----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Feb 4 17:22:59 GMT 1998 Year: 98 Doy: 035 Observer: koon WEATHER COMMENT: Wed Feb 4 17:23:01 GMT 1998 Medium cirrostratus, wind=5 mph from the SW, temp=39 F. MKIII COMMENT: Wed Feb 4 17:23:33 GMT 1998 The KCP monitor didn't switch out of Power Saving Mode (it was dark) after I Reset the KCC the first time, so I Reset the KCC again to fix that. Wed Feb 4 17:28:24 GMT 1998 PICS Start Patrol Wed Feb 4 17:28:24 GMT 1998 PICS Start Patrol MKIII COMMENT: Wed Feb 4 17:28:50 GMT 1998 Will wait for clouds to clear before starting this. PSPT COMMENT: Wed Feb 4 17:29:07 GMT 1998 Will wait for clouds to clear before starting this. PICS COMMENT: Wed Feb 4 17:54:10 GMT 1998 Stopping this due to thickening clouds. atrol Wed Feb 4 18:02:03 GMT 1998 CHIP Bias Wed Feb 4 18:03:04 GMT 1998 CHIP End Bias Wed Feb 4 18:03:11 GMT 1998 CHIP Water Wed Feb 4 18:03:50 GMT 1998 CHIP End Water Wed Feb 4 19:02:09 GMT 1998 CHIP Bias Wed Feb 4 19:03:19 GMT 1998 CHIP End Bias Wed Feb 4 19:03:26 GMT 1998 CHIP Water Wed Feb 4 19:04:08 GMT 1998 CHIP End Water Wed Feb 4 20:02:03 GMT 1998 CHIP Gain Wed Feb 4 20:08:05 GMT 1998 CHIP End Gain Wed Feb 4 20:08:13 GMT 1998 CHIP Bias Wed Feb 4 20:09:04 GMT 1998 CHIP End Bias Wed Feb 4 20:09:12 GMT 1998 CHIP Water WEATHER COMMENT: Wed Feb 4 20:09:54 GMT 1998 Wind is now 15 mph from the West, cirrostratus continues to be medium to thin. Wed Feb 4 21:02:05 GMT 1998 CHIP Bias Wed Feb 4 21:03:09 GMT 1998 CHIP End Bias Wed Feb 4 21:03:17 GMT 1998 CHIP Water Wed Feb 4 21:03:57 GMT 1998 CHIP End Water Wed Feb 4 22:02:03 GMT 1998 CHIP Bias Wed Feb 4 22:03:04 GMT 1998 CHIP End Bias Wed Feb 4 22:03:11 GMT 1998 CHIP Water Wed Feb 4 22:03:53 GMT 1998 CHIP End Water Wed Feb 4 22:22:40 GMT 1998 CHIP CHIP End Patrol Wed Feb 4 22:23:38 GMT 1998 CHIP ending tape COMMENT: Wed Feb 4 22:24:48 GMT 1998 TAPES: ****** MKIII: Too cloudy for data PICS: P01103 CHIP: C00492 LOWL: L00494 in drive #1 Wed Feb 4 22:26:22 GMT 1998 MkIII