----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Jan 24 17:54:18 GMT 2001 Year: 01 Doy: 024 Observer: koon WEATHER COMMENT: Wed Jan 24 17:54:19 GMT 2001 Clear sky, wind=5 mph from the SSE, temp=40 F. Wed Jan 24 17:55:20 GMT 2001 CHIP Startup--Initializing new tape Wed Jan 24 17:59:33 GMT 2001 MKIV Start Patrol Wed Jan 24 17:59:45 GMT 2001 CHIP Start 7 Passband Patrol Wed Jan 24 17:59:49 GMT 2001 PICS Start Patrol Wed Jan 24 18:02:34 GMT 2001 PICS Flat Wed Jan 24 18:06:12 GMT 2001 PICS End Flat **MKIV PROBLEM**: Wed Jan 24 18:43:12 GMT 2001 Did a calibration, will now work on the 480 Hz camera rate test as outlined by David. Wed Jan 24 20:01:37 GMT 2001 CHIP LSD Wed Jan 24 20:04:23 GMT 2001 CHIP End LSD Wed Jan 24 20:04:33 GMT 2001 CHIP BiasLSD Wed Jan 24 20:05:17 GMT 2001 CHIP End BiasLSD Wed Jan 24 20:05:27 GMT 2001 CHIP Bias7 Wed Jan 24 20:05:36 GMT 2001 MKIV Start Cal Wed Jan 24 20:06:13 GMT 2001 CHIP End Bias7 **MKIV PROBLEM**: Wed Jan 24 20:05:39 GMT 2001 Done converting from 960 Hz to 480 Hz Reads. Doing a calibration with this setting, then will set back to original setting and do a calibration then continue taking data. Originally there were 2 integrate pulses per single 480 Hz PRIN pulse. To change to one integrate pulse per PRIN pulse I changed 3 DIP sitches: set U2 switch #6 to Open, set U4 switch #1 to Open, set U4 switch #2 to closed. PRIN was read from P418 on transformation board, Integrate was read from P417 on the board. The calibration looks bad, I don't see any cal or coronal data of the regular type on the realtime trace, but the signal amplitude shown on our MkIV Monitor O-scope has doubled in height as was desired. Wed Jan 24 20:29:29 GMT 2001 MKIV Start Cal **MKIV PROBLEM**: Wed Jan 24 20:26:42 GMT 2001 I rechecked the signal height on our O-scope monitor, it has been quadrupled by this change compared to the recent regular signal height since the O1 cleaning, in an earlier log entry I said it doubled and that was a low estimate. I switched the DIP switches back and am doing another cal now. Wed Jan 24 20:50:03 GMT 2001 MKIV Start Patrol Wed Jan 24 21:31:53 GMT 2001 MKIV Start Cal **MKIV PROBLEM**: Wed Jan 24 21:31:59 GMT 2001 Loaded new software into KCC, rebooted it, doing a new cal now. Wed Jan 24 21:38:38 GMT 2001 MKIV End Cal Wed Jan 24 21:50:54 GMT 2001 MKIV Start Patrol **MKIV PROBLEM**: Wed Jan 24 21:53:11 GMT 2001 Scans looked noisy with new software. Did some "ltc" transfers for David to look at the signal with opal, opal and tilt plate, dark shutter, and regular sky. Now back to 960 Hz read rate and older software in KCC. Wed Jan 24 22:07:41 GMT 2001 PICS End Patrol Wed Jan 24 22:08:54 GMT 2001 CHIP End Patrol Wed Jan 24 22:09:16 GMT 2001 CHIP FrontEnd finished. Wed Jan 24 22:13:37 GMT 2001 MkIV 17_59.rawmk4 18_32.rawmk4 20_53.rawmk4 21_16.rawmk4 c18_29.rawmk4 18_02.rawmk4 20_08.rawmk4 20_55.rawmk4 21_35.rawmk4 c20_05.rawmk4 18_05.rawmk4 20_14.rawmk4 20_58.rawmk4 21_50.rawmk4 c20_11.rawmk4 18_08.rawmk4 20_21.rawmk4 21_01.rawmk4 21_53.rawmk4 c20_18.rawmk4 18_11.rawmk4 20_32.rawmk4 21_04.rawmk4 21_56.rawmk4 c20_29.rawmk4 18_14.rawmk4 20_38.rawmk4 21_07.rawmk4 21_59.rawmk4 c20_35.rawmk4 18_20.rawmk4 20_44.rawmk4 21_10.rawmk4 c18_17.rawmk4 c20_41.rawmk4 18_26.rawmk4 20_50.rawmk4 21_13.rawmk4 c18_23.rawmk4 c21_31.rawmk4