----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Sep 21 16:58:05 GMT 1997 Year: 97 Doy: 264 Observer: yasukawa WEATHER COMMENT: Sun Sep 21 16:59:06 GMT 1997 Cool, clear, light south wind. COMMENT: Sun Sep 21 16:59:19 GMT 1997 Late startup. Truck coming downhill ran me off the road into the lava about 5 miles down the road. No one hurt, no apparent damage to the GSA car. Took a while to move all of the large rocks so I could back the car back onto the pavement. I had to get completely off the road toavoid a head-on with this truck as the driver had completely lost control and was heading straight for me on my side of the road. Sun Sep 21 17:03:08 GMT 1997 CHIP Startup--Initializing new tape Sun Sep 21 17:07:03 GMT 1997 MKIII Start Patrol Sun Sep 21 17:07:36 GMT 1997 CHIP CHIP Start Patrol Sun Sep 21 17:07:50 GMT 1997 CHIP Start Patrol Sun Sep 21 17:16:34 GMT 1997 CHIP CHIP End Patrol Sun Sep 21 17:17:23 GMT 1997 CHIP CHIP Start Patrol MKIII COMMENT: Sun Sep 21 17:28:31 GMT 1997 Dark shutter wasn't all the way out. This was causing the "smudge" in the north. Sun Sep 21 18:02:00 GMT 1997 CHIP Flat Sun Sep 21 18:03:07 GMT 1997 CHIP Bias Sun Sep 21 18:03:07 GMT 1997 CHIP Bias Sun Sep 21 18:04:03 GMT 1997 CHIP End Bias Sun Sep 21 18:04:13 GMT 1997 CHIP Water Sun Sep 21 18:04:49 GMT 1997 CHIP End Water MKIII COMMENT: Sun Sep 21 18:27:42 GMT 1997 Opal did not go out during Calibrate. MKIII COMMENT: Sun Sep 21 18:39:37 GMT 1997 Dark shutter went in OK, but had to do an OK to get barrel started as in the other cal scans. Sun Sep 21 18:57:36 GMT 1997 MKIII Start Cal Sun Sep 21 19:01:57 GMT 1997 CHIP Flat Sun Sep 21 19:02:57 GMT 1997 CHIP End Flat Sun Sep 21 19:03:13 GMT 1997 CHIP Bias Sun Sep 21 19:03:59 GMT 1997 CHIP End Bias Sun Sep 21 19:04:14 GMT 1997 CHIP Water Sun Sep 21 19:04:53 GMT 1997 CHIP End Water MKIII COMMENT: Sun Sep 21 19:06:19 GMT 1997 Redoing Cal with Opal in (stationary) in all scans. 0-Tilt scan shows a funny in the northeast due to my putting the snout back on and opening up the dust cap while the cal was in progress. Sun Sep 21 19:26:44 GMT 1997 MKIII Start Correct Sun Sep 21 19:32:27 GMT 1997 MKIII End Correct Sun Sep 21 19:42:15 GMT 1997 MKIII Start Correct Sun Sep 21 19:45:33 GMT 1997 MKIII End Correct Sun Sep 21 19:45:49 GMT 1997 MKIII Start Correct Sun Sep 21 19:52:17 GMT 1997 MKIII Start Correct Sun Sep 21 19:57:42 GMT 1997 MKIII End Correct Sun Sep 21 20:01:49 GMT 1997 MKIII Start Correct Sun Sep 21 20:01:59 GMT 1997 CHIP Flat Sun Sep 21 20:02:53 GMT 1997 CHIP Gain Sun Sep 21 20:02:59 GMT 1997 CHIP End Flat Sun Sep 21 20:05:15 GMT 1997 MKIII End Correct Sun Sep 21 20:07:04 GMT 1997 CHIP End Gain Sun Sep 21 20:07:12 GMT 1997 CHIP Bias Sun Sep 21 20:07:50 GMT 1997 CHIP End Bias Sun Sep 21 20:07:57 GMT 1997 CHIP Water Sun Sep 21 20:08:24 GMT 1997 CHIP End Water Sun Sep 21 20:42:53 GMT 1997 CHIP End Patrol Sun Sep 21 20:46:20 GMT 1997 CHIP CHIP End Patrol WEATHER COMMENT: Sun Sep 21 20:46:58 GMT 1997 Shutdown chip and dPMon due to heavy orographic clouds. Sun Sep 21 20:59:49 GMT 1997 MKIII Start Correct Sun Sep 21 21:00:38 GMT 1997 MKIII End Correct Sun Sep 21 22:15:43 GMT 1997 MKIII Start Correct Sun Sep 21 22:17:12 GMT 1997 CHIP ending tape Sun Sep 21 22:18:49 GMT 1997 MKIII End Correct COMMENT: Sun Sep 21 22:20:19 GMT 1997 Activity report: QP: 60; 70; 80; 222; 232; 245; 250-255; 262; 292; 302; No coronal activity Tapes: MKIII: H01640 DPMON: P00993 CHIP: C00414 LOWL: L00473 Sun Sep 21 23:44:24 GMT 1997 MKIII Start Correct Mon Sep 22 00:09:14 GMT 1997 MKIII Start Correct Mon Sep 22 00:48:27 GMT 1997 MKIII Start Correct Mon Sep 22 00:54:51 GMT 1997 MKIII End Correct Mon Sep 22 02:06:56 GMT 1997 MkIII 17_07.rawmk3 17_33.rawmk3 17_56.rawmk3 18_19.rawmk3 c18_57.rawmk3 17_13.rawmk3 17_36.rawmk3 17_59.rawmk3 c18_22.rawmk3 c19_01.rawmk3 17_16.rawmk3 17_39.rawmk3 18_02.rawmk3 c18_25.rawmk3 c19_04.rawmk3 17_19.rawmk3 17_42.rawmk3 18_05.rawmk3 c18_28.rawmk3 c19_07.rawmk3 17_22.rawmk3 17_45.rawmk3 18_08.rawmk3 c18_31.rawmk3 c19_10.rawmk3 17_25.rawmk3 17_48.rawmk3 18_10.rawmk3 c18_34.rawmk3 c19_13.rawmk3 17_28.rawmk3 17_50.rawmk3 18_13.rawmk3 c18_37.rawmk3 17_30.rawmk3 17_53.rawmk3 18_16.rawmk3 c18_41.rawmk3 SCAN-LOG MK3 SCAN-LOG for the above "rawmk3" data, resorted to resemble old format. 17:07 17:13 17:16 17:19 17:22 17:25 17:28 17:30 17:33 17:36 17:39 17:42 17:45 17:48 17:50 17:53 17:56 17:59 18:02 18:05 18:08 18:10 18:13 18:16 18:19 18:22=c 18:25=c 18:28=c 18:31=c 18:34=c 18:37=c 18:41=c 18:57=c 19:01=c 19:04=c 19:07=c 19:10=c 19:13=c 0 ERRORS OK