----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Oct 1 16:31:33 GMT 1999 Year: 99 Doy: 274 Observer: yasukawa WEATHER COMMENT: Fri Oct 1 16:34:09 GMT 1999 Cool, clear, light southeast wind. Fri Oct 1 16:38:02 GMT 1999 CHIP Startup--Initializing new tape Fri Oct 1 16:41:13 GMT 1999 PICS Start Patrol Fri Oct 1 16:41:20 GMT 1999 MKIV Start Patrol Fri Oct 1 16:41:29 GMT 1999 CHIP CHIP Start Patrol Fri Oct 1 17:03:03 GMT 1999 CHIP Bias Fri Oct 1 17:03:59 GMT 1999 CHIP End Bias Fri Oct 1 17:04:16 GMT 1999 CHIP Water Fri Oct 1 17:05:02 GMT 1999 CHIP End Water Fri Oct 1 17:26:49 GMT 1999 MKIV End Patrol Fri Oct 1 17:28:11 GMT 1999 MKIV Start Patrol Fri Oct 1 17:47:39 GMT 1999 MKIV End Patrol MKIV COMMENT: Fri Oct 1 17:51:40 GMT 1999 Paused to draw volcano display...which has replaced the load of bread. It appears that the morning intensity is sufficiently high so that we will not re-align optics, at least for now. Compared with yesterday, the intensity dropped from 20000 to 17000 or 15%. This is close enough to sky transmission for us not to correct it. Sky reading was 1330 this morning, and about 1400 yesterday afternoon. this is only 5%. Before the optical alignnment we were seeing a factor of 7 change at low heights and 2 at elevated heights. Fri Oct 1 17:56:39 GMT 1999 MKIV Start Patrol Fri Oct 1 18:00:33 GMT 1999 PICS Flat **** EVENT COMMENT ****: Fri Oct 1 18:02:18 GMT 1999 EPL on southeast limb. Fri Oct 1 18:03:01 GMT 1999 CHIP Bias Fri Oct 1 18:03:13 GMT 1999 PICS End Flat Fri Oct 1 18:04:06 GMT 1999 CHIP End Bias Fri Oct 1 18:04:20 GMT 1999 CHIP Water Fri Oct 1 18:05:07 GMT 1999 CHIP End Water **** EVENT COMMENT ****: Fri Oct 1 18:05:49 GMT 1999 EPL or limbflare receding. Fri Oct 1 18:23:46 GMT 1999 MKIV Start Patrol Fri Oct 1 18:33:18 GMT 1999 MKIV Start Patrol **LOW-L PROBLEM**: Fri Oct 1 18:59:28 GMT 1999 L00630 popped out of drive #1 at around 40+ files. Data began writing to L00631 in drive #0. Cleaned drive #1 and loaded L00632. Fri Oct 1 19:01:28 GMT 1999 PICS polarization_calibration Fri Oct 1 19:03:08 GMT 1999 CHIP Bias Fri Oct 1 19:04:19 GMT 1999 CHIP End Bias Fri Oct 1 19:04:28 GMT 1999 CHIP Water Fri Oct 1 19:05:14 GMT 1999 CHIP End Water Fri Oct 1 19:15:25 GMT 1999 PICS End Patrol COMMENT: Fri Oct 1 19:15:41 GMT 1999 Stopping for now to work on MKIV focus. Fri Oct 1 19:17:35 GMT 1999 CHIP CHIP End Patrol Fri Oct 1 19:18:49 GMT 1999 MKIV End Patrol MKIV COMMENT: Fri Oct 1 21:36:49 GMT 1999 Removed rear cover to mangin mirror and adjusted mangin to improve focus at slits. Measured depth of mirror from back of MKIV at 3 points using screw holes as landmarks. Starting depths were: #1 573 thousanths #2 565 thousanths #3 566 thousanths Moved mangin forward. Ending depths were: #1 485 thousanths #2 477 thousanths #3 482 thousanths ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Oct 1 22:11:12 GMT 1999 Year: 99 Doy: 274 Observer: yasukawa Fri Oct 1 22:24:15 GMT 1999 MKIV Start Patrol MKIV COMMENT: Fri Oct 1 22:30:51 GMT 1999 Attempting to do some observations in cirrus to see if spatial resolution has changed. It is really tough to see features, but it certainly does not look less sharp. David Fri Oct 1 22:36:53 GMT 1999 MKIV End Patrol Fri Oct 1 22:44:14 GMT 1999 MKIV Start Patrol Fri Oct 1 22:51:59 GMT 1999 MKIV End Patrol Fri Oct 1 23:07:49 GMT 1999 MKIV Start Patrol Fri Oct 1 23:36:22 GMT 1999 CHIP ending tape COMMENT: Fri Oct 1 23:38:41 GMT 1999 Shut down observing systems for the day. David and Kim still working with MKIV. COMMENT: Fri Oct 1 23:39:13 GMT 1999 Tapes: MKIV: 99-274 PICS: P01563 CHIP: C00938 LOWL: L00630 in drive 1 and L00631 in drive 0 Fri Oct 1 23:42:00 GMT 1999 MkIII Fri Oct 1 23:47:01 GMT 1999 MkIII Fri Oct 1 23:47:18 GMT 1999 MkIII Fri Oct 1 23:47:57 GMT 1999 MkIV 16_41.rawmk4 17_20.rawmk4 18_20.rawmk4 19_02.rawmk4 22_44.rawmk4 16_44.rawmk4 17_23.rawmk4 18_23.rawmk4 19_05.rawmk4 22_47.rawmk4 16_47.rawmk4 17_28.rawmk4 18_27.rawmk4 19_09.rawmk4 23_07.rawmk4 16_51.rawmk4 17_31.rawmk4 18_33.rawmk4 19_12.rawmk4 23_12.rawmk4 16_54.rawmk4 17_34.rawmk4 18_36.rawmk4 19_15.rawmk4 23_15.rawmk4 16_57.rawmk4 17_38.rawmk4 18_39.rawmk4 22_11.rawmk4 23_18.rawmk4 17_00.rawmk4 17_41.rawmk4 18_43.rawmk4 22_14.rawmk4 c18_03.rawmk4 17_04.rawmk4 17_44.rawmk4 18_46.rawmk4 22_17.rawmk4 c18_10.rawmk4 17_07.rawmk4 17_56.rawmk4 18_49.rawmk4 22_24.rawmk4 c18_17.rawmk4 17_10.rawmk4 18_00.rawmk4 18_52.rawmk4 22_27.rawmk4 17_13.rawmk4 18_06.rawmk4 18_56.rawmk4 22_30.rawmk4 17_17.rawmk4 18_13.rawmk4 18_59.rawmk4 22_33.rawmk4