----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Oct 24 17:02:45 GMT 2001 Year: 01 Doy: 297 Observer: koon WEATHER COMMENT: Wed Oct 24 17:02:56 GMT 2001 Thin cirrostratus overcast, wind=5 mph from the East, temp=45 F. Wed Oct 24 17:11:50 GMT 2001 MKIV Start Patrol Wed Oct 24 17:11:42 GMT 2001 CHIP Start Patrol Wed Oct 24 17:11:43 GMT 2001 PICS Start Patrol Wed Oct 24 17:18:08 GMT 2001 MKIV End Patrol A NEW TAPE HAS BEEN PUT INTO KAIEE DLT DRIVE, Wed Oct 24 17:28:33 GMT 2001 Wed Oct 24 18:00:54 GMT 2001 CHIP LSD Wed Oct 24 18:01:37 GMT 2001 PICS Flat **PICS PROBLEM**: Wed Oct 24 17:51:58 GMT 2001 Moved Spar off sun while looking for cause of disk image vignetting. The Home switch LED for the PICS Objective wheel isn't on. I checked the wheel after removing the objective and the light isn't being vignetted at the objective wheel or the baffles I could see down the tube. We'll need to adjust the Home switch when we get the PICS monitor reconnected after we get the monitor adapter - which will probably arrive today or tomorrow. Wed Oct 24 18:03:13 GMT 2001 CHIP End LSD Wed Oct 24 18:03:25 GMT 2001 CHIP BiasLSD Wed Oct 24 18:04:23 GMT 2001 CHIP End BiasLSD Wed Oct 24 18:04:31 GMT 2001 CHIP Bias Wed Oct 24 18:04:51 GMT 2001 PICS End Flat Wed Oct 24 18:05:20 GMT 2001 CHIP End Bias Wed Oct 24 19:00:54 GMT 2001 CHIP LSD Wed Oct 24 19:03:11 GMT 2001 CHIP End LSD Wed Oct 24 19:03:19 GMT 2001 CHIP BiasLSD Wed Oct 24 19:04:07 GMT 2001 CHIP End BiasLSD Wed Oct 24 19:04:20 GMT 2001 CHIP Bias Wed Oct 24 19:05:08 GMT 2001 CHIP End Bias **PICS PROBLEM**: Wed Oct 24 19:07:07 GMT 2001 It appears that the filter wheel is slipping and not really turning, so it is always at the 656 nm position as noticed by David. I can see the Drive and Request module LEDs going on and off at the right time but the position and Home LEDs for the Filter Wheel aren't changing. So there is most likely a slipping shaft going to the Filter Wheel, this has happened before. I'll add that to the list of PICs things to work on when the monitor is reconnected tomorrow. PSPT COMMENT: Wed Oct 24 19:39:37 GMT 2001 Was observing, pausing now due to arrival of orographic clouds. WEATHER COMMENT: Wed Oct 24 19:41:33 GMT 2001 Small scattered orographic clouds are arriving. Wed Oct 24 20:01:03 GMT 2001 CHIP LSD Wed Oct 24 20:01:14 GMT 2001 MKIV Start Patrol MKIV COMMENT: Wed Oct 24 20:01:35 GMT 2001 Trying to get a scan and cal in a clear hole. Wed Oct 24 20:03:14 GMT 2001 CHIP End LSD Wed Oct 24 20:03:22 GMT 2001 CHIP BiasLSD Wed Oct 24 20:04:05 GMT 2001 CHIP End BiasLSD Wed Oct 24 20:04:18 GMT 2001 CHIP Bias Wed Oct 24 20:05:09 GMT 2001 CHIP End Bias Wed Oct 24 20:08:13 GMT 2001 MKIV Start Cal MKIV COMMENT: Wed Oct 24 20:18:28 GMT 2001 Clouds are ruining the cal. Wed Oct 24 20:26:55 GMT 2001 MKIV End Cal Wed Oct 24 21:01:21 GMT 2001 CHIP LSD Wed Oct 24 21:03:33 GMT 2001 CHIP End LSD Wed Oct 24 21:03:41 GMT 2001 CHIP BiasLSD Wed Oct 24 21:04:25 GMT 2001 CHIP End BiasLSD Wed Oct 24 21:04:36 GMT 2001 CHIP Bias Wed Oct 24 21:05:21 GMT 2001 CHIP End Bias Wed Oct 24 21:07:02 GMT 2001 PICS End Patrol WEATHER COMMENT: Wed Oct 24 21:07:00 GMT 2001 Very thick orographic clouds, pausing. Wed Oct 24 21:07:49 GMT 2001 CHIP End Patrol COMMENT: Wed Oct 24 21:07:21 GMT 2001 Just agve a tour to Dan Gablehouse and his wife. WEATHER COMMENT: Wed Oct 24 21:16:34 GMT 2001 Clouds are very dark, it may rain, closing down. Wed Oct 24 21:21:51 GMT 2001 MkIV 17_11.rawmk4 20_01.rawmk4 20_11.rawmk4 20_23.rawmk4 c20_14.rawmk4 17_14.rawmk4 20_04.rawmk4 20_17.rawmk4 c20_08.rawmk4 c20_20.rawmk4