----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Feb 25 17:27:39 GMT 2001 Year: 01 Doy: 056 Observer: koon Sun Feb 25 17:28:17 GMT 2001 CHIP Startup--Initializing new tape WEATHER COMMENT: Sun Feb 25 17:28:54 GMT 2001 Thick cirrostratus overcast, wind=5 mph from the SSW, temp=40 F. COMMENT: Sun Feb 25 17:30:01 GMT 2001 Clouds are too thick for the Spar to track the sun. A NEW TAPE HAS BEEN PUT INTO KAIEE DLT DRIVE, Sun Feb 25 17:33:34 GMT 2001 WEATHER COMMENT: Sun Feb 25 20:22:45 GMT 2001 Still too cloudy to observe and getting cloudier again. No observing today. Sun Feb 25 20:23:35 GMT 2001 CHIP FrontEnd finished. Sun Feb 25 20:27:00 GMT 2001 MkIV