----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Jul 12 16:52:55 GMT 2000 Year: 00 Doy: 194 Observer: koon Wed Jul 12 16:53:23 GMT 2000 CHIP Startup--Initializing new tape WEATHER COMMENT: Wed Jul 12 16:56:53 GMT 2000 Medium cirrostratus, wind=5 mph from the West, temp=47 F. atrol Wed Jul 12 16:56:57 GMT 2000 CHIP CHIP Start 7 Passband Patrol WEATHER COMMENT: Wed Jul 12 16:57:54 GMT 2000 Spar is having trouble tracking due to the clouds, will wait for clouds to clear before starting mk4 and pspt. **MLSO PROBLEM**: Wed Jul 12 17:19:08 GMT 2000 To clarify a comment in yesterday's log and my comment in last Thursday's log regarding our recent network problems. On Thursday NOAA replaced a bad transceiver on the network server, that was a problem that affected all Internet traffic off the mountain. From yesterday's comments it sounds like there was another network problem involving the hub that GONG and MLSO share and that is located before the network server, moving us to a different hub ought to speed us up even more, but this has happened in the past several times and they keep saying they'll get a new hub for us but I guess they somehow keep convincing themselves that the old hub is good and then they put us back on it and it indeed seems to work well for a while. We'll see what really happens. Wed Jul 12 18:03:11 GMT 2000 PICS Flat Wed Jul 12 18:06:12 GMT 2000 PICS End Flat PSPT COMMENT: Wed Jul 12 18:57:11 GMT 2000 Started even though it is cloudy, most of the crashes for me have occured when the sky was partly cloudy so I will see if it crashes. Whenever it does from now on I will try to figure out what is wrong with the software myself before asking for help, I think this is simpler and more efficient since I can do the testing more easily than a remote troubleshooter. Wed Jul 12 20:01:25 GMT 2000 CHIP Gain7 Wed Jul 12 20:09:36 GMT 2000 CHIP End Gain Wed Jul 12 20:09:44 GMT 2000 CHIP Bias Wed Jul 12 20:10:37 GMT 2000 CHIP End Bias COMMENT: Wed Jul 12 20:18:17 GMT 2000 Extended the dome slot. GONG COMMENT: Wed Jul 12 20:18:26 GMT 2000 Going down to the shelter to see if there is a spare network hub that we can let NOAA use to fix the latest network problem. GONG COMMENT: Wed Jul 12 20:48:46 GMT 2000 Back from shelter, couldn't find a spare hub that GONG thought they had, but they did have a spare network repeater, which won't help this problem. I'll pass information to NOAA. WEATHER COMMENT: Wed Jul 12 20:50:20 GMT 2000 Thick orographic clouds have moved in, Spar isn't tracking, pausing instruments. Wed Jul 12 20:54:16 GMT 2000 CHIP CHIP End Patrol PSPT COMMENT: Wed Jul 12 21:31:29 GMT 2000 This worked very well today, even through thin cirrostratus and orographic clouvariations, ran from ~1900ut until about 2130ut without any problem. COMMENT: Wed Jul 12 21:51:53 GMT 2000 TAPES: ****** MKIV: Too cloudy for data. CHIP: C01178 PICS: P01797 LOWWL: L00731 in drive #1 Wed Jul 12 21:52:49 GMT 2000 MkIV