----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Oct 17 16:52:54 GMT 2001 Year: 01 Doy: 290 Observer: koon WEATHER COMMENT: Wed Oct 17 16:52:56 GMT 2001 Thick cirrostratus overcast, wind=10 mph from the West, temp=42 F. COMMENT: Wed Oct 17 16:57:10 GMT 2001 Will wait for clouds to clear before starting obs. **PSPT PROBLEM**: Wed Oct 17 17:51:55 GMT 2001 Sparcstation was off, the power strip circuit breaker had been tripped. I reset it and brought everything up to the normal state. WEATHER COMMENT: Wed Oct 17 21:07:45 GMT 2001 Clouds are even thicker now, Spar still won't track yet. WEATHER COMMENT: Wed Oct 17 21:54:39 GMT 2001 No observing today due to clouds. Wed Oct 17 21:55:01 GMT 2001 MkIV