----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Jan 22 17:09:15 GMT 1998 Year: 98 Doy: 022 Observer: koon Thu Jan 22 17:09:24 GMT 1998 CHIP Startup--Initializing new tape WEATHER COMMENT: Thu Jan 22 17:09:47 GMT 1998 Clear sky, wind=10 mph from the SW, temp=42 F. LOW-L COMMENT: Thu Jan 22 17:26:00 GMT 1998 L00492 popped out of drive #1 as it should have, I removed it and cleaned drive #1 and installled L00494 in that drive. Thu Jan 22 17:31:02 GMT 1998 CHIP CHIP Start Patrol WEATHER COMMENT: Thu Jan 22 17:31:38 GMT 1998 Thin cirrostratus overcast is still up there. MKIII COMMENT: Thu Jan 22 17:31:54 GMT 1998 Will wait for clouds to clear before starting this one. PSPT COMMENT: Thu Jan 22 17:32:15 GMT 1998 Will wait for clouds to clear before starting this one. Thu Jan 22 17:36:10 GMT 1998 PICS Start Patrol PICS COMMENT: Thu Jan 22 17:37:29 GMT 1998 Stalled with Program:init, did Kill/Run to fix it. Thu Jan 22 17:38:45 GMT 1998 PICS Start Patrol Thu Jan 22 18:01:16 GMT 1998 PICS Flat Thu Jan 22 18:02:05 GMT 1998 CHIP Bias Thu Jan 22 18:02:39 GMT 1998 PICS End Flat Thu Jan 22 18:03:00 GMT 1998 CHIP End Bias Thu Jan 22 18:03:07 GMT 1998 CHIP Water Thu Jan 22 18:03:47 GMT 1998 CHIP End Water WEATHER COMMENT: Thu Jan 22 18:53:49 GMT 1998 Cirrostratus is getting thicker. Thu Jan 22 19:01:07 GMT 1998 CHIP Bias Thu Jan 22 19:01:22 GMT 1998 PICS Flat Thu Jan 22 19:02:07 GMT 1998 CHIP End Bias Thu Jan 22 19:02:14 GMT 1998 CHIP Water Thu Jan 22 19:02:47 GMT 1998 PICS End Flat Thu Jan 22 19:02:56 GMT 1998 CHIP End Water Thu Jan 22 20:01:05 GMT 1998 CHIP Gain Thu Jan 22 20:01:12 GMT 1998 PICS Flat Thu Jan 22 20:02:36 GMT 1998 PICS End Flat Thu Jan 22 20:07:01 GMT 1998 CHIP End Gain Thu Jan 22 20:07:08 GMT 1998 CHIP Bias Thu Jan 22 20:08:00 GMT 1998 CHIP End Bias Thu Jan 22 20:08:07 GMT 1998 CHIP Water Thu Jan 22 20:08:45 GMT 1998 CHIP End Water Thu Jan 22 21:01:17 GMT 1998 PICS Flat Thu Jan 22 21:02:41 GMT 1998 PICS End Flat Thu Jan 22 21:03:01 GMT 1998 CHIP Bias Thu Jan 22 21:04:00 GMT 1998 CHIP End Bias Thu Jan 22 21:04:07 GMT 1998 CHIP Water Thu Jan 22 21:04:47 GMT 1998 CHIP End Water COMMENT: Thu Jan 22 21:09:39 GMT 1998 The new Nitrogen filter should help with cleaning lenses, before I use it I'll need to get another length of 1/4 ID recoil hose. So currently the Nitrogen can't be used. Thu Jan 22 22:01:21 GMT 1998 PICS Flat Thu Jan 22 22:02:03 GMT 1998 CHIP Bias Thu Jan 22 22:02:46 GMT 1998 PICS End Flat Thu Jan 22 22:03:09 GMT 1998 CHIP End Bias Thu Jan 22 22:03:16 GMT 1998 CHIP Water Thu Jan 22 22:03:56 GMT 1998 CHIP End Water Thu Jan 22 22:13:12 GMT 1998 PICS End Patrol Thu Jan 22 22:13:43 GMT 1998 CHIP CHIP End Patrol Thu Jan 22 22:23:40 GMT 1998 CHIP ending tape COMMENT: Thu Jan 22 22:37:32 GMT 1998 TAPES: ******* MKIII: Too cloudy for data. PICS: P01091 CHIP: C00479 LOWL: L00493 in drive #0 Thu Jan 22 22:38:42 GMT 1998 MkIII