIP CHIP End Patrol Sat Sep 20 21:45:48 GMT 1997 MKIII Start Patrol Sat Sep 20 21:46:21 GMT 1997 MKIII End Patrol Sat Sep 20 21:46:29 GMT 1997 MKIII Start Patrol Sat Sep 20 22:11:40 GMT 1997 CHIP ending tape MKIII COMMENT: Sat Sep 20 22:31:48 GMT 1997 I fixed the transmission that we took out of the Opal drive a few days ago, it had a strange clutch that was slipping, unfortunately all the gearing has to be removed to get to the clutch. The clutch on the newer trans was slipping today so we removed that and put in the old fixed trans, then I fixed the other slipping trans. So now we have two good motor/trans units in the bottom shelf of the black parts cabinet. We adjusted the limit switches to allow the Opal to function correctly without requiring as much torque from the motor as before near the in and out limits. Hopefully this will do it. COMMENT: Sat Sep 20 22:38:49 GMT 1997 Activity report: QP: 55-70; 112; 217; 244; 294; 313. No coronal activity. TAPES: ****** MKIII: H01639 DPMON: P00992 CHIP: C00413 LOWL: L00473 on drive #0 Sat Sep 20 22:54:23 GMT 1997 MkIII 18_18.rawmk3 18_43.rawmk3 19_03.rawmk3 19_50.rawmk3 c19_34.rawmk3 18_21.rawmk3 18_45.rawmk3 19_05.rawmk3 19_57.rawmk3 c19_37.rawmk3 18_26.rawmk3 18_48.rawmk3 19_08.rawmk3 20_00.rawmk3 c19_40.rawmk3 18_31.rawmk3 18_51.rawmk3 19_11.rawmk3 c19_23.rawmk3 18_34.rawmk3 18_54.rawmk3 19_14.rawmk3 c19_25.rawmk3 18_37.rawmk3 18_57.rawmk3 19_17.rawmk3 c19_28.rawmk3 18_40.rawmk3 19_00.rawmk3 19_20.rawmk3 c19_31.rawmk3 SCAN-LOG MK3 SCAN-LOG for the above "rawmk3" data, resorted to resemble old format. 18:18 18:21 18:26 18:31 18:34 18:37 18:40 18:43 18:45 18:48 18:51 18:54 18:57 19:00 19:03 19:05 19:08 19:11 19:14 19:17 19:20 19:23=c 19:25=c 19:28=c 19:31=c 19:34=c 19:37=c 19:40=c 19:50 19:57 20:00 0 ERRORS OK