----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Oct 21 17:39:37 GMT 1999 Year: 99 Doy: 294 Observer: koon WEATHER COMMENT: Thu Oct 21 17:40:04 GMT 1999 Thick altocumulus overcast, no wind, temp=44 F. Tops of mountains are covered with hail/snow/sleet from the storm yesterday. COMMENT: Thu Oct 21 17:41:47 GMT 1999 Read HELCO meters this morning. No storm damage to MLSO, just a big puddle of water on the floor of the new section, as usual after a lot of rain. Will clean up the water and work on some of my rainy day tasks, I doubt that observing will be possible today. WEATHER COMMENT: Thu Oct 21 23:00:50 GMT 1999 Cloudy/foggy/rainy all day, no observing. CHIP COMMENT: Thu Oct 21 23:01:11 GMT 1999 Although we had some bad weather for the first time in a long while it gave me the opportunity I've been looking for to modify the cooling system for the CHIP and PICS. I installed a one-way valve on the outflow coolant plumbing side of the cooler and installed a solenoid valve on the inflow side of the plumbing. The solenoid valve will close when power is lost or turned off at the cooler on/off switch. These valves should prevent the leakage of coolant all over the dome floor when there is a long power outage, yay! LOW-L COMMENT: Thu Oct 21 23:24:24 GMT 1999 78 files on L00635, paused, ejected it, installed L00637 in drive #0. Cloud data going to L00636 in drive #1. Thu Oct 21 23:27:03 GMT 1999 MkIV