----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed May 6 17:07:19 GMT 1998 Year: 98 Doy: 126 Observer: koon WEATHER COMMENT: Wed May 6 17:08:10 GMT 1998 Clear sky, wind=5 mph from the West, temp=49 F. Wed May 6 17:14:21 GMT 1998 MKIII Start Patrol Wed May 6 17:14:32 GMT 1998 PICS Start Patrol Wed May 6 17:14:32 GMT 1998 PICS Start Patrol MKIII COMMENT: Wed May 6 17:55:09 GMT 1998 *****RECYCLED H01818***** Wed May 6 18:01:23 GMT 1998 PICS Flat Wed May 6 18:02:54 GMT 1998 PICS End Flat Wed May 6 18:03:05 GMT 1998 CHIP Bias Wed May 6 18:04:03 GMT 1998 CHIP End Bias Wed May 6 18:04:18 GMT 1998 CHIP Water Wed May 6 18:05:14 GMT 1998 CHIP End Water Wed May 6 18:08:35 GMT 1998 MKIII Start Cal PICS COMMENT: Wed May 6 18:24:25 GMT 1998 At 1815 the O2A doesn't vignet the light for the disk image, the edge of the beam is about 1/8" in from the pillar side of the lens. It is more difficult to tell with the occulted images due to low light, it looks like there may be a little light spilling off the pillar side of the lens, but that might just be scattered light I'm seeing. So no obvious vignetting yet. PSPT COMMENT: Wed May 6 18:28:44 GMT 1998 The program stalled at "homing guider" earlier, so I exited and reset the PC. About 10 minutes ago I tried Run again and so far it looks like it is working. Also, Haosheng called earlier and wants me to help him remove, adjust, and reinstall a filter, once I get other things under control here. PSPT COMMENT: Wed May 6 18:42:08 GMT 1998 Stalled with the typical message about sky conditions being bad (it isn't), or the guider not being locked (it looks like it is), or the telescope not being pointed correctly (it looks OK), and asking me to type "q" to quit. PSPT COMMENT: Wed May 6 18:45:44 GMT 1998 I guess the guider actually isn't locked, the mirror servo light is off. I saw that the needles in the gauges were centered and thought the guider was locked. Wed May 6 19:02:18 GMT 1998 PICS Flat Wed May 6 19:03:11 GMT 1998 CHIP Bias Wed May 6 19:03:53 GMT 1998 PICS End Flat Wed May 6 19:04:28 GMT 1998 CHIP End Bias Wed May 6 19:04:38 GMT 1998 CHIP Water Wed May 6 19:05:21 GMT 1998 CHIP End Water PICS COMMENT: Wed May 6 19:11:29 GMT 1998 It is difficult to tell if the light beam has moved on the O2A, it may have moved a little towards the pillar. PSPT COMMENT: Wed May 6 19:54:20 GMT 1998 I removed the blue filter and changed the tilt a little according to request from Haosheng and Roy, hopefully this will improve the Flat images. Wed May 6 20:00:16 GMT 1998 PICS Flat Wed May 6 20:01:43 GMT 1998 PICS End Flat Wed May 6 20:03:01 GMT 1998 CHIP Gain Wed May 6 20:09:02 GMT 1998 CHIP End Gain Wed May 6 20:09:12 GMT 1998 CHIP Bias Wed May 6 20:10:07 GMT 1998 CHIP End Bias Wed May 6 20:10:20 GMT 1998 CHIP Water Wed May 6 20:11:02 GMT 1998 CHIP End Water COMMENT: Wed May 6 20:13:38 GMT 1998 Extended the dome slot. PICS COMMENT: Wed May 6 20:13:48 GMT 1998 The strange light (possibly caused by a reflection somewhere in the optical train and possibly related to the vignetting I've seen) is now very visible in the double image K-corona images to the WSW and just off the limb and extending out across the FOV. The light isn't noticeable in the regular limb images but you can see the light "contours" aren't concentric if you point the mouse pointer off the image in the Camera window, that is the window where you see the K-corona double images, nothing looks strange in the Display window. I checked the optics and it looks as though the beam touches the lens holder when doing the disk images and definitely is spilling about 1/4" onto the pillar side of the mirror holder for the mirror just after the O2A. PICS COMMENT: Wed May 6 20:32:12 GMT 1998 Since the K-corona occulter isn't perfectly aligned with the regular limb occulter there is a difference in occulting such that when the regular images are correctly occulted then the K-corona images show a little of the limb peeking over in the WSW which is where I see that extra unwanted light out away from the limb. So I changed the occulting so that the K-corona images would have the sun peeking over a little on the opposite (ENE) side of the occulter. That greatly reduced the amount of extra light to the WSW but there is still some there, so bad occulting isn't the cause of the light. I checked the light on the optics with this change in occulting and it looks the same, no change in where the light is falling as far as I can tell yet the extra light in the K-corona has been reduced. PICS COMMENT: Wed May 6 20:46:52 GMT 1998 I am changing the occulting back to normal again. PSPT COMMENT: Wed May 6 20:48:21 GMT 1998 The program again stalled like it did this morning, while "homing guider". I exited, reset the PC again, and did Run again. Now I am getting the "type q to quit message", again, just like this morning. I mentioned this problem to Haosheng earlier today and he said to try again and see what happens. I'll send a message to him. Wed May 6 21:00:28 GMT 1998 PICS Flat Wed May 6 21:01:56 GMT 1998 PICS End Flat Wed May 6 21:03:02 GMT 1998 CHIP Bias Wed May 6 21:04:08 GMT 1998 CHIP End Bias Wed May 6 21:04:18 GMT 1998 CHIP Water Wed May 6 21:05:01 GMT 1998 CHIP End Water PICS COMMENT: Wed May 6 21:14:13 GMT 1998 I can't tell if the beam has moved. It is possible that the beam hasn't moved at all throughout today and that I thought it was moving because the beam was getting brighter and it became obvious where the edges were, this would be because of the brightening of the sun as it rises towards noon. Anyway, it is obvious that the beam is being vignetted at the first mirror after the O2A. The extra light in the K-corona images seems to be reduced from an hour ago. So it appears that the vignetting may not be changing but the intensity of some unwanted extra light in the K-corona images changes throughout the day although the position of that light is always in the WSW, and the light is only visible in the K-corona images but there may be hints of it in the disk and limb images. PSPT COMMENT: Wed May 6 21:25:31 GMT 1998 I exited from the program and Haosheng will investigate the problem from his side. Wed May 6 22:01:25 GMT 1998 PICS Flat Wed May 6 22:02:55 GMT 1998 PICS End Flat Wed May 6 22:03:05 GMT 1998 CHIP Bias Wed May 6 22:04:11 GMT 1998 CHIP End Bias Wed May 6 22:04:25 GMT 1998 CHIP Water Wed May 6 22:05:10 GMT 1998 CHIP End Water PSPT COMMENT: Wed May 6 22:18:26 GMT 1998 Haosheng called up, we found out that the telescope was hitting the declination limit before pointing to the sun, in Hawaii the sun will go north of straight up at this time of year since we are within the tropics. I repositioned the limit switch activator to allow a greater declination and Haosheng is recalibrating the ephemeris for this new position. We'll probably have to do this again once he checks the ephemeris to see how far north the telescope needs to point in declination. Wed May 6 22:23:24 GMT 1998 PICS End Patrol Wed May 6 22:23:40 GMT 1998 CHIP ending tape PSPT COMMENT: Wed May 6 22:58:10 GMT 1998 Still helping Haosheng with the calibration. PICS COMMENT: Wed May 6 22:58:33 GMT 1998 I checked the light beam around 2230 ut and it still looks like is in the same position as earlier, so if there is a drift it is very small. COMMENT: Wed May 6 23:03:13 GMT 1998 TAPES: ****** MKIII: H01819 PICS: P01185 CHIP: C00575 LOWL: L00513 in temp drive #1 Wed May 6 23:04:15 GMT 1998 MkIII 17_14.rawmk3 18_27.rawmk3 19_28.rawmk3 20_29.rawmk3 21_31.rawmk3 17_17.rawmk3 18_30.rawmk3 19_31.rawmk3 20_32.rawmk3 21_34.rawmk3 17_20.rawmk3 18_33.rawmk3 19_34.rawmk3 20_35.rawmk3 21_37.rawmk3 17_23.rawmk3 18_35.rawmk3 19_37.rawmk3 20_38.rawmk3 21_40.rawmk3 17_26.rawmk3 18_38.rawmk3 19_40.rawmk3 20_41.rawmk3 21_43.rawmk3 17_29.rawmk3 18_41.rawmk3 19_43.rawmk3 20_44.rawmk3 21_45.rawmk3 17_32.rawmk3 18_44.rawmk3 19_46.rawmk3 20_47.rawmk3 21_48.rawmk3 17_35.rawmk3 18_47.rawmk3 19_49.rawmk3 20_50.rawmk3 21_51.rawmk3 17_38.rawmk3 18_50.rawmk3 19_51.rawmk3 20_53.rawmk3 21_54.rawmk3 17_40.rawmk3 18_53.rawmk3 19_54.rawmk3 20_56.rawmk3 21_57.rawmk3 17_43.rawmk3 18_56.rawmk3 19_57.rawmk3 20_59.rawmk3 22_00.rawmk3 17_46.rawmk3 18_59.rawmk3 20_00.rawmk3 21_02.rawmk3 22_03.rawmk3 17_49.rawmk3 19_02.rawmk3 20_03.rawmk3 21_05.rawmk3 22_06.rawmk3 17_52.rawmk3 19_05.rawmk3 20_06.rawmk3 21_07.rawmk3 22_09.rawmk3 17_55.rawmk3 19_08.rawmk3 20_09.rawmk3 21_10.rawmk3 22_12.rawmk3 17_58.rawmk3 19_11.rawmk3 20_12.rawmk3 21_13.rawmk3 22_15.rawmk3 18_01.rawmk3 19_13.rawmk3 20_15.rawmk3 21_16.rawmk3 22_18.rawmk3 18_04.rawmk3 19_16.rawmk3 20_18.rawmk3 21_19.rawmk3 c18_08.rawmk3 18_11.rawmk3 19_19.rawmk3 20_21.rawmk3 21_22.rawmk3 c18_14.rawmk3 18_17.rawmk3 19_22.rawmk3 20_24.rawmk3 21_25.rawmk3 c18_20.rawmk3 18_24.rawmk3 19_25.rawmk3 20_27.rawmk3 21_28.rawmk3