----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Jan 28 22:19:56 GMT 1999 Year: 99 Doy: 028 Observer: koon MKIV COMMENT: Thu Jan 28 23:31:08 GMT 1999 With David's help I've narrowed down the Nahenahe/KCC stalling problem to be one or both of the Bit3 communications boards (we hope), one board is on Nahenahe and one is on KCC. I'm writing this log at the end of a day in which a lot of things were tried but not logged as they happened due to the inability to use the log program since the Nahenahe computer was down. David is sending out 2 new boards for us to try. Until we install those boards we won't have MKIV or MKIII observations because we need to keep the KCC turned off in order to use Nahenahe for logging and data transfers. I think I have everything setup correctly for us to observe with the other instruments without any problems. I tried a lot of things but couldn't find any other obvious problems, cables and connectors and power supplies and board seatings all looked good. Network connection to KCC is good, but data transfer connection isn't. This log is greatly condensed and I can give more details to anyone who really wants them. WEATHER COMMENT: Thu Jan 28 23:40:28 GMT 1999 Weather today started out clear with wind=5 mph from the SSW and temp=33 F at 1725ut. It became cloudy around 2130. MKIV COMMENT: Thu Jan 28 23:41:57 GMT 1999 I'm not sure if anything was written to it but the tape for yesterdays data was popped out this morning (99027), so I'll send that one too. **PSPT PROBLEM**: Thu Jan 28 23:43:06 GMT 1999 In summary, PSPT started out with a focus stage initialization problem, then it took several tries to get it going. I stopped it when the clouds started moving in. COMMENT: Thu Jan 28 23:46:07 GMT 1999 TAPES: ****** CHIP: C00770 LOWL: L00577 in drive #0 PICS: Down for repairs MKIV: Down for repairs. Thu Jan 28 23:47:32 GMT 1999 MkIII