----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Oct 4 16:59:41 GMT 1998 Year: 98 Doy: 277 Observer: koon WEATHER COMMENT: Sun Oct 4 16:59:43 GMT 1998 Thick cirrostratus and altocumulus overcast, wind=10 mph from the SE, temp=45 F. Observing today is unlikely. **CHIP PROBLEM**: Sun Oct 4 17:12:53 GMT 1998 I'll continue testing for the filter temperature control problem. It is still unclear what the problem is but I found a bad cable connector yesterday that should be improved anyway. The real problem could be in the filter temperature sensor (inside filter housing) but I have no way of knowing since I don't have access to a resistance vs ambient temperature curve for the sensor. I haven't received any replies or requests to my message from yesterday since I'm the only person who has to work on weekends, so I'll try a few more tests of the cable connector and then I'll try to improve it, then I'll close up the CHIP and we can see if that helped to fix the main problem. **CHIP PROBLEM**: Sun Oct 4 20:36:43 GMT 1998 I couldn't find any spare cables or the type of coax connectors used for the filter temperature sensor cable. I tried checking the resistance of the cable with the controllerside connected to the filter, it is flaky also when the connector is wiggled, althoughthat connector works fine at the controller connection when wiggled. So the problem appears to be that the filter side connector half is worn down so that a good connection can't be made. I tried crimping the other half of the connector, the part on the cable so that the fit is tighter on the outer and inner conducters of the filter half. That improved the flakiness but it is still there when the connector is wiggled. I think the center conducter on the filter half of the connector is too worn down to give a good connection. Maybe replacing the cable plug half with a new one will give a reliable connection. Or the filter receptacle half would have to be replaced. Another type of connector would be desireable I think. I'll put the instrument covers back on with only a few screws to aid in access until we get the problem fixed. **CHIP PROBLEM**: Sun Oct 4 22:43:19 GMT 1998 Covers back on with minimal screws, temporary so we can gain access more easily. When I left the cable plugged in, the resistance looked good, but that will change with a slight movement at the connector. Need new connector at filter probably, could try a new cable inside the cover from the d-connector to the filter. Sun Oct 4 22:46:15 GMT 1998 MkIII