----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Apr 24 16:48:38 GMT 1999 Year: 99 Doy: 114 Observer:koon WEATHER COMMENT: Sat Apr 24 16:49:38 GMT 1999 Clear sky, wind=10 mph from the East, temp=40 F. alizing new tape Sat Apr 24 16:54:14 GMT 1999 MKIII Start Patrol Sat Apr 24 16:54:18 GMT 1999 PICS Start Patrol Sat Apr 24 16:54:18 GMT 1999 PICS Start Patrol Sat Apr 24 17:00:50 GMT 1999 CHIP Bias Sat Apr 24 17:01:43 GMT 1999 PICS Flat Sat Apr 24 17:01:43 GMT 1999 PICS Flat Sat Apr 24 17:01:52 GMT 1999 CHIP Water Sat Apr 24 17:02:30 GMT 1999 CHIP End Water Sat Apr 24 17:03:21 GMT 1999 PICS End Flat Sat Apr 24 17:13:39 GMT 1999 PICS End Patrol Sat Apr 24 17:14:06 GMT 1999 MKIII Start Patrol Sat Apr 24 17:39:03 GMT 1999 PICS Start Patrol PICS COMMENT: Sat Apr 24 17:40:44 GMT 1999 Image was off, stopped Patrol and aligned it a little then started Patrol. Sat Apr 24 18:01:34 GMT 1999 PICS Flat Sat Apr 24 18:02:54 GMT 1999 CHIP Bias Sat Apr 24 18:03:06 GMT 1999 PICS End Flat Sat Apr 24 18:03:57 GMT 1999 CHIP End Bias Sat Apr 24 18:04:08 GMT 1999 CHIP Water Sat Apr 24 18:04:47 GMT 1999 CHIP End Water Sat Apr 24 18:05:51 GMT 1999 MKIII Start Cal Sat Apr 24 18:26:01 GMT 1999 MKIII Start Patrol Sat Apr 24 18:40:29 GMT 1999 PICS End Patrol PICS COMMENT: Sat Apr 24 18:41:54 GMT 1999 Stopped Patrol to do more aligment tests. MKIII COMMENT: Sat Apr 24 18:50:02 GMT 1999 Fooling with MkIV timing scans are fouled up much of the time Sat Apr 24 19:03:00 GMT 1999 CHIP Bias Sat Apr 24 19:03:56 GMT 1999 CHIP End Bias Sat Apr 24 19:04:06 GMT 1999 CHIP Water Sat Apr 24 19:04:48 GMT 1999 CHIP End Water Sat Apr 24 20:02:48 GMT 1999 CHIP Gain Sat Apr 24 20:07:23 GMT 1999 CHIP End Gain Sat Apr 24 20:07:34 GMT 1999 CHIP Bias Sat Apr 24 20:08:22 GMT 1999 CHIP End Bias Sat Apr 24 20:08:33 GMT 1999 CHIP Water Sat Apr 24 20:09:11 GMT 1999 CHIP End Water Sat Apr 24 21:00:50 GMT 1999 CHIP Bias Sat Apr 24 21:01:52 GMT 1999 CHIP End Bias Sat Apr 24 21:02:02 GMT 1999 CHIP Water Sat Apr 24 21:02:41 GMT 1999 CHIP End Water Sat Apr 24 21:07:28 GMT 1999 MKIII End Patrol Sat Apr 24 21:11:59 GMT 1999 MKIII Start Correct Sat Apr 24 21:13:44 GMT 1999 MKIII End Correct Sat Apr 24 21:13:51 GMT 1999 MKIII Start Patrol Sat Apr 24 21:26:52 GMT 1999 MKIII End Patrol Sat Apr 24 21:29:22 GMT 1999 MKIII Start Correct Sat Apr 24 21:37:11 GMT 1999 MKIII Start Correct Sat Apr 24 21:38:52 GMT 1999 MKIII End Correct Sat Apr 24 21:38:52 GMT 1999 MKIII Start Patrol Sat Apr 24 21:45:39 GMT 1999 PICS Start Patrol Sat Apr 24 21:50:41 GMT 1999 PICS End Patrol Sat Apr 24 21:51:54 GMT 1999 MKIII End Patrol Sat Apr 24 21:55:39 GMT 1999 MKIII Start Correct Sat Apr 24 21:57:22 GMT 1999 MKIII End Correct Sat Apr 24 21:57:22 GMT 1999 MKIII Start Patrol Sat Apr 24 22:02:51 GMT 1999 CHIP Bias Sat Apr 24 22:03:57 GMT 1999 MKIII End Patrol Sat Apr 24 22:03:46 GMT 1999 CHIP End Bias Sat Apr 24 22:04:09 GMT 1999 CHIP Water Sat Apr 24 22:04:52 GMT 1999 CHIP End Water Sat Apr 24 22:07:01 GMT 1999 MKIII Start Correct Sat Apr 24 22:08:44 GMT 1999 MKIII End Correct Sat Apr 24 22:08:49 GMT 1999 MKIII Start Patrol Sat Apr 24 22:15:23 GMT 1999 MKIII End Patrol Sat Apr 24 22:18:24 GMT 1999 MKIII Start Correct Sat Apr 24 22:20:06 GMT 1999 MKIII Start Patrol Sat Apr 24 22:26:41 GMT 1999 MKIII End Patrol Sat Apr 24 22:47:34 GMT 1999 MKIII Start Correct Sat Apr 24 22:49:16 GMT 1999 MKIII Start Patrol Sat Apr 24 22:49:32 GMT 1999 PICS Start Patrol Sat Apr 24 22:55:50 GMT 1999 MKIII End Patrol Sat Apr 24 22:58:23 GMT 1999 MKIII Start Correct Sat Apr 24 23:00:06 GMT 1999 MKIII End Correct Sat Apr 24 23:01:45 GMT 1999 MKIII Start Patrol Sat Apr 24 23:02:54 GMT 1999 PICS Flat Sat Apr 24 23:02:54 GMT 1999 PICS Flat Sat Apr 24 23:03:47 GMT 1999 CHIP End Bias Sat Apr 24 23:03:57 GMT 1999 CHIP Water Sat Apr 24 23:04:35 GMT 1999 CHIP End Water Sat Apr 24 23:04:35 GMT 1999 CHIP End Water Sat Apr 24 23:08:22 GMT 1999 MKIII End Patrol Sat Apr 24 23:08:29 GMT 1999 PICS End Patrol Sat Apr 24 23:15:17 GMT 1999 MKIII Start Patrol PICS COMMENT: Sat Apr 24 23:20:22 GMT 1999 Have been doing a lot of alignment and starting and stopping the Patrol program, and sometimes bumping the Spar. The coronal images look much better in illumination now that everything is aligned well. The "bulge" of uneven illumination that Eric and I used to see is now gone, that was caused by the lightbeam not being centered through the Lyot stop near the Halle filter inside the PICS enclosure, the edge of the O1 was visible leaking past the Lyot stop which is supposed to block the edge ring. CHIP COMMENT: Sat Apr 24 23:32:18 GMT 1999 Will leave PICS and MkIII/IV running for subsequent lunar scans. Shutting down CHIP. Data tape for PICS is pau Sat Apr 24 23:33:40 GMT 1999 PICS End Patrol Sat Apr 24 23:34:13 GMT 1999 MKIII Start Patrol Sat Apr 24 23:34:34 GMT 1999 CHIP CHIP End Patrol Sat Apr 24 23:37:56 GMT 1999 CHIP ending tape COMMENT: Sat Apr 24 23:38:42 GMT 1999 TAPES: ****** MKIV: 99114 CHIP: C00832 PICS: P01420 LOWL: L00594 in drive #0. Sat Apr 24 23:47:31 GMT 1999 MKIII Start Patrol Sat Apr 24 23:49:05 GMT 1999 PICS Start Patrol Sat Apr 24 23:52:07 GMT 1999 PICS End Patrol Sun Apr 25 00:30:15 GMT 1999 MKIII Start Patrol Sun Apr 25 01:08:05 GMT 1999 MKIII Start Patrol Sun Apr 25 01:13:58 GMT 1999 MKIII Start Patrol Sun Apr 25 01:21:22 GMT 1999 MKIII Start Patrol Sun Apr 25 01:33:01 GMT 1999 MKIII Start Patrol Sun Apr 25 01:37:38 GMT 1999 MKIII Start Patrol Sun Apr 25 01:38:06 GMT 1999 MKIII End Patrol Sun Apr 25 01:50:18 GMT 1999 MKIII Start Patrol Sun Apr 25 02:12:43 GMT 1999 MKIII Start Patrol Sun Apr 25 02:18:52 GMT 1999 MKIII Start Patrol Sun Apr 25 02:19:36 GMT 1999 MKIII End Patrol Sun Apr 25 02:19:47 GMT 1999 MKIII Start Patrol Sun Apr 25 02:24:27 GMT 1999 MKIII Start Patrol Sun Apr 25 02:35:42 GMT 1999 MKIII Start Patrol Sun Apr 25 02:36:51 GMT 1999 MKIII End Patrol Sun Apr 25 02:37:04 GMT 1999 MKIII Start Patrol Sun Apr 25 02:50:01 GMT 1999 MKIII Start Patrol Sun Apr 25 02:54:21 GMT 1999 MkIII 02_37.rawmk3 18_16.rawmk3 19_21.rawmk3 20_22.rawmk3 21_42.rawmk3 16_54.rawmk3 18_22.rawmk3 19_24.rawmk3 20_25.rawmk3 21_45.rawmk3 17_14.rawmk3 18_26.rawmk3 19_27.rawmk3 20_28.rawmk3 21_48.rawmk3 17_17.rawmk3 18_29.rawmk3 19_30.rawmk3 20_32.rawmk3 21_57.rawmk3 17_20.rawmk3 18_32.rawmk3 19_33.rawmk3 20_35.rawmk3 22_00.rawmk3 17_24.rawmk3 18_35.rawmk3 19_37.rawmk3 20_38.rawmk3 22_08.rawmk3 17_27.rawmk3 18_39.rawmk3 19_40.rawmk3 20_41.rawmk3 22_12.rawmk3 17_30.rawmk3 18_42.rawmk3 19_43.rawmk3 20_44.rawmk3 22_20.rawmk3 17_33.rawmk3 18_45.rawmk3 19_46.rawmk3 20_48.rawmk3 22_23.rawmk3 17_36.rawmk3 18_48.rawmk3 19_50.rawmk3 20_51.rawmk3 22_49.rawmk3 17_40.rawmk3 18_52.rawmk3 19_53.rawmk3 20_54.rawmk3 22_52.rawmk3 17_43.rawmk3 18_55.rawmk3 19_56.rawmk3 20_57.rawmk3 23_01.rawmk3 17_46.rawmk3 18_58.rawmk3 19_59.rawmk3 21_01.rawmk3 23_05.rawmk3 17_49.rawmk3 19_01.rawmk3 20_03.rawmk3 21_04.rawmk3 c18_05.rawmk3 17_53.rawmk3 19_04.rawmk3 20_06.rawmk3 21_13.rawmk3 c18_12.rawmk3 17_56.rawmk3 19_08.rawmk3 20_09.rawmk3 21_17.rawmk3 c18_19.rawmk3 17_59.rawmk3 19_11.rawmk3 20_12.rawmk3 21_20.rawmk3 18_02.rawmk3 19_14.rawmk3 20_15.rawmk3 21_23.rawmk3 18_09.rawmk3 19_17.rawmk3 20_19.rawmk3 21_39.rawmk3