----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Nov 22 17:12:53 GMT 1998 Year: 98 Doy: 326 Observer: koon WEATHER COMMENT: Sun Nov 22 17:12:55 GMT 1998 Thick altocumulus and cirrostratus, wind=15 mph from the SE, temp=44 F. Too cloudy to observe right now. **MKIV PROBLEM**: Sun Nov 22 17:14:11 GMT 1998 Had to reset the KCC to get the VCP displayed on the Sony monitor. **MLSO PROBLEM**: Sun Nov 22 17:26:39 GMT 1998 Network connection beyond the mountain is down. COMMENT: Sun Nov 22 22:27:54 GMT 1998 I rebalanced the Spar. I'm pretty sure this is as good as we can get it unless we add repositioned weight mounts to the Spar. The declination is now balanced much better but is still a little bottom heavy. The RA is about how it was before I started this rebalance, and it is a little top heavy. I was able to reduce the weight a little and moved around the central and top area weights, unfortunately I couldn't find anyway to avoid using a small weight clamped to the handle at the bottom. If tracking suffers then we may have to add a little more weight to the handle since RA is more sensitive to imbalance and I might not have balanced that as good as it was, but I think tracking will be better than it was. WEATHER COMMENT: Sun Nov 22 22:36:43 GMT 1998 Still very cloudy, no observations. Sun Nov 22 22:40:32 GMT 1998 MkIII