----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Apr 28 16:46:48 GMT 2001 Year: 01 Doy: 118 Observer: elmore Sat Apr 28 16:52:57 GMT 2001 CHIP Start Patrol Sat Apr 28 16:52:59 GMT 2001 PICS Start Patrol Sat Apr 28 17:02:19 GMT 2001 CHIP LSD WEATHER COMMENT: Sat Apr 28 17:01:37 GMT 2001 Some cirrus scattered about the sky. Light west wind 50F. **MKIV PROBLEM**: Sat Apr 28 17:04:01 GMT 2001 KCC crashed and 'reset' on processor board had no effect. Powered off chassis and it appears to work Sat Apr 28 17:05:45 GMT 2001 CHIP End LSD Sat Apr 28 17:05:51 GMT 2001 CHIP BiasLSD Sat Apr 28 17:06:34 GMT 2001 CHIP End BiasLSD Sat Apr 28 17:06:41 GMT 2001 CHIP Bias Sat Apr 28 17:07:27 GMT 2001 CHIP End Bias Sat Apr 28 17:08:34 GMT 2001 PICS End Patrol Sat Apr 28 17:11:47 GMT 2001 MKIV Start Correct Sat Apr 28 17:11:54 GMT 2001 PICS Start Patrol Sat Apr 28 17:13:21 GMT 2001 MKIV End Correct Sat Apr 28 17:13:36 GMT 2001 MKIV Start Patrol MKIV COMMENT: Sat Apr 28 17:12:02 GMT 2001 O1 guider work by Judd Johnson is complete. RA motor gear was stripped. Plastic replaced with metal one. Possibly as a result phase of motor and cam was messed up. Recentered so that guiding was possible. Limit switches installed so that motor would not attempt to drive past limit. This eliminated the banging of the motor into the limit that resulted in the stripped gear. The time constant of the integrator circuit was reduced slightly. See Judd for details. The back end of the guide telescope was loose. It could rotate and was not secure in declination. Push pull screws were installed in declination and rotation was tightened. This should influence guiding changes during the day. -- david Sat Apr 28 17:18:59 GMT 2001 MKIV Start Patrol MKIV COMMENT: Sat Apr 28 17:19:16 GMT 2001 Camera has been replaced: I2 to camera optics aligned. Mangin mirror repositioned so that return beam is more on axis. Slit widths have been changed. Formerly widths at lower and upper hairlines were 212 and 383 microns. Now widths are 75 and 140 microns. Gain of camera and hopefully better optical alignment required the change. With new alignment there is more intensity at low heights and at upper heights. MKIV COMMENT: Sat Apr 28 17:23:33 GMT 2001 Correct performed. Check values. Note the dark offsets are much larger than before. Also note the gain values are at low levels over much more of the range. I still have a concern that the Correct routine is not properly spanning the hairlines. MKIV COMMENT: Sat Apr 28 17:28:19 GMT 2001 Cirrus during last scan. Look for bands moving through. MKIV COMMENT: Sat Apr 28 17:28:47 GMT 2001 Scan azimuth has not been fixed. IN fact it is worse, approximately 12 degrees off. **MKIV PROBLEM**: Sat Apr 28 17:29:44 GMT 2001 The resident tscp file and calibration are unable to produce a meaningful real time display. **ECHO PROBLEM**: Sat Apr 28 17:34:29 GMT 2001 Not pointed on sun, guiding in Ephem mode. Light level shows about 12.1 but it usually shows much higher when the sun is clear like this. It looks like something has degraded the guiding since Thursday maybe. On Thursday it seemed like the guiding would go back to Quad C much sooner after a cloud passed over. Sat Apr 28 18:01:25 GMT 2001 CHIP LSD Sat Apr 28 18:03:15 GMT 2001 PICS Flat Sat Apr 28 18:05:04 GMT 2001 CHIP End LSD Sat Apr 28 18:05:10 GMT 2001 CHIP BiasLSD Sat Apr 28 18:05:58 GMT 2001 CHIP End BiasLSD Sat Apr 28 18:06:04 GMT 2001 CHIP Bias Sat Apr 28 18:06:16 GMT 2001 PICS End Flat Sat Apr 28 18:06:49 GMT 2001 CHIP End Bias **ECHO PROBLEM**: Sat Apr 28 18:14:24 GMT 2001 I Just saw the "Quad C" guiding kick in after the light level got above 18.35, the threshold may have been lower but that was the value when I looked at it and I saw the images jump from the corner of the screen to the correct position, indicating that the quadcell guiding had just started. So maybe the threshold is the same as before but it sure took a long time for the light level reading to get up there. Maybe whatever is measuring the light level sees the sun easier when the telescope is off-pointed in certain directions. Sat Apr 28 18:29:53 GMT 2001 MKIV Start Patrol Sat Apr 28 18:37:39 GMT 2001 MKIV End Correct Sat Apr 28 18:38:09 GMT 2001 MKIV Start Patrol Sat Apr 28 18:45:05 GMT 2001 MKIV End Patrol Sat Apr 28 18:48:06 GMT 2001 MKIV Start Patrol MKIV COMMENT: Sat Apr 28 18:57:55 GMT 2001 Phased the FLC for maximum modulation at 240Hz. Did a Correct. Realigned S-K lens to maximize signal Did another Correct. MKIV COMMENT: Sat Apr 28 18:58:55 GMT 2001 Calibration in cirrus just to see if we can cal. First corona inbetween scans is bad, but coronal scan just before cal apperas to be OK. It could be used as the coronal reference for the calibration . Sat Apr 28 19:03:14 GMT 2001 CHIP LSD Sat Apr 28 19:06:38 GMT 2001 CHIP End LSD Sat Apr 28 19:06:48 GMT 2001 CHIP BiasLSD Sat Apr 28 19:07:40 GMT 2001 CHIP End BiasLSD Sat Apr 28 19:07:53 GMT 2001 CHIP Bias Sat Apr 28 19:08:47 GMT 2001 CHIP End Bias Sat Apr 28 19:22:57 GMT 2001 MKIV Start Patrol MKIV COMMENT: Sat Apr 28 19:36:41 GMT 2001 Pausing to correct barrel azimuth. We can't believe that we can see the corona through the amount of cirrus in the sky! COMMENT: Sat Apr 28 19:43:01 GMT 2001 Extended the dome slot. Sat Apr 28 19:46:40 GMT 2001 PICS End Patrol Sat Apr 28 19:46:56 GMT 2001 CHIP End Patrol COMMENT: Sat Apr 28 19:46:59 GMT 2001 Spar off pointed for mk4 work, paused instruments. Sat Apr 28 20:36:42 GMT 2001 MKIV Start Patrol Sat Apr 28 20:37:37 GMT 2001 CHIP Start Patrol Sat Apr 28 20:37:39 GMT 2001 PICS Start Patrol MKIV COMMENT: Sat Apr 28 20:37:45 GMT 2001 Done with some adjustments, doing a height mask test now. Spar is pointed and tracking again, restarted the instruments. MKIV COMMENT: Sat Apr 28 20:41:23 GMT 2001 Height Mask Test: Opal gives a healthy signal for all three slots and above the top of the mask. Sat Apr 28 20:51:26 GMT 2001 MKIV Start Patrol MKIV COMMENT: Sat Apr 28 20:50:33 GMT 2001 Corrected azimuth reading so that it now reads 12 degrees less than before. This is the 9.5 degree error from comparisons with other instruments plus the 2.5 degree error introduced yesterday. MKIV COMMENT: Sat Apr 28 20:52:35 GMT 2001 Sky looks as good as we have seen. Intensity trace on scope does not look great. This implies the lens is not clean. Sat Apr 28 21:03:14 GMT 2001 MKIV Start Patrol Sat Apr 28 21:04:22 GMT 2001 CHIP LSD MKIV COMMENT: Sat Apr 28 21:06:19 GMT 2001 We like the change in azimuth compared to LASCO C2. MKIV COMMENT: Sat Apr 28 21:06:37 GMT 2001 Previous calibration from today no longer applies. Q and U gains have been increased by 4X in software. 001 Sat Apr 28 21:07:46 GMT 2001 CHIP End LSD MKIV COMMENT: Sat Apr 28 21:07:44 GMT 2001 I will soon clean the O1. Sat Apr 28 21:07:56 GMT 2001 CHIP BiasLSD Sat Apr 28 21:08:44 GMT 2001 CHIP End BiasLSD Sat Apr 28 21:08:53 GMT 2001 CHIP Bias Sat Apr 28 21:09:39 GMT 2001 CHIP End Bias Sat Apr 28 21:48:16 GMT 2001 MKIV Start Patrol MKIV COMMENT: Sat Apr 28 21:48:28 GMT 2001 Cleaned front surface of O1. Scanning to sO1 is now clean and installed, Spar is guiding. Sat Apr 28 21:55:56 GMT 2001 CHIP End Patrol Sat Apr 28 21:56:25 GMT 2001 PICS End Patrol MKIV COMMENT: Sat Apr 28 23:08:11 GMT 2001 Did some Hartman mask tests and found that the O1/Occulter distance is currently correct for the bandpass we get in our data, yay! COMMENT: Sat Apr 28 23:11:30 GMT 2001 Darryl is heading down for the day. Sat Apr 28 23:12:09 GMT 2001 MkIV 17_19.rawmk4 18_29.rawmk4 19_03.rawmk4 20_36.rawmk4 21_48.rawmk4 17_22.rawmk4 18_32.rawmk4 19_10.rawmk4 20_42.rawmk4 21_51.rawmk4 17_25.rawmk4 18_41.rawmk4 19_22.rawmk4 20_51.rawmk4 c18_54.rawmk4 17_28.rawmk4 18_48.rawmk4 19_26.rawmk4 20_54.rawmk4 c19_00.rawmk4 17_31.rawmk4 18_51.rawmk4 19_29.rawmk4 21_03.rawmk4 c19_07.rawmk4 17_34.rawmk4 18_57.rawmk4 19_31.rawmk4 21_06.rawmk4