----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Oct 23 17:01:14 GMT 1997 Year: 97 Doy: 296 Observer: koon MKIII COMMENT: Thu Oct 23 17:05:01 GMT 1997 Saving tape H01671 for Alice to check out in Boulder, this is the tape that was made with the MK3 drive and the active terminator. WEATHER COMMENT: Thu Oct 23 17:06:01 GMT 1997 Thin to thick cirrostratus, wind=5 mph from the South, temp=43 F. PICS COMMENT: Thu Oct 23 17:10:13 GMT 1997 I couldn't get the program started, it kept saying to Make the Tape ready, rebooted. MKIII COMMENT: Thu Oct 23 17:11:01 GMT 1997 Won't observe with this yet, maybe later after clouds clear, but I will be installing and testing the O1 drive and new gear. Thu Oct 23 17:25:39 GMT 1997 PICS Start Patrol PICS COMMENT: Thu Oct 23 17:33:36 GMT 1997 Patrol is running but image centering may vary due to my work on the MK3 O1 guiders. Clouds are ruining images right now. COMMENT: Thu Oct 23 17:41:03 GMT 1997 Network to outside MLSO is down. COMMENT: Thu Oct 23 17:59:11 GMT 1997 Network problem appears to be at the mloha NOAA router in Hilo. COMMENT: Thu Oct 23 17:59:57 GMT 1997 Note that in Alice's e-mail she says we can throw out H01671, but she called me this morning and asked me to keep it and send it to her with the regular tape shipment next time. Thu Oct 23 18:02:22 GMT 1997 PICS Flat Thu Oct 23 18:03:44 GMT 1997 PICS End Flat Thu Oct 23 19:01:28 GMT 1997 PICS Flat Thu Oct 23 19:02:50 GMT 1997 PICS End Flat Thu Oct 23 19:32:12 GMT 1997 MKIII Start Patrol MKIII COMMENT: Thu Oct 23 19:32:28 GMT 1997 O1 RA guider aligned, assembled, and installed. Adjusted the Spar guiding to center the O1 guiders. Guiding looks great! Starting up data scans. WEATHER COMMENT: Thu Oct 23 19:34:59 GMT 1997 There is still some scattered thin cirrus around but the sky is much clearer and darker now, no clouds near the sun right now. Wind=5 mph from the NW. Thu Oct 23 20:01:29 GMT 1997 PICS Flat Thu Oct 23 20:02:53 GMT 1997 PICS End Flat Thu Oct 23 21:00:24 GMT 1997 PICS Flat Thu Oct 23 21:01:48 GMT 1997 PICS End Flat MKIII COMMENT: Thu Oct 23 21:02:58 GMT 1997 It looks like there is a small CME going off at PA=90 from about 2030 ut on. Will send out a cme alert. PICS COMMENT: Thu Oct 23 21:35:33 GMT 1997 I modified my picsanim script to be non-interactive and run the hourly images only, I had thought that more frquent images were available but there aren't any. So plist is unnecessary. MKIII COMMENT: Thu Oct 23 21:37:46 GMT 1997 Its interesting that the cme looked like a double cme, one right after the other, both from the same region. Thu Oct 23 22:00:29 GMT 1997 PICS Flat Thu Oct 23 22:01:55 GMT 1997 PICS End Flat Thu Oct 23 22:06:39 GMT 1997 PICS End Patrol PICS COMMENT: Thu Oct 23 22:07:31 GMT 1997 Picsanim shows that there was an EPL just to the North of the CME around 2007 ut, before the cme really got good. COMMENT: Thu Oct 23 22:17:44 GMT 1997 Activity Report: CME at PA=90 along with EPL just to the North of that, from about 2000 to 2130 ut. TAPES: ****** MKIII: H01673 PICS: P01018 LOWL: L00478 in drive #0. Thu Oct 23 22:21:07 GMT 1997 MkIII 19_32.rawmk3 20_15.rawmk3 20_47.rawmk3 21_19.rawmk3 21_51.rawmk3 19_35.rawmk3 20_17.rawmk3 20_50.rawmk3 21_22.rawmk3 21_54.rawmk3 19_38.rawmk3 20_20.rawmk3 20_53.rawmk3 21_25.rawmk3 21_57.rawmk3 19_41.rawmk3 20_23.rawmk3 20_55.rawmk3 21_28.rawmk3 22_00.rawmk3 19_44.rawmk3 20_26.rawmk3 20_58.rawmk3 21_31.rawmk3 22_03.rawmk3 19_47.rawmk3 20_29.rawmk3 21_01.rawmk3 21_33.rawmk3 c19_50.rawmk3 19_53.rawmk3 20_32.rawmk3 21_04.rawmk3 21_36.rawmk3 c19_56.rawmk3 19_59.rawmk3 20_35.rawmk3 21_07.rawmk3 21_39.rawmk3 c20_02.rawmk3 20_05.rawmk3 20_38.rawmk3 21_10.rawmk3 21_42.rawmk3 20_09.rawmk3 20_41.rawmk3 21_13.rawmk3 21_45.rawmk3 20_12.rawmk3 20_44.rawmk3 21_16.rawmk3 21_48.rawmk3