----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Dec 4 17:10:49 GMT 1997 Year: 97 Doy: 338 Observer: koon WEATHER COMMENT: Thu Dec 4 17:10:59 GMT 1997 Thick altocumulus with medium cirrostratus above, wind=25+ mph, temp=36 F. COMMENT: Thu Dec 4 20:53:21 GMT 1997 The new UPS for PSPT has an alarm that goes off when it is plugged into the outlets in the new MLSO addition. I found 20 VAC coming back on the ground wire from the overhead flourescent lights, this was affecting the ground bus voltage in the new load center and therefore setting off the alarm on the UPS. I'll try to find a place that sells the dimmer switches for the flourescent lights in hopes that wiring up those lights to a dimmer (rather than a regular single pole switch) will cure the problem. COMMENT: Thu Dec 4 21:05:00 GMT 1997 Forgot to mention that until the lighting wiring is fixed there is a minor 20 VAC shock hazard if you touch a ground (cement floor, etc) and the lights or the conduit or the metal switch cases. Also the UPS needs to be plugged into a circuit on the older side of the building. WEATHER COMMENT: Thu Dec 4 23:23:42 GMT 1997 Stayed cloudy all day, no observing. Thu Dec 4 23:24:12 GMT 1997 MkIII