----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Jan 7 17:22:15 GMT 1999 Year: 99 Doy: 007 Observer: koon WEATHER COMMENT: Thu Jan 7 17:22:17 GMT 1999 Medium to thick cirrostratus, wind=5 mph from the South, temp=42 F. Thu Jan 7 17:23:45 GMT 1999 CHIP Startup--Initializing new tape Thu Jan 7 19:52:17 GMT 1999 MKIII Start Patrol WEATHER COMMENT: Thu Jan 7 19:52:27 GMT 1999 Clouds have mostly cleared now, starting the instruments. Thu Jan 7 19:53:12 GMT 1999 CHIP CHIP Start Patrol Thu Jan 7 19:53:18 GMT 1999 PICS Start Patrol Thu Jan 7 20:00:35 GMT 1999 PICS Flat Thu Jan 7 20:02:05 GMT 1999 PICS End Flat Thu Jan 7 20:02:54 GMT 1999 CHIP Gain Thu Jan 7 20:07:15 GMT 1999 CHIP End Gain Thu Jan 7 20:07:25 GMT 1999 CHIP Bias PICS COMMENT: Thu Jan 7 20:08:33 GMT 1999 Pausing to do some testing for David. Bias Thu Jan 7 20:08:41 GMT 1999 CHIP Water Thu Jan 7 20:09:21 GMT 1999 CHIP End Water Thu Jan 7 20:09:34 GMT 1999 PICS End Patrol Thu Jan 7 20:11:47 GMT 1999 MKIII Start Cal Thu Jan 7 20:32:00 GMT 1999 MKIII Start Patrol Thu Jan 7 21:00:53 GMT 1999 CHIP Bias Thu Jan 7 21:01:57 GMT 1999 CHIP End Bias Thu Jan 7 21:02:07 GMT 1999 CHIP Water Thu Jan 7 21:02:46 GMT 1999 CHIP End Water PICS COMMENT: Thu Jan 7 21:09:12 GMT 1999 We determined the correct LCVR voltages and they have been compiled into the program. I will send over an hourly image right after the first disk image. Then I'll stop the Patrol and install an occulter that is one size larger than the limb image occulter into the K-Corona space in the occulting wheel. Finally I'll run the Special program David requested. WEATHER COMMENT: Thu Jan 7 21:14:23 GMT 1999 Light to Heavy cirrostratus is blanketing the sky again. PICS COMMENT: Thu Jan 7 21:15:20 GMT 1999 I won't be able to run the Special program until the clouds clear away. Thu Jan 7 21:16:34 GMT 1999 PICS End Patrol Thu Jan 7 21:17:12 GMT 1999 MKIII End Patrol PICS COMMENT: Thu Jan 7 21:29:09 GMT 1999 Regular limb occulting disk is at 1991, so I'm installing the 2001 arcsecond diameter disk for the K-corona. I also entered the regular occulting disk size into the program as we should do everytime that disk size is changed using the command: SetOccultingDisk 1991 in the Nene xterm window. PICS COMMENT: Thu Jan 7 21:46:36 GMT 1999 Changed to the largest occulting disk for the K-corona, at David's request, it is now at 2012 arcseconds. Thu Jan 7 22:02:52 GMT 1999 CHIP Bias Thu Jan 7 22:03:46 GMT 1999 CHIP End Bias Thu Jan 7 22:03:56 GMT 1999 CHIP Water Thu Jan 7 22:04:34 GMT 1999 CHIP End Water Thu Jan 7 22:31:41 GMT 1999 CHIP CHIP End Patrol Thu Jan 7 22:37:09 GMT 1999 CHIP ending tape COMMENT: Thu Jan 7 22:44:28 GMT 1999 TAPES: ****** MKIV: 99007 CHIP: C00756 PICS: P01369 LOWL: L00567 in drive #0 Thu Jan 7 22:46:19 GMT 1999 MkIII 19_52.rawmk3 20_15.rawmk3 20_41.rawmk3 21_01.rawmk3 c20_18.rawmk3 19_55.rawmk3 20_21.rawmk3 20_45.rawmk3 21_04.rawmk3 c20_25.rawmk3 19_58.rawmk3 20_28.rawmk3 20_48.rawmk3 21_07.rawmk3 20_02.rawmk3 20_32.rawmk3 20_51.rawmk3 21_10.rawmk3 20_05.rawmk3 20_35.rawmk3 20_54.rawmk3 21_14.rawmk3 20_08.rawmk3 20_38.rawmk3 20_57.rawmk3 c20_11.rawmk3