----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Jun 2 16:27:53 GMT 1998 Year: 98 Doy: 153 Observer: yasukawa WEATHER COMMENT: Tue Jun 2 16:29:45 GMT 1998 In extensive cirrus, cool, no wind. Tue Jun 2 16:30:32 GMT 1998 CHIP Startup--Initializing new tape Tue Jun 2 16:32:49 GMT 1998 CHIP CHIP Start Patrol Tue Jun 2 16:33:23 GMT 1998 PICS Start Patrol Tue Jun 2 17:02:15 GMT 1998 PICS Flat Tue Jun 2 17:02:55 GMT 1998 CHIP Bias Tue Jun 2 17:03:41 GMT 1998 PICS End Flat Tue Jun 2 17:03:54 GMT 1998 CHIP End Bias Tue Jun 2 17:04:01 GMT 1998 CHIP Water PSPT COMMENT: Tue Jun 2 17:04:40 GMT 1998 Fuse kept blowing in the temperature controller module. After it blew for the 4th time (over the life of the instrument) yesterday, I asked Roy about its design rating. Turns out the 1A fuse was designed for 220V for Rome. They forgot to change the fuse rating for USA, 115V. We swapped it for a 2A fuse. Tue Jun 2 18:01:03 GMT 1998 CHIP Bias Tue Jun 2 18:02:03 GMT 1998 CHIP End Bias Tue Jun 2 18:02:10 GMT 1998 CHIP Water Tue Jun 2 18:02:24 GMT 1998 PICS Flat Tue Jun 2 18:02:53 GMT 1998 CHIP End Water Tue Jun 2 18:03:01 GMT 1998 CHIP Velocity Tue Jun 2 18:03:47 GMT 1998 PICS End Flat Tue Jun 2 18:04:15 GMT 1998 CHIP End Velocity **PSPT PROBLEM**: Tue Jun 2 18:44:51 GMT 1998 Swapped B3 and B4 blue filter as instructed by NOAO. B4 now in instrument. WEATHER COMMENT: Tue Jun 2 18:47:56 GMT 1998 Cirrus still extensive, but it is relatively thin now. Cannot get MKIII data, PICS limb washed out. Trying PSPT. Tue Jun 2 19:02:10 GMT 1998 CHIP Bias Tue Jun 2 19:02:26 GMT 1998 PICS Flat Tue Jun 2 19:03:09 GMT 1998 CHIP End Bias Tue Jun 2 19:03:17 GMT 1998 CHIP Water Tue Jun 2 19:03:52 GMT 1998 PICS End Flat Tue Jun 2 19:04:02 GMT 1998 CHIP End Water Tue Jun 2 19:04:10 GMT 1998 CHIP Velocity Tue Jun 2 19:05:25 GMT 1998 CHIP End Velocity Tue Jun 2 19:07:27 GMT 1998 MKIII Start Patrol MKIII COMMENT: Tue Jun 2 19:08:36 GMT 1998 Opened up MKIII dust cap, running 1 patrol loop to initialize instrument, still in cirrus. PICS COMMENT: Tue Jun 2 19:24:36 GMT 1998 Changed camera settings from 10 milliseconds to 9 milliseconds on GUI Joel requested a 10% reduction in exposure to reduce overexposure on disk. I requested confirmation but did not get an immediate response. Tue Jun 2 19:26:55 GMT 1998 PICS End Patrol COMMENT: Tue Jun 2 19:27:18 GMT 1998 Stopping to reconfigure dome shutter. Tue Jun 2 19:29:35 GMT 1998 CHIP CHIP End Patrol Tue Jun 2 19:34:06 GMT 1998 CHIP CHIP Start Patrol Tue Jun 2 19:34:27 GMT 1998 PICS Start Patrol Tue Jun 2 20:00:23 GMT 1998 PICS Flat Tue Jun 2 20:01:52 GMT 1998 PICS End Flat Tue Jun 2 20:02:03 GMT 1998 CHIP Gain Tue Jun 2 20:08:06 GMT 1998 CHIP End Gain Tue Jun 2 20:08:15 GMT 1998 CHIP Bias Tue Jun 2 20:09:09 GMT 1998 CHIP End Bias Tue Jun 2 20:09:19 GMT 1998 CHIP Water Tue Jun 2 20:10:00 GMT 1998 CHIP End Water Tue Jun 2 20:10:09 GMT 1998 CHIP Velocity Tue Jun 2 20:11:23 GMT 1998 CHIP End Velocity **** EVENT COMMENT ****: Tue Jun 2 20:55:01 GMT 1998 Prominence at PA 65-75 possibly an EPL, difficult to tell due to cirrus. CHIP image looks like it has expanded outward from earlier this morning. Tue Jun 2 21:01:25 GMT 1998 PICS Flat Tue Jun 2 21:02:53 GMT 1998 PICS End Flat Tue Jun 2 21:03:04 GMT 1998 CHIP Bias Tue Jun 2 21:04:07 GMT 1998 CHIP End Bias Tue Jun 2 21:04:21 GMT 1998 CHIP Water Tue Jun 2 21:05:09 GMT 1998 CHIP End Water Tue Jun 2 21:05:18 GMT 1998 CHIP Velocity Tue Jun 2 21:06:36 GMT 1998 CHIP End Velocity WEATHER COMMENT: Tue Jun 2 21:43:57 GMT 1998 Cirrus is thick again. Tue Jun 2 22:01:05 GMT 1998 CHIP Bias Tue Jun 2 22:02:06 GMT 1998 CHIP End Bias Tue Jun 2 22:02:16 GMT 1998 CHIP Water Tue Jun 2 22:02:22 GMT 1998 PICS Flat Tue Jun 2 22:03:08 GMT 1998 CHIP End Water Tue Jun 2 22:03:18 GMT 1998 CHIP Velocity Tue Jun 2 22:03:52 GMT 1998 PICS End Flat Tue Jun 2 22:04:34 GMT 1998 CHIP End Velocity Tue Jun 2 22:08:58 GMT 1998 PICS End Patrol Tue Jun 2 22:10:33 GMT 1998 CHIP CHIP End Patrol Tue Jun 2 22:11:03 GMT 1998 CHIP ending tape COMMENT: Tue Jun 2 22:11:14 GMT 1998 Tapes: MKIII: no data, recycling tape. PICS: P01207 CHIP: C00600 LOWL: L00521 **** EVENT COMMENT ****: Tue Jun 2 22:15:36 GMT 1998 Active prominence or possible EPL at PA 65-75. Noted changes in shape during periods of thin cirrus. Tue Jun 2 22:17:02 GMT 1998 MkIII