----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Oct 10 17:02:17 GMT 2001 Year: 01 Doy: 283 Observer: koon WEATHER COMMENT: Wed Oct 10 17:02:19 GMT 2001 Scattered thick cirrus, wind=15 mph from the SE, temp=38 F. COMMENT: Wed Oct 10 17:08:52 GMT 2001 Spar can't track the sun yet, no obs yet. Wed Oct 10 17:27:48 GMT 2001 PICS Start Patrol Wed Oct 10 17:28:53 GMT 2001 CHIP Start Patrol A NEW TAPE HAS BEEN PUT INTO KAIEE DLT DRIVE, Wed Oct 10 17:40:29 GMT 2001 Wed Oct 10 17:56:49 GMT 2001 MKIV Start Patrol Wed Oct 10 18:01:00 GMT 2001 CHIP LSD Wed Oct 10 18:02:47 GMT 2001 PICS Flat Wed Oct 10 18:03:11 GMT 2001 CHIP End LSD Wed Oct 10 18:03:24 GMT 2001 CHIP BiasLSD Wed Oct 10 18:04:13 GMT 2001 CHIP End BiasLSD Wed Oct 10 18:04:26 GMT 2001 CHIP Bias Wed Oct 10 18:05:18 GMT 2001 CHIP End Bias Wed Oct 10 18:05:59 GMT 2001 PICS End Flat Wed Oct 10 18:08:56 GMT 2001 MKIV End Patrol Wed Oct 10 18:28:40 GMT 2001 MKIV End Cal Wed Oct 10 18:29:38 GMT 2001 MKIV Start Patrol Wed Oct 10 18:05:18 GMT 2001 CHIP End Bias Wed Oct 10 21:09:46 GMT 2001 CHIP End LSD Wed Oct 10 21:09:52 GMT 2001 CHIP BiasLSD Wed Oct 10 21:10:32 GMT 2001 CHIP End BiasLSD Wed Oct 10 21:10:38 GMT 2001 CHIP Bias Wed Oct 10 21:11:21 GMT 2001 CHIP End Bias **MLSO PROBLEM**: Wed Oct 10 21:11:38 GMT 2001 I just got through with a long problem with Nahenahe. It crashed this morning with SCSI error messages. It could have been a problem with the "e" hard-drive because I could see that it wasn't mounted after I stopped the message scrolling and logged in as root and looked around. Then there was a problem with /var that required running "fsck", I wrote to "trouble" and asked for help with "fsck". Vic called and help me with that. Then I got a successful boot using "reboot" as superuser. So there is an intermittent problem. MKIV COMMENT: Wed Oct 10 21:29:49 GMT 2001 Finally got this going again. Wed Oct 10 21:39:37 GMT 2001 MKIV End Patrol Wed Oct 10 21:41:41 GMT 2001 MKIV Start Patrol Wed Oct 10 21:55:28 GMT 2001 PICS End Patrol Wed Oct 10 21:58:20 GMT 2001 CHIP End Patrol Wed Oct 10 22:05:24 GMT 2001 MKIV End Patrol Wed Oct 10 22:20:31 GMT 2001 MkIV 17_56.rawmk4 18_13.rawmk4 21_35.rawmk4 21_50.rawmk4 22_02.rawmk4 17_59.rawmk4 18_19.rawmk4 21_41.rawmk4 21_53.rawmk4 c18_09.rawmk4 18_02.rawmk4 18_25.rawmk4 21_44.rawmk4 21_56.rawmk4 c18_16.rawmk4 18_05.rawmk4 18_29.rawmk4 21_47.rawmk4 21_59.rawmk4 c18_22.rawmk4