----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Jan 16 17:42:41 GMT 1998 Year: 98 Doy: 016 Observer: yasukawa COMMENT: Fri Jan 16 17:43:06 GMT 1998 Started up using outlined "conservative" startup. Upon initial turn-on, "no tape detected' prompt does not stop. Reset stops it and get one to the 'done executing...' message described in outline. Reset KCC again and typed 'Run' after the scan screen came up. PSPT COMMENT: Fri Jan 16 17:45:37 GMT 1998 Found that temperature controller in PSPT electronics rack's display was off because 1 amp fuse had blown. Replaced the fuse and reinstalled the controller. It is working now. LOW-L COMMENT: Fri Jan 16 17:47:25 GMT 1998 L00491 was popped out. Cleaned ddrive and inserted L00493 into drive 0. Fri Jan 16 17:49:09 GMT 1998 PICS Start Patrol WEATHER COMMENT: Fri Jan 16 17:49:22 GMT 1998 Cool, in broken cirrus, brisk south wind. art Patrol MKIII COMMENT: Fri Jan 16 17:51:11 GMT 1998 Not starting MKIII at this time, cirrus too thick. PSPT COMMENT: Fri Jan 16 17:51:34 GMT 1998 Not starting PSPT at this time due to cirrus. Fri Jan 16 18:00:24 GMT 1998 PICS Flat Fri Jan 16 18:01:55 GMT 1998 PICS End Flat Fri Jan 16 18:02:04 GMT 1998 CHIP Bias Fri Jan 16 18:03:04 GMT 1998 CHIP End Bias Fri Jan 16 18:03:12 GMT 1998 CHIP Water Fri Jan 16 18:03:53 GMT 1998 CHIP End Water MKIII COMMENT: Fri Jan 16 18:09:55 GMT 1998 *** Recycling H01720, discarding H01719--lots of funnies! *** PICS COMMENT: Fri Jan 16 18:34:25 GMT 1998 Stopping PICS, cirrus too thick. End Patrol Fri Jan 16 19:02:07 GMT 1998 CHIP Bias Fri Jan 16 19:03:18 GMT 1998 CHIP End Bias Fri Jan 16 19:03:26 GMT 1998 CHIP Water Fri Jan 16 19:04:07 GMT 1998 CHIP End Water Fri Jan 16 19:08:20 GMT 1998 PICS Start Patrol PSPT COMMENT: Fri Jan 16 19:19:39 GMT 1998 Cirrus thinner, attempting to take data with pspt. PSPT COMMENT: Fri Jan 16 19:46:20 GMT 1998 PSPT COMMENT: Fri Jan 16 19:47:01 GMT 1998 pspt crashed after init with an IDL REBIN error. alerted Randy and Haosheng. Randy called back and said he didn't think his program change (last night) would affect program like that. Attempting restart of program. Typed 'exit' to get out of IDL, typed 'Run' at psp prompt. PSPT COMMENT: Fri Jan 16 19:55:52 GMT 1998 OK, PSPT got past the point where it crashed on first startup attempt and is running OK. Fri Jan 16 20:01:11 GMT 1998 PICS Flat Fri Jan 16 20:02:04 GMT 1998 CHIP Gain Fri Jan 16 20:02:33 GMT 1998 PICS End Flat Fri Jan 16 20:08:01 GMT 1998 CHIP End Gain Fri Jan 16 20:08:08 GMT 1998 CHIP Bias Fri Jan 16 20:09:00 GMT 1998 CHIP End Bias Fri Jan 16 20:09:08 GMT 1998 CHIP Water Fri Jan 16 20:09:45 GMT 1998 CHIP End Water PSPT COMMENT: Fri Jan 16 20:21:22 GMT 1998 PSPT crashed again after running for a while, First crash was a REBIN error in IDL. This time it was a CHECK_FITS error. Alerted Randy and Haosheng and Restarted. PSPT COMMENT: Fri Jan 16 20:40:27 GMT 1998 Crash again, same error as last time. PSPT COMMENT: Fri Jan 16 20:47:15 GMT 1998 Tried "Restart" this time to restart program. Fri Jan 16 21:01:04 GMT 1998 CHIP Bias Fri Jan 16 21:01:12 GMT 1998 PICS Flat Fri Jan 16 21:02:04 GMT 1998 CHIP End Bias Fri Jan 16 21:02:12 GMT 1998 CHIP Water Fri Jan 16 21:02:38 GMT 1998 PICS End Flat Fri Jan 16 21:02:56 GMT 1998 CHIP End Water PSPT COMMENT: Fri Jan 16 21:27:02 GMT 1998 Haosheng said that Randy's program put a filename into the header of the flatfield sequence.This caused crashes for him during his testing. He failed to inform Randy about that so when Randy modified the programs last night he was unaware that his mods would crash the program. A good learning opportunity! In cirrus anyway so data is lousy. Learned how to close down after a crash where one never gets to the shutdown/cal/continue options menu after the hourly data acquisition. From the PSP> prompt, type: Obs This needs to be done after the hour. This will get you to the dialog. Shut down PSPT for the day, hoping that Randy or Haosheng will fix the program so we can observe with the PSPT tomorrow. PICS COMMENT: Fri Jan 16 21:53:59 GMT 1998 Getting tape i/o errors on nene. PSPT COMMENT: Fri Jan 16 21:58:55 GMT 1998 Randy restored Calib.pro to original form. This should eliminate the error that caused the crashes Fri Jan 16 22:01:05 GMT 1998 CHIP Bias Fri Jan 16 22:02:03 GMT 1998 CHIP End Bias Fri Jan 16 22:02:07 GMT 1998 PICS End Flat Fri Jan 16 22:02:12 GMT 1998 CHIP Water Fri Jan 16 22:03:00 GMT 1998 CHIP End Water COMMENT: Fri Jan 16 22:05:43 GMT 1998 Tapes: MKIII: No data PICS: P01086 CHIP: C00474 LOWL: L00492 Fri Jan 16 22:07:24 GMT 1998 PICS End Patrol Fri Jan 16 22:09:37 GMT 1998 CHIP CHIP End Patrol PSPT COMMENT: Fri Jan 16 22:12:00 GMT 1998 Message from Randy concerning the fix: .... The other change I made should be no problem, I just placed a 0 where there was a blank in a header keyword...but, let me know how it goes. ..... Fri Jan 16 22:15:11 GMT 1998 CHIP ending tape Fri Jan 16 22:16:18 GMT 1998 MkIII