----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Oct 15 16:44:42 GMT 1999 Year: 99 Doy: 288 Observer: yasukawa WEATHER COMMENT: Fri Oct 15 16:45:15 GMT 1999 Cool, clear, light south breeze. Fri Oct 15 16:48:35 GMT 1999 CHIP Startup--Initializing new tape MKIV COMMENT: Fri Oct 15 16:49:12 GMT 1999 Working on further modifications while MKIV domed out. Fri Oct 15 16:50:00 GMT 1999 PICS Start Patrol Fri Oct 15 16:50:37 GMT 1999 CHIP CHIP Start Patrol Fri Oct 15 17:03:07 GMT 1999 CHIP Bias Fri Oct 15 17:04:00 GMT 1999 CHIP End Bias Fri Oct 15 17:04:08 GMT 1999 CHIP Water Fri Oct 15 17:04:47 GMT 1999 CHIP End Water Fri Oct 15 17:08:58 GMT 1999 MKIV Start Patrol MKIV COMMENT: Fri Oct 15 17:09:53 GMT 1999 Isolation transformer removed from the old analog power system. This system currently provides power to the MKIV spar power for the optics mechanisms and to the 1/2-wave plate motor and encoder electronics. **PSPT PROBLEM**: Fri Oct 15 17:28:19 GMT 1999 Startup crashed. REBIN: result must be interger factor of original dimension %Error occurred at IMEXAM 49 Restart **LOW-L PROBLEM**: Fri Oct 15 17:29:58 GMT 1999 L00624 popped out, I think just a few minutes ago, writes transferred to L00625 in drive #0. File count was 0 when I noticed tape was popped out. Amber LED on drive 1 blinking. Cycled power to drive 1, cleaned drive, loaded L00626. Fri Oct 15 18:00:38 GMT 1999 PICS Flat Fri Oct 15 18:02:00 GMT 1999 CHIP Bias Fri Oct 15 18:03:00 GMT 1999 CHIP End Bias Fri Oct 15 18:03:19 GMT 1999 PICS End Flat Fri Oct 15 18:03:19 GMT 1999 PICS End Flat Fri Oct 15 18:03:48 GMT 1999 MKIV Start Correct Fri Oct 15 18:04:10 GMT 1999 CHIP End Water Fri Oct 15 18:05:19 GMT 1999 MKIV End Correct Fri Oct 15 18:06:12 GMT 1999 MKIV Start Cal Fri Oct 15 19:02:06 GMT 1999 CHIP Bias Fri Oct 15 19:03:19 GMT 1999 CHIP End Bias Fri Oct 15 19:03:36 GMT 1999 CHIP Water Fri Oct 15 19:04:24 GMT 1999 CHIP End Water COMMENT: Fri Oct 15 19:06:50 GMT 1999 Stopping to reconfigure dome shutter. Fri Oct 15 19:07:13 GMT 1999 PICS End Patrol Fri Oct 15 19:07:35 GMT 1999 CHIP CHIP End Patrol Fri Oct 15 19:20:17 GMT 1999 MKIV Start Patrol Fri Oct 15 19:20:37 GMT 1999 PICS Start Patrol Fri Oct 15 19:20:37 GMT 1999 PICS Start Patrol MKIV COMMENT: Fri Oct 15 19:23:40 GMT 1999 disconnected last remaining line driver from power connector and signal connector in former line driver moddule chassis on back of spar. One remaining line driver module was left in to balance spar. Leaving it connected to power only made for potential fire hazard and current draw. Fri Oct 15 20:03:00 GMT 1999 CHIP Gain Fri Oct 15 20:08:59 GMT 1999 CHIP End Gain Fri Oct 15 20:09:15 GMT 1999 CHIP Bias Fri Oct 15 20:10:17 GMT 1999 CHIP End Bias Fri Oct 15 20:10:28 GMT 1999 CHIP Water Fri Oct 15 20:11:12 GMT 1999 CHIP End Water Fri Oct 15 21:02:59 GMT 1999 CHIP Bias Fri Oct 15 21:03:55 GMT 1999 CHIP End Bias Fri Oct 15 21:04:10 GMT 1999 CHIP Water Fri Oct 15 21:04:57 GMT 1999 CHIP End Water **MKIV PROBLEM**: Fri Oct 15 21:17:28 GMT 1999 KCC image started out negative this scan. Typed "flcStart" on akamai to change it back.... ufortunately, I found out that it occurred for a sector two scans ago. Fri Oct 15 22:03:00 GMT 1999 CHIP Bias Fri Oct 15 22:04:00 GMT 1999 CHIP End Bias Fri Oct 15 22:04:14 GMT 1999 CHIP Water Fri Oct 15 22:05:04 GMT 1999 CHIP End Water Fri Oct 15 22:06:13 GMT 1999 PICS End Patrol Fri Oct 15 22:08:40 GMT 1999 CHIP CHIP End Patrol Fri Oct 15 22:09:20 GMT 1999 CHIP ending tape PICS COMMENT: Fri Oct 15 22:13:10 GMT 1999 Increased occulter size at occulting wheel for pmon--went from #7 (1951) to #6 (1961). May need to increase further to reduce the alternating spill. COMMENT: Fri Oct 15 22:16:07 GMT 1999 TAPES: MKIV: 99-288 PICS: P01575 CHIP: C00950 LOWL: L00635 in drive #0 Fri Oct 15 22:21:33 GMT 1999 MkIV 17_09.rawmk4 18_21.rawmk4 19_29.rawmk4 20_28.rawmk4 21_27.rawmk4 17_12.rawmk4 18_24.rawmk4 19_32.rawmk4 20_31.rawmk4 21_30.rawmk4 17_15.rawmk4 18_27.rawmk4 19_35.rawmk4 20_34.rawmk4 21_33.rawmk4 17_17.rawmk4 18_30.rawmk4 19_38.rawmk4 20_37.rawmk4 21_36.rawmk4 17_20.rawmk4 18_33.rawmk4 19_41.rawmk4 20_40.rawmk4 21_39.rawmk4 17_23.rawmk4 18_36.rawmk4 19_43.rawmk4 20_43.rawmk4 21_42.rawmk4 17_26.rawmk4 18_39.rawmk4 19_46.rawmk4 20_46.rawmk4 21_45.rawmk4 17_29.rawmk4 18_42.rawmk4 19_49.rawmk4 20_49.rawmk4 21_48.rawmk4 17_32.rawmk4 18_45.rawmk4 19_52.rawmk4 20_52.rawmk4 21_52.rawmk4 17_35.rawmk4 18_48.rawmk4 19_55.rawmk4 20_55.rawmk4 21_55.rawmk4 17_38.rawmk4 18_51.rawmk4 19_58.rawmk4 20_58.rawmk4 21_57.rawmk4 17_41.rawmk4 18_54.rawmk4 20_01.rawmk4 21_00.rawmk4 22_00.rawmk4 17_44.rawmk4 18_57.rawmk4 20_04.rawmk4 21_03.rawmk4 22_03.rawmk4 17_47.rawmk4 19_00.rawmk4 20_07.rawmk4 21_06.rawmk4 22_06.rawmk4 17_50.rawmk4 19_03.rawmk4 20_10.rawmk4 21_09.rawmk4 22_09.rawmk4 17_53.rawmk4 19_06.rawmk4 20_13.rawmk4 21_12.rawmk4 c17_59.rawmk4 17_56.rawmk4 19_09.rawmk4 20_16.rawmk4 21_15.rawmk4 c18_12.rawmk4 17_59.rawmk4 19_20.rawmk4 20_19.rawmk4 21_18.rawmk4 c18_18.rawmk4 18_09.rawmk4 19_23.rawmk4 20_22.rawmk4 21_21.rawmk4 18_15.rawmk4 19_26.rawmk4 20_25.rawmk4 21_24.rawmk4