----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Nov 27 17:32:09 GMT 2001 Year: 01 Doy: 331 Observer: yasukawa WEATHER COMMENT: Tue Nov 27 17:32:37 GMT 2001 Very nasty weather today. Totally socked in, downslope winds 30 mph, gusting to 45, driving rain. Observations very doubtful today. COMMENT: Tue Nov 27 17:33:54 GMT 2001 mopped up water on floor near threshold between new and old building. wet mopped control room while I was at it. Both domes are dry. Placed buckets under major ceiling leaks. GONG COMMENT: Tue Nov 27 17:35:29 GMT 2001 Performed GONG PM on the way up to MLSO. **GONG PROBLEM**: Tue Nov 27 17:47:03 GMT 2001 I will be resetting GONG data and instrument computers as requested on my way out of here. COMMENT: Tue Nov 27 18:33:44 GMT 2001 Stopping KCC to check out some cable documentation discrepancies for Ronbo. Tue Nov 27 18:34:41 GMT 2001 MkIV