----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Sep 21 16:52:05 GMT 2000 Year: 00 Doy: 265 Observer: koon WEATHER COMMENT: Thu Sep 21 16:52:07 GMT 2000 Medium cirrostratus overcast, wind=5 mph from the SE, temp=47 F. Thu Sep 21 16:56:05 GMT 2000 PICS Start Patrol Thu Sep 21 16:56:07 GMT 2000 CHIP CHIP Start 7 Passband Patrol COMMENT: Thu Sep 21 16:57:30 GMT 2000 Will start MK4 and PSPT after clouds clear. Thu Sep 21 18:02:38 GMT 2000 PICS Flat Thu Sep 21 18:05:46 GMT 2000 PICS End Flat COMMENT: Thu Sep 21 18:31:06 GMT 2000 Pausing observations, spar can't track due to clouds, no data yet. Thu Sep 21 18:31:37 GMT 2000 CHIP CHIP End Patrol Thu Sep 21 18:33:34 GMT 2000 PICS End Patrol Thu Sep 21 20:26:30 GMT 2000 CHIP CHIP Start 7 Passband Patrol Thu Sep 21 20:26:30 GMT 2000 CHIP CHIP Start 7 Passband Patrol COMMENT: Thu Sep 21 20:41:05 GMT 2000 Extended the dome slot. WEATHER COMMENT: Thu Sep 21 20:41:13 GMT 2000 Cirrostratus is thinner so I started PICS and CHIP. Thu Sep 21 20:52:14 GMT 2000 CHIP CHIP End Patrol WEATHER COMMENT: Thu Sep 21 20:55:19 GMT 2000 Clouds getting thicker, Spar not tracking well, closing down to work on the dome slot movement. Thu Sep 21 20:58:07 GMT 2000 CHIP ending tape **MLSO PROBLEM**: Thu Sep 21 23:03:46 GMT 2000 The Dome shutter still binds near the full open position, even after adjusting the gear mesh. It is a problem of design, there is an L bracket that holds the rack down on the gear, and that bracket is worn out. I will have to make a new bracket or buy a new one. I'll continue on this on Saturday. For now we should avoid opening the dome beyond the last foot of travel. COMMENT: Thu Sep 21 23:32:08 GMT 2000 TAPES: ****** MKIV: Too cloudy. CHIP: C01226 PICS: P01845 LOWL: Being upgraded. Thu Sep 21 23:33:12 GMT 2000 MkIV