----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri May 12 16:23:35 GMT 2000 Year: 00 Doy: 133 Observer: yasukawa WEATHER COMMENT: Fri May 12 16:24:40 GMT 2000 Cool, in broken cirrus, light south breeze. Fri May 12 16:50:52 GMT 2000 CHIP Startup--Initializing new tape WEATHER COMMENT: Fri May 12 17:03:13 GMT 2000 Cirrus thinning enough to guide. Starting PICS and CHIP. 17:03:20 GMT 2000 PICS Start Patrol **LOW-L PROBLEM**: Fri May 12 17:03:44 GMT 2000 LOWL crashed again trying to write a header to drive #0. Heliostat found pointing west, date 2000/05/12, time 04:02:30, files 5, message tape, tape 0 header. Kim has sent out a "new" drive for us to replace the current drive 0 with, should arrive in a day or two. For now we will swap drives 0 and 1 to see if we can get by. Swap done at select switch on rear of drives. Now drive 0 is temp1 and drive 1 is temp0. Unloaded L00706 from orig0. Loaded L00707 in temp0 and L00708 in temp1. Cycled power on PC, entered time and date, started lowl program. **LOW-L PROBLEM**: Fri May 12 17:10:16 GMT 2000 MOF2 not working properly, Kim will be sending out two replacement cells that we will need to replace the failed cell (and one for spare). **LOW-L PROBLEM**: Fri May 12 17:11:59 GMT 2000 Forgot to mention original drive 1 makes an unhealthy noise when tape is loading and positioning itself. Sounds like a vibration on one of its rollers, or friction in one of its bearings. **LOW-L PROBLEM**: Fri May 12 17:18:34 GMT 2000 Well, so much for the swap. L00707 popped out of temp0 sometime between the time I started it and now, data is writing to L00708 in temp1. **LOW-L PROBLEM**: Fri May 12 17:23:41 GMT 2000 Since the sky is bad, I unloaded both tapes and restarted program with the data writing to temp0 again to see if the problem recurs. L00707 in temp0, L00708 in temp1. Fri May 12 18:03:01 GMT 2000 PICS Flat Fri May 12 18:05:39 GMT 2000 PICS End Flat Distributed Sadler supplies between MLSO first aid station, car first aid kit, and office first aid kit. Discarded bottle of Garcia-era aspirin. COMMENT: Fri May 12 18:47:57 GMT 2000 reconfiguring dome shutter while in thick clouds. Fri May 12 18:48:20 GMT 2000 PICS End Patrol Fri May 12 18:50:20 GMT 2000 CHIP CHIP End Patrol WEATHER COMMENT: Fri May 12 18:53:42 GMT 2000 Can't see solar image on guider target at this time. Waiting for guiding to get better before restarting CHIP and PICS. Fri May 12 18:58:47 GMT 2000 PICS Start Patrol Fri May 12 18:58:47 GMT 2000 PICS Start Patrol **LOW-L PROBLEM**: Fri May 12 19:50:39 GMT 2000 LOWL is still taking cloud data, writing to temp0. Fri May 12 20:03:28 GMT 2000 CHIP Gain7 Fri May 12 20:12:00 GMT 2000 CHIP End Gain Fri May 12 20:12:07 GMT 2000 CHIP Bias Fri May 12 20:13:02 GMT 2000 CHIP End Bias COMMENT: Fri May 12 20:18:44 GMT 2000 Have not been able to get mail (if any) popped. Cannot get to hao.ucar.edu at this time. PSPT COMMENT: Fri May 12 20:43:25 GMT 2000 Used manual (longhand) command string to write data to tape. Checked tape with tapecheck command and determined that backup was successful. Deleted files in archive. Mailing tape to Randy along with the other data tape in the mail queue. Start Patrol WEATHER COMMENT: Fri May 12 20:46:00 GMT 2000 In hole, starting MKIV and PSPT WEATHER COMMENT: Fri May 12 20:50:32 GMT 2000 Thin cirrus in hole. Orographic clouds forming all around. MKIV COMMENT: Fri May 12 21:00:58 GMT 2000 Got one complete marginal coronal scan before getting back in thin cirrus. WEATHER COMMENT: Fri May 12 21:11:35 GMT 2000 In thick cirrus. WEATHER COMMENT: Fri May 12 21:24:27 GMT 2000 In orographic clouds, too. Fri May 12 21:25:22 GMT 2000 CHIP CHIP End Patrol Fri May 12 21:26:27 GMT 2000 PICS End Patrol Fri May 12 21:27:56 GMT 2000 CHIP ending tape COMMENT: Fri May 12 21:28:09 GMT 2000 Tapes: MKIV: 00-133 PICS: P01745 CHIP: C01124 LOWL: L00707 in temp0 LOW-L COMMENT: Fri May 12 21:37:54 GMT 2000 Last log entry before printing logs and leaving site--- LOWL is still running and writing data to temp0. It is at file: 4 Fri May 12 21:39:55 GMT 2000 MkIV 20_45.rawmk4 20_51.rawmk4 20_57.rawmk4 21_03.rawmk4 21_09.rawmk4 20_48.rawmk4 20_54.rawmk4 21_00.rawmk4 21_06.rawmk4 21_12.rawmk4