----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Feb 8 17:41:17 GMT 2001 Year: 01 Doy: 039 Observer: koon Thu Feb 8 17:45:03 GMT 2001 CHIP Start Patrol Thu Feb 8 17:45:12 GMT 2001 PICS Start Patrol WEATHER COMMENT: Thu Feb 8 17:41:18 GMT 2001 Scattered cirrus and altocumulus, thunderstorm is brewing to the SE, no wind, temp=35 F. MKIV COMMENT: Thu Feb 8 17:45:25 GMT 2001 Will wait for clouds to clear before starting this. PSPT COMMENT: Thu Feb 8 17:45:44 GMT 2001 Will wait for clouds to clear before starting this. **CHIP PROBLEM**: Thu Feb 8 17:56:21 GMT 2001 The Display window image isn't updating. I think the Camera window image isn't updating either. The program appears to be running normally otherwise. Thu Feb 8 18:03:30 GMT 2001 PICS Flat Thu Feb 8 18:07:03 GMT 2001 PICS End Flat **CHIP PROBLEM**: Thu Feb 8 18:18:31 GMT 2001 It looks like the Camera window image is changing correctly, it is difficult to see unless it gets cloudy like now. But the Display window image is still unchanged. Thu Feb 8 18:21:00 GMT 2001 CHIP End Patrol WEATHER COMMENT: Thu Feb 8 18:20:50 GMT 2001 Thick clouds and fog have moved in, closing domes and pausing instruments. Thu Feb 8 18:21:52 GMT 2001 PICS End Patrol **CHIP PROBLEM**: Thu Feb 8 20:47:22 GMT 2001 There are current gain and bias files now and now the Display updates. Thu Feb 8 20:56:31 GMT 2001 CHIP FrontEnd finished. **CHIP PROBLEM**: Thu Feb 8 21:24:09 GMT 2001 Kii hungup on logout, had to reboot it. WEATHER COMMENT: Thu Feb 8 21:34:20 GMT 2001 Very rainy. Thu Feb 8 21:34:40 GMT 2001 MkIV