----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Oct 22 16:54:48 GMT 1998 Year: 98 Doy: 295 Observer: koon WEATHER COMMENT: Thu Oct 22 16:55:43 GMT 1998 Scattered cirrus, wind =5 mph from the SW, temp=45 F. COMMENT: Thu Oct 22 16:56:33 GMT 1998 Will only observe with the instruments that aren't on the spar until later. PSPT COMMENT: Thu Oct 22 17:00:48 GMT 1998 Will try this although there are clouds so it will probably stall at some point. **LOW-L PROBLEM**: Thu Oct 22 17:01:17 GMT 1998 It appears that the program crashed twice yesterday. The first crash caused the data to stop going to L00549 in drive #1 and start going to L00550 in drive #0 although the tape didn't pop out of drive #1. The second crashwas at 00:13:45 ut on 10/22/98 ut, around 2:13 HST yesterday afternoon. The tape didn't pop out but there are 19 files which indicates that the first crash was actually 2 days ago, the instrument head is stowed. Part of the problem was that we couldn't monitor the LowL because its monitor was being used to monitor the MKIV signals. Will restart the observations with L00551 in drive #0 and L00552 in drive #1. **PSPT PROBLEM**: Thu Oct 22 20:03:12 GMT 1998 Pointings Pointing at the wrong place in the sky, the sky is clear and blue, no clouds causing this problem. The typical "check sky conditions" errpr message keeps popping up on the screen. Will have to do Run twicw to get observations going again. MKIII COMMENT: Thu Oct 22 23:38:26 GMT 1998 Work continues on the MKIV, we tried wrapping the cables through the old cable wrap but there wasn't enough room More room is being made by modifying the cable fastening system, then maybe it will work as hoped. CHIP COMMENT: Thu Oct 22 23:40:33 GMT 1998 The filter was tested using the sodium lamp and the Spectrum and Video programs, it looks very good. Fri Oct 23 01:16:07 GMT 1998 MKIII Start Patrol Fri Oct 23 01:22:22 GMT 1998 MKIII End Patrol Fri Oct 23 01:30:05 GMT 1998 MkIII 01_16.rawmk3 01_19.rawmk3