----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Nov 19 17:05:25 GMT 1998 Year: 98 Doy: 323 Observer: koon WEATHER COMMENT: Thu Nov 19 17:05:27 GMT 1998 Foggy and rainy, wind=15 mph from the ESE, temp=38 F. Probably won't be able to observe today. **LOW-L PROBLEM**: Thu Nov 19 19:58:57 GMT 1998 Time was wrong, it was one hour ahead, this happened a week or two ago also. Stopped obs and removed L00557 from drive #0. Moved L00558 from drive #1 to drive #0, installed L00559 in drive #1. Cycled PC power and the program came up with the correct time. The time was wrong from the start of today but I waited to see if it would be corrected by the program, it's cloudy so no data were mislabeled. WEATHER COMMENT: Thu Nov 19 20:02:19 GMT 1998 Still very cloudy and wet. COMMENT: Thu Nov 19 20:14:07 GMT 1998 I talked to a reputable electrician (Mel Hirayama) about some work we need on the dimmable lights and the UPS power and the Isolation Transformer and he'll check on a few things and get back to us. PICS COMMENT: Thu Nov 19 21:06:43 GMT 1998 I installed the thermoprinter for the PSPT compartment temperature tests. It is attached to large cables on the underside of the PSPT when it is in the stowed position. The probe wire runs in through a gap in a side access door. It will use battery power, they should last about 80 hours. It needs to be setup after turning it on each of the two test days, days with probable full sunshine all day. The manual is in the box with the AC adapter and extra paper near the electronics bench below the panels. I'll check with Roy on the scale to use: Fahrenheit vs Centigrade, he wants it set to 1 sample/minute. WEATHER COMMENT: Thu Nov 19 21:42:01 GMT 1998 Weather bad all day, no observations. Thu Nov 19 21:42:24 GMT 1998 MkIII