----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Nov 26 16:54:29 GMT 1998 Year: 98 Doy: 330 Observer: koon WEATHER COMMENT: Thu Nov 26 16:54:55 GMT 1998 Clear sky, wind=10 mph from the SE, temp=42 F. Thu Nov 26 16:55:44 GMT 1998 CHIP Startup--Initializing new tape Thu Nov 26 16:59:02 GMT 1998 MKIII Start Patrol Thu Nov 26 16:59:09 GMT 1998 PICS Start Patrol Thu Nov 26 16:59:09 GMT 1998 PICS Start Patrol Thu Nov 26 17:01:19 GMT 1998 PICS Flat Thu Nov 26 17:02:45 GMT 1998 PICS End Flat Thu Nov 26 17:02:58 GMT 1998 CHIP Bias PSPT COMMENT: Thu Nov 26 17:03:41 GMT 1998 Started up the thermo-printer for the 2nd full day before starting the observations. Tracking the temperature throughout the day in the SOP. MKIV COMMENT: Thu Nov 26 17:14:59 GMT 1998 Removed tape 98329 from Nahenahe drive and installed 98330. **PSPT PROBLEM**: Thu Nov 26 17:16:49 GMT 1998 Stalled with multiple "Initializing Focus" messages. Tried Run again to get it going. **PSPT PROBLEM**: Thu Nov 26 17:34:24 GMT 1998 Sitting there with the timeout counter counting, didn't get past the test exposures. Tried Run again. **PSPT PROBLEM**: Thu Nov 26 17:40:24 GMT 1998 Back stalled with the endless stream of "Initializing Focus" messages. Tried Run again. Thu Nov 26 18:00:38 GMT 1998 PICS Flat Thu Nov 26 18:01:49 GMT 1998 CHIP Bias Thu Nov 26 18:02:13 GMT 1998 PICS End Flat Thu Nov 26 18:02:41 GMT 1998 CHIP End Bias Thu Nov 26 18:02:50 GMT 1998 CHIP Water Thu Nov 26 18:03:29 GMT 1998 CHIP End Water Thu Nov 26 18:23:04 GMT 1998 MKIII Start Cal Thu Nov 26 18:43:17 GMT 1998 MKIII End Cal **PSPT PROBLEM**: Thu Nov 26 18:50:43 GMT 1998 After the last stall while "Initializing Focus" I exited and tried to move the focus manually using the PC, but it always stays at position 0.00 I tried cycling the PC and rack power but that didn't help. PC shows messages like: "Home switch ON", "Event not cleared", "position=0.00", while the Sparcstation shows the continuous "Initializing Focus" messages. Tried calling Haosheng, not there, will send email in case anyone else is working on this Thanksgiving. Thu Nov 26 19:00:32 GMT 1998 PICS Flat Thu Nov 26 19:00:56 GMT 1998 CHIP Bias Thu Nov 26 19:01:54 GMT 1998 CHIP End Bias Thu Nov 26 19:02:04 GMT 1998 CHIP Water Thu Nov 26 19:02:13 GMT 1998 PICS End Flat Thu Nov 26 19:02:45 GMT 1998 CHIP End Water **PSPT PROBLEM**: Thu Nov 26 19:14:08 GMT 1998 It looks like this problem was solved by Haosheng moving the focus stage off of the home position on 11/13/98 when it last occurred. Too bad we didn't get instructions on how to do that. I've tried to figure out how to do that, it must be via computer command since Haosheng did it remotely. I think I have to somehow clear the home position event flag and then move the stage with one of the commands listed when you type "fcs help" on the PC. Thu Nov 26 20:00:34 GMT 1998 PICS Flat Thu Nov 26 20:02:01 GMT 1998 PICS End Flat Thu Nov 26 20:02:49 GMT 1998 CHIP Gain Thu Nov 26 20:07:17 GMT 1998 CHIP End Gain Thu Nov 26 20:07:27 GMT 1998 CHIP Bias Thu Nov 26 20:08:17 GMT 1998 CHIP End Bias Thu Nov 26 20:08:45 GMT 1998 CHIP Water Thu Nov 26 20:09:25 GMT 1998 CHIP End Water **PSPT PROBLEM**: Thu Nov 26 20:22:02 GMT 1998 I couldn't figure out the magic computer command to clear the event flag. I also couldn't find easy access to the focus stage to see if I could manually reset the limit switch there. We'll have to wait for help from Haosheng, it would be great if he could send us a writeup on how to recover from this problem since it has happened twice in two weeks. I'm going to leave the thermoprinter running, maybe that tape can be used as some kind of control data set by Roy. the lens cap is still closed and the telescope isn't pointing at the sun, but the dome is open and sunlight is on the telescope as it sits in an early morning pointing position. Thu Nov 26 21:00:39 GMT 1998 PICS Flat Thu Nov 26 21:00:49 GMT 1998 CHIP Bias Thu Nov 26 21:01:45 GMT 1998 CHIP End Bias Thu Nov 26 21:01:55 GMT 1998 CHIP Water Thu Nov 26 21:02:17 GMT 1998 PICS End Flat Thu Nov 26 21:02:34 GMT 1998 CHIP End Water Thu Nov 26 22:00:30 GMT 1998 PICS Flat Thu Nov 26 22:01:56 GMT 1998 PICS End Flat Thu Nov 26 22:02:59 GMT 1998 CHIP Bias Thu Nov 26 22:03:56 GMT 1998 CHIP End Bias Thu Nov 26 22:04:05 GMT 1998 CHIP Water Thu Nov 26 22:04:47 GMT 1998 MKIII End Patrol Thu Nov 26 22:04:43 GMT 1998 CHIP End Water Thu Nov 26 22:16:40 GMT 1998 PICS End Patrol **PSPT PROBLEM**: Thu Nov 26 22:16:49 GMT 1998 The telescope didn't point to the normal stow position when I shutdown. I changed the paper roll in the printer, the roll is now new. Thu Nov 26 22:18:05 GMT 1998 CHIP ending tape COMMENT: Thu Nov 26 22:21:09 GMT 1998 TAPES: ****** MKIV: 98330 CHIP: C00730 PICS: P01343 LOWL: L00558 in drive #0 Thu Nov 26 22:22:12 GMT 1998 MkIII 16_59.rawmk3 18_00.rawmk3 19_20.rawmk3 20_21.rawmk3 21_22.rawmk3 17_02.rawmk3 18_03.rawmk3 19_23.rawmk3 20_24.rawmk3 21_26.rawmk3 17_05.rawmk3 18_07.rawmk3 19_26.rawmk3 20_28.rawmk3 21_29.rawmk3 17_08.rawmk3 18_10.rawmk3 19_29.rawmk3 20_31.rawmk3 21_32.rawmk3 17_12.rawmk3 18_13.rawmk3 19_33.rawmk3 20_34.rawmk3 21_35.rawmk3 17_15.rawmk3 18_16.rawmk3 19_36.rawmk3 20_37.rawmk3 21_39.rawmk3 17_18.rawmk3 18_19.rawmk3 19_39.rawmk3 20_41.rawmk3 21_42.rawmk3 17_21.rawmk3 18_26.rawmk3 19_42.rawmk3 20_44.rawmk3 21_45.rawmk3 17_25.rawmk3 18_33.rawmk3 19_46.rawmk3 20_47.rawmk3 21_48.rawmk3 17_28.rawmk3 18_40.rawmk3 19_49.rawmk3 20_50.rawmk3 21_52.rawmk3 17_31.rawmk3 18_51.rawmk3 19_52.rawmk3 20_53.rawmk3 21_55.rawmk3 17_34.rawmk3 18_54.rawmk3 19_55.rawmk3 20_57.rawmk3 21_58.rawmk3 17_37.rawmk3 18_57.rawmk3 19_59.rawmk3 21_00.rawmk3 22_01.rawmk3 17_41.rawmk3 19_00.rawmk3 20_02.rawmk3 21_03.rawmk3 c18_23.rawmk3 17_44.rawmk3 19_04.rawmk3 20_05.rawmk3 21_06.rawmk3 c18_29.rawmk3 17_47.rawmk3 19_07.rawmk3 20_08.rawmk3 21_10.rawmk3 c18_36.rawmk3 17_50.rawmk3 19_10.rawmk3 20_11.rawmk3 21_13.rawmk3 17_54.rawmk3 19_13.rawmk3 20_15.rawmk3 21_16.rawmk3 17_57.rawmk3 19_17.rawmk3 20_18.rawmk3 21_19.rawmk3