----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Apr 16 17:18:42 GMT 2001 Year: 01 Doy: 106 Observer: yasukawa WEATHER COMMENT: Mon Apr 16 17:19:23 GMT 2001 Cool, in thick altocumulus and moderate cirrus overcast, light west breeze. GONG COMMENT: Mon Apr 16 17:19:59 GMT 2001 Performed GONG weekly preventive maintenance on the way up, before proceeding here since sky was overcast. **CHIP PROBLEM**: Mon Apr 16 17:22:26 GMT 2001 Kii startup stalled at TestMic. did a C and repeated Run command. Kii came up OK. A NEW TAPE HAS BEEN PUT INTO KAIEE DLT DRIVE, Mon Apr 16 17:27:38 GMT 2001 WEATHER COMMENT: Mon Apr 16 18:24:15 GMT 2001 Out of altocumulus, cirrus still moderately thick. Starting CHIP and PICS. Mon Apr 16 18:25:08 GMT 2001 CHIP Start Patrol Mon Apr 16 18:25:24 GMT 2001 PICS Start Patrol **CHIP PROBLEM**: Mon Apr 16 20:03:38 GMT 2001 Noticed that CHIP did not start. Was stalled due to a WaitOpti. Cancelled and CHIP resumed. COMMENT: Mon Apr 16 20:04:51 GMT 2001 Stopping to reconfigure dome shutter. Mon Apr 16 20:05:30 GMT 2001 PICS End Patrol Mon Apr 16 20:06:55 GMT 2001 CHIP LSD Mon Apr 16 20:10:30 GMT 2001 CHIP End LSD Mon Apr 16 20:10:37 GMT 2001 CHIP BiasLSD Mon Apr 16 20:11:22 GMT 2001 CHIP End BiasLSD Mon Apr 16 20:11:28 GMT 2001 CHIP Bias Mon Apr 16 20:12:13 GMT 2001 CHIP End Bias **CHIP PROBLEM**: Mon Apr 16 20:41:32 GMT 2001 CHIP started LSD after I clicked End so it ignored the command. Still haven't reconfigured dome shutter!! Mon Apr 16 20:42:34 GMT 2001 CHIP End Patrol Mon Apr 16 20:48:27 GMT 2001 CHIP Start Patrol Mon Apr 16 20:48:44 GMT 2001 PICS Start Patrol WEATHER COMMENT: Mon Apr 16 20:50:08 GMT 2001 In scattered orographic clouds. Mon Apr 16 21:03:35 GMT 2001 CHIP LSD Mon Apr 16 21:07:07 GMT 2001 CHIP End LSD Mon Apr 16 21:07:15 GMT 2001 CHIP BiasLSD Mon Apr 16 21:08:00 GMT 2001 CHIP End BiasLSD Mon Apr 16 21:08:06 GMT 2001 CHIP Bias Mon Apr 16 21:08:50 GMT 2001 CHIP End Bias Mon Apr 16 22:02:20 GMT 2001 CHIP LSD Mon Apr 16 22:04:18 GMT 2001 PICS End Patrol Mon Apr 16 22:05:50 GMT 2001 CHIP End LSD Mon Apr 16 22:05:59 GMT 2001 CHIP BiasLSD Mon Apr 16 22:06:43 GMT 2001 CHIP End BiasLSD Mon Apr 16 22:06:49 GMT 2001 CHIP Bias Mon Apr 16 22:07:32 GMT 2001 CHIP End Bias Mon Apr 16 22:09:38 GMT 2001 CHIP End Patrol ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Apr 16 22:43:20 GMT 2001 Year: 01 Doy: 106 Observer: yasukawa Mon Apr 16 22:44:16 GMT 2001 MkIV