----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Oct 15 17:10:46 GMT 1997 Year: 97 Doy: 288 Observer: koon MKIII COMMENT: Wed Oct 15 17:13:19 GMT 1997 Akamai window kept giving message that "no MKIII tape drive detected", I saw that this happened yesterday until KCC was reset so I reset it and it came up OK. WEATHER COMMENT: Wed Oct 15 17:14:40 GMT 1997 Clear sky, wind=10 mph from the SSE, temp=45 F. Wed Oct 15 17:18:20 GMT 1997 PICS Start Patrol Wed Oct 15 17:18:45 GMT 1997 MKIII Start Patrol COMMENT: Wed Oct 15 17:47:18 GMT 1997 FAX phone line is working again, but 9350533 still only calls out and doesn't receive calls, as if we aren't really 9350533 anymore. Wed Oct 15 18:01:08 GMT 1997 PICS Flat Wed Oct 15 18:02:06 GMT 1997 PICS End Flat MKIII COMMENT: Wed Oct 15 18:03:49 GMT 1997 Occulting was bad so I adjusted the Spar guiding to bring the O1 guiding within range. COMMENT: Wed Oct 15 18:41:28 GMT 1997 I talked to a different person at the phone company who had a good idea, I called her back an she answered from a phone with Caller-ID hooked up to it. Our line is now actually 9358650, she will try to figure out how to give us back our old line. The fix done to the FAX machine line was done at their main office, even though they said there wasn't any problem there the first time they checked it last Saturday. Wed Oct 15 19:01:15 GMT 1997 PICS Flat Wed Oct 15 19:02:12 GMT 1997 PICS End Flat Wed Oct 15 19:25:27 GMT 1997 MKIII Start Patrol Wed Oct 15 20:01:11 GMT 1997 PICS Flat Wed Oct 15 20:02:14 GMT 1997 PICS End Flat Wed Oct 15 21:01:05 GMT 1997 PICS Flat Wed Oct 15 21:02:02 GMT 1997 PICS End Flat Wed Oct 15 22:01:13 GMT 1997 PICS Flat Wed Oct 15 22:02:11 GMT 1997 PICS End Flat COMMENT: Wed Oct 15 22:21:33 GMT 1997 Spar is starting to lose guiding, I will close down to switch MKIII tape drives. COMMENT: Wed Oct 15 22:23:53 GMT 1997 I got a call from David a few minutes ago on the 935-0533 line, then I tried it and I still couldn't make our phone ring, so maybe the problem doesn't exist if the call is coming in from long-distance. Wed Oct 15 22:33:02 GMT 1997 PICS End Patrol Wed Oct 15 22:46:48 GMT 1997 MkIII 17_18.rawmk3 18_20.rawmk3 19_40.rawmk3 20_41.rawmk3 21_42.rawmk3 17_22.rawmk3 18_23.rawmk3 19_43.rawmk3 20_44.rawmk3 21_45.rawmk3 17_24.rawmk3 18_26.rawmk3 19_45.rawmk3 20_47.rawmk3 21_48.rawmk3 17_27.rawmk3 18_29.rawmk3 19_48.rawmk3 20_50.rawmk3 21_51.rawmk3 17_30.rawmk3 18_32.rawmk3 19_51.rawmk3 20_53.rawmk3 21_54.rawmk3 17_33.rawmk3 18_35.rawmk3 19_54.rawmk3 20_56.rawmk3 21_57.rawmk3 17_36.rawmk3 18_38.rawmk3 19_57.rawmk3 20_59.rawmk3 22_00.rawmk3 17_39.rawmk3 18_40.rawmk3 20_00.rawmk3 21_01.rawmk3 22_03.rawmk3 17_42.rawmk3 18_43.rawmk3 20_03.rawmk3 21_04.rawmk3 22_06.rawmk3 17_45.rawmk3 18_46.rawmk3 20_06.rawmk3 21_07.rawmk3 22_09.rawmk3 17_48.rawmk3 18_49.rawmk3 20_09.rawmk3 21_10.rawmk3 22_12.rawmk3 17_51.rawmk3 18_52.rawmk3 20_12.rawmk3 21_13.rawmk3 22_15.rawmk3 17_54.rawmk3 18_55.rawmk3 20_15.rawmk3 21_16.rawmk3 22_17.rawmk3 17_57.rawmk3 19_01.rawmk3 20_18.rawmk3 21_19.rawmk3 22_20.rawmk3 18_00.rawmk3 19_08.rawmk3 20_21.rawmk3 21_22.rawmk3 22_23.rawmk3 18_02.rawmk3 19_14.rawmk3 20_23.rawmk3 21_25.rawmk3 c18_58.rawmk3 18_05.rawmk3 19_25.rawmk3 20_26.rawmk3 21_28.rawmk3 c19_04.rawmk3 18_08.rawmk3 19_28.rawmk3 20_29.rawmk3 21_31.rawmk3 c19_11.rawmk3 18_11.rawmk3 19_31.rawmk3 20_32.rawmk3 21_34.rawmk3 18_14.rawmk3 19_34.rawmk3 20_35.rawmk3 21_37.rawmk3 18_17.rawmk3 19_37.rawmk3 20_38.rawmk3 21_39.rawmk3