----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Jan 26 17:23:44 GMT 1999 Year: 99 Doy: 026 Observer: yasukawa WEATHER COMMENT: Tue Jan 26 17:24:37 GMT 1999 Cold, in clouds, snowing, southeast wind. LOW-L COMMENT: Tue Jan 26 17:25:05 GMT 1999 Before leaving, I noticed LOWL was trying to write to drive 1 and error message was no tape detected. I popped L00575 out of drive 0, L00576 out of drive 1, moved L00576 to drive 0, loaded L00577 into drive 1, and did a warm reboot. Time and date came up OK and tape write operation resumed normally to drive 0. Tape write is OK this morning, and time and date is correct. **PICS PROBLEM**: Tue Jan 26 22:09:52 GMT 1999 Tested camera on bench with CHIP controller. Still did not work. Opened up to re-inspect connectors and boards. Yipes, broke off one of the studs on the shutter side. Awaiting RMA to send camera back. Reassembled camera without stud. Boards and connectors looked fine but I did detect a faint smell of burnt component on the board that the ccd's coax plugs into. Could not find any component that looked scorched. **CHIP PROBLEM**: Tue Jan 26 22:13:24 GMT 1999 Pin 41 broke off the Megaplus cable at the controller. Had to swap the PICS cable for now. CHIP COMMENT: Tue Jan 26 22:14:51 GMT 1999 Rebooted kii with controller on to reload the camera settings. COMMENT: Tue Jan 26 22:15:25 GMT 1999 Tapes: LOWL: L00576 in drive 0 No observations today, mostly in clouds. LOW-L COMMENT: Tue Jan 26 22:16:39 GMT 1999 Time and date OK. Tue Jan 26 22:16:55 GMT 1999 MkIII