----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed May 19 17:03:11 GMT 1999 Year: 99 Doy: 139 Observer: koon WEATHER COMMENT: Wed May 19 17:03:14 GMT 1999 Very thin cirrostratus, wind=5 mph from the SSE, temp=45 F. **MKIV PROBLEM**: Wed May 19 17:09:34 GMT 1999 The scan display screen wouldn't come up OK, the Fail LEDs were lit on the KCC, I reset the KCC but they were still lit, I cycled the switched power switch and all came up as it should. Wed May 19 18:00:32 GMT 1999 PICS Flat Wed May 19 18:01:41 GMT 1999 PICS End Flat Wed May 19 19:00:27 GMT 1999 PICS Flat Wed May 19 19:01:33 GMT 1999 PICS End Flat **PSPT PROBLEM**: Wed May 19 19:07:12 GMT 1999 I haven't been able to get this to lock on the sun this morning despite clear sky. I'm still trying to find the cause of the problem(s). COMMENT: Wed May 19 19:44:41 GMT 1999 Routed and connected the new X and Y spar guider cables. **PSPT PROBLEM**: Wed May 19 19:57:54 GMT 1999 It is pointing and taking data again. I went through about 4 or 5 iterations of trying everything logical to get the telecope to lock on the sun, then I did an ephmcal (Eric did one yesterday) and went through the same iteration of steps and this time the telescope locked onto the sun and continued and took data. I had to point the telescope manually to center the image on the mirror despite having just run an ephmcal before that, it should have pointed fairly well before trying to lock on the sun but it didn't. It pointed about as close as earlier today, but when I pointed the telescope so that the image was centered on the mirror earlier it didn't help the telescope lock on the sun. What changed while running ephmcal that wouldn't cause the telescope to point any closer to the sun but would allow the active mirror to lock on the sun when I pointed it manually, very weird. **PSPT PROBLEM**: Wed May 19 20:13:24 GMT 1999 Well that didn't last long. Same old messages I've been getting all day about telescope not pointed at sun, but, like earlier, the QCsum is up there at around 1700 and the image of the sun is fairly well centered on the mirror. That means the QC (QuadCell) should be able to enable the active mirror to lock on the sun, but that isn't happening. COMMENT: Wed May 19 20:23:18 GMT 1999 Extended the dome slot. Wed May 19 21:00:31 GMT 1999 PICS Flat Wed May 19 21:01:37 GMT 1999 PICS End Flat Wed May 19 22:00:27 GMT 1999 PICS Flat Wed May 19 22:01:31 GMT 1999 PICS End Flat WEATHER COMMENT: Wed May 19 22:06:18 GMT 1999 Orographic clouds are moving in. **PSPT PROBLEM**: Wed May 19 22:06:32 GMT 1999 Problem(s) are still unresolved, I'll continue tomorrow. Wed May 19 22:10:01 GMT 1999 MKIII End Patrol COMMENT: Wed May 19 22:35:05 GMT 1999 TAPES: ****** MKIV: 99139 PICS: P01444 LOWL: L00599 in drive #0 CHIP: Down for repair. Wed May 19 22:36:06 GMT 1999 MkIII 17_09.rawmk3 18_21.rawmk3 19_21.rawmk3 20_21.rawmk3 21_21.rawmk3 17_12.rawmk3 18_25.rawmk3 19_24.rawmk3 20_25.rawmk3 21_25.rawmk3 17_16.rawmk3 18_28.rawmk3 19_28.rawmk3 20_28.rawmk3 21_28.rawmk3 17_20.rawmk3 18_32.rawmk3 19_32.rawmk3 20_32.rawmk3 21_32.rawmk3 17_24.rawmk3 18_36.rawmk3 19_36.rawmk3 20_36.rawmk3 21_36.rawmk3 17_27.rawmk3 18_39.rawmk3 19_39.rawmk3 20_40.rawmk3 21_40.rawmk3 17_31.rawmk3 18_43.rawmk3 19_43.rawmk3 20_43.rawmk3 21_43.rawmk3 17_35.rawmk3 18_47.rawmk3 19_47.rawmk3 20_47.rawmk3 21_47.rawmk3 17_39.rawmk3 18_51.rawmk3 19_51.rawmk3 20_51.rawmk3 21_51.rawmk3 17_42.rawmk3 18_54.rawmk3 19_54.rawmk3 20_55.rawmk3 21_55.rawmk3 17_46.rawmk3 18_58.rawmk3 19_58.rawmk3 20_58.rawmk3 21_58.rawmk3 17_50.rawmk3 19_02.rawmk3 20_02.rawmk3 21_02.rawmk3 22_02.rawmk3 17_54.rawmk3 19_06.rawmk3 20_06.rawmk3 21_06.rawmk3 22_06.rawmk3 17_57.rawmk3 19_10.rawmk3 20_10.rawmk3 21_10.rawmk3 c18_01.rawmk3 18_05.rawmk3 19_13.rawmk3 20_13.rawmk3 21_13.rawmk3 c18_09.rawmk3 18_13.rawmk3 19_17.rawmk3 20_17.rawmk3 21_17.rawmk3 c18_17.rawmk3