----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Sep 15 17:11:43 GMT 1999 Year: 99 Doy: 258 Observer: koon WEATHER COMMENT: Wed Sep 15 17:11:46 GMT 1999 Clear sky, wind=5 mph from the South, temp=46 F. alizing new tape Wed Sep 15 17:16:29 GMT 1999 PICS Start Patrol Wed Sep 15 17:16:29 GMT 1999 PICS Start Patrol COMMENT: Wed Sep 15 17:16:43 GMT 1999 Got delayed by a film crew doing a commercial for the new Dodge Viper, $80,000+ and 186 mph, looks niiice. **MKIV PROBLEM**: Wed Sep 15 17:54:56 GMT 1999 Scans show no corona, signal on o-scope looks good, can't find anything wrong yet. 18:02:30 GMT 1999 PICS Flat Wed Sep 15 18:02:51 GMT 1999 CHIP End Bias Wed Sep 15 18:03:06 GMT 1999 CHIP Water Wed Sep 15 18:03:48 GMT 1999 CHIP End Water Wed Sep 15 18:05:06 GMT 1999 PICS End Flat **MKIV PROBLEM**: Wed Sep 15 18:08:17 GMT 1999 Did a "End Day", then cycled KCC power. I couldn't find anything else wrong, and software has recently been changed. Wed Sep 15 18:14:54 GMT 1999 MKIV Start Patrol **MKIV PROBLEM**: Wed Sep 15 18:21:06 GMT 1999 Scans still look bad, David is workinbg on software and I am resetting KCC and restarting Patrol to test it. Wed Sep 15 18:40:14 GMT 1999 MKIV Start Patrol **MKIV PROBLEM**: Wed Sep 15 18:45:32 GMT 1999 I and Q still look bad. 1999 MKIV Start Patrol Wed Sep 15 19:00:34 GMT 1999 PICS polarization_calibration Wed Sep 15 19:01:56 GMT 1999 CHIP Bias Wed Sep 15 19:02:50 GMT 1999 CHIP End Bias Wed Sep 15 19:02:59 GMT 1999 CHIP Water Wed Sep 15 19:03:38 GMT 1999 CHIP End Water **MKIV PROBLEM**: Wed Sep 15 19:05:21 GMT 1999 Scans look good now, after the last change. Wed Sep 15 19:28:19 GMT 1999 MKIV End Patrol **MKIV PROBLEM**: Wed Sep 15 19:30:08 GMT 1999 Resetting again in preparation for another set of test scans. Wed Sep 15 19:33:16 GMT 1999 MKIV Start Patrol **MKIV PROBLEM**: Wed Sep 15 19:35:05 GMT 1999 OK, now it looks like we're getting "negative" corona, like David suspected may happen. Wed Sep 15 19:40:27 GMT 1999 MKIV End Patrol Wed Sep 15 19:47:14 GMT 1999 MKIV Start Patrol **MKIV PROBLEM**: Wed Sep 15 19:49:27 GMT 1999 Scans look negative again after the last change. Wed Sep 15 19:54:17 GMT 1999 MKIV End Patrol Wed Sep 15 19:59:10 GMT 1999 MKIV Start Patrol Wed Sep 15 20:00:48 GMT 1999 CHIP Gain **MKIV PROBLEM**: Wed Sep 15 20:01:02 GMT 1999 It looks like U data are more negative (darker) than the Q data with this latest change. Wed Sep 15 20:05:18 GMT 1999 CHIP End Gain Wed Sep 15 20:05:27 GMT 1999 CHIP Bias Wed Sep 15 20:06:16 GMT 1999 MKIV End Patrol Wed Sep 15 20:06:16 GMT 1999 CHIP End Bias Wed Sep 15 20:06:32 GMT 1999 CHIP Water Wed Sep 15 20:07:11 GMT 1999 CHIP End Water Wed Sep 15 20:13:58 GMT 1999 MKIV Start Patrol COMMENT: Wed Sep 15 20:14:02 GMT 1999 Extended the dome slot. **MKIV PROBLEM**: Wed Sep 15 20:16:41 GMT 1999 After the last change I don't see much of anything on the Q but the U signal looks strong and positive (light in color). Wed Sep 15 20:21:06 GMT 1999 MKIV End Patrol Wed Sep 15 20:27:36 GMT 1999 MKIV Start Patrol **MKIV PROBLEM**: Wed Sep 15 20:29:36 GMT 1999 After the last change Q is positive and very faint, U is negative and of medium strength. Wed Sep 15 20:34:39 GMT 1999 MKIV End Patrol **MKIV PROBLEM**: Wed Sep 15 20:42:42 GMT 1999 OK, now setting code back to where it originally was, then will do cal and continue Patrol while Davis analyzes data. Wed Sep 15 20:45:11 GMT 1999 MKIV Start Patrol Wed Sep 15 20:52:33 GMT 1999 MKIV Start Cal Wed Sep 15 21:01:47 GMT 1999 CHIP Bias Wed Sep 15 21:02:39 GMT 1999 CHIP End Bias Wed Sep 15 21:02:49 GMT 1999 CHIP Water Wed Sep 15 21:03:34 GMT 1999 CHIP End Water Wed Sep 15 21:14:29 GMT 1999 MKIV Start Patrol Wed Sep 15 22:00:49 GMT 1999 CHIP Bias Wed Sep 15 22:01:48 GMT 1999 CHIP End Bias Wed Sep 15 22:01:58 GMT 1999 CHIP Water Wed Sep 15 22:02:37 GMT 1999 CHIP End Water Wed Sep 15 22:11:37 GMT 1999 CHIP CHIP End Patrol Wed Sep 15 22:11:37 GMT 1999 CHIP CHIP End Patrol Wed Sep 15 22:12:38 GMT 1999 CHIP ending tape Wed Sep 15 22:17:26 GMT 1999 MKIV End Patrol COMMENT: Wed Sep 15 22:51:16 GMT 1999 TAPES: ****** MKIV: 99258 CHIP: C00922 PICS: P01547 LOWL: L00627 in drive #0 Wed Sep 15 22:52:22 GMT 1999 MkIII 17_16.rawmk3 18_01.rawmk3 19_21.rawmk3 20_49.rawmk3 21_46.rawmk3 17_19.rawmk3 18_15.rawmk3 19_24.rawmk3 20_56.rawmk3 21_49.rawmk3 17_23.rawmk3 18_18.rawmk3 19_33.rawmk3 21_03.rawmk3 21_53.rawmk3 17_26.rawmk3 18_40.rawmk3 19_36.rawmk3 21_10.rawmk3 21_56.rawmk3 17_30.rawmk3 18_43.rawmk3 19_47.rawmk3 21_14.rawmk3 22_00.rawmk3 17_33.rawmk3 18_53.rawmk3 19_50.rawmk3 21_18.rawmk3 22_03.rawmk3 17_37.rawmk3 18_56.rawmk3 19_59.rawmk3 21_21.rawmk3 22_07.rawmk3 17_40.rawmk3 19_00.rawmk3 20_02.rawmk3 21_25.rawmk3 22_10.rawmk3 17_44.rawmk3 19_03.rawmk3 20_14.rawmk3 21_28.rawmk3 22_14.rawmk3 17_47.rawmk3 19_07.rawmk3 20_17.rawmk3 21_32.rawmk3 c20_52.rawmk3 17_51.rawmk3 19_10.rawmk3 20_27.rawmk3 21_35.rawmk3 c20_59.rawmk3 17_54.rawmk3 19_14.rawmk3 20_31.rawmk3 21_39.rawmk3 c21_07.rawmk3 17_58.rawmk3 19_17.rawmk3 20_45.rawmk3 21_42.rawmk3